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  • in reply to: Alana..2 year old female Terrier X..ref. 52 #123584

    An update on little Alana. First of all she is tiny and light as a feather. She is a real sweetheart and a ball of energy. She is learning commands quickly and is 95% house trained already. :!:

    Alana gets along great with our dog. They are especially enjoying playing tug of war and eviscerating the bed she came with. There is green poly stuffing everywhere.

    I’ve never seen a dog more focused on food. I believe she was found as a stray and that is the likely explanation. She eats like a dog twice her size but is just a skinny thing. I personally think it’s because her tail never stops wagging. That has to burn a lot of calories.

    in reply to: Macey…14mt old Sprollie *HOMED* #123431

    They look great together. Two beautiful dogs. Just delighted they are getting on so well and that Belle has settled in so quickly. It is so quiet her no that’s she’d gone to her forever home. :D

    in reply to: Macey…14mt old Sprollie *HOMED* #123327

    Macey/Masie is doing well. As you can see by the photo her hair is growing out and is wonderfully soft and shiny. She is fully house trained and very good about going into her bed at night. She loves her walks and has great recall. She is a very gentle girl, but still a pup so can be exuberant at times.

    I feel she would be an excellent addition to a young, active family. She would also be a great companion dog for a couple or single person who has some time to spend with her. She is affectionate and devoted and would be thrilled to warm your feet by the fire or even cuddle on the couch.

    She’s good with our dog, but more focused on people right now. I think she’d be great with a dog that’s roughly her size.

    I have not gotten a good photo of this yet, but she spends most of her time with a big, happy smile on her face.

    in reply to: Macey…14mt old Sprollie *HOMED* #123299

    I picked up Macey today and she is just gorgeous. Her photo does not do her justice at all. She is soft and sweet and a real love. Our own pup is not sure wether he wants her around, but we’ll need to give him time. He’s a bit of a brat these days.

    Macey, or Masie as we’re calling her, is smart, attentive and affectionate. We need to be careful she’s not running things soon. This afternoon she went into her bag of toys, found the packet of treats and dropped it at my feet with a big smile. Of course I had to open it. I’m such a sucker for a clever dog.

    Macey/Masie will be an excellent addition to any home.

    I’ll get some more photos up tomorrow.

    in reply to: Maddie..1 year old Spaniel X *HOMED* #122527

    Here are some photos of little Miss Maddie. She and our pup had a great time running around the frost covered grass this morning. She is just getting sweeter and sweeter.

    in reply to: Maddie..1 year old Spaniel X *HOMED* #122210

    Maddie is coming on in leaps and bounds. When she first came to us she was a shy, nervous pup. She is now an utter delight. She is so changed she even looks like a different dog – brighter, livelier. When she gets excited she wags her tail and her whole back end moves. Who knew dogs could twerk. :lol:

    She gets along well with other dogs, but would do well on her own too. She has the most beautiful coat – black and glossy. She doesn’t seem to shed except there were some fine, downy hairs on her blanket after she got neutered. I don’t know if she is a seasonal shedder, but nothing so far.

    Maddie loves to be cuddled and has such a sweet smile. I will post more photos soon.

    Maddie thrives when she feels safe and warm and showered with love! Well, who wouldn’t.

    in reply to: Maddie..1 year old Spaniel X *HOMED* #122209

    Little Maddie is in foster with us. She was so terribly frightened when she first came. She spent the first day pacing about the house and would not get near my husband. You can see by the photos below he has won her over.

    Maddie has a lovely coat and is a real sweetheart.

    A patient and kind owner would be rewarded with a loyal friend. She also vows to keep your yard free of rabbits.

    in reply to: Re: Louie….ref 320…5yr old Yorkie *HOMED* #121423

    Louie went to his forever home yesterday. He is going to be pampered and spoiled and will be a loving, loyal companion to his new family. But, sigh, I miss my little bean.

    in reply to: Re: Louie….ref 320…5yr old Yorkie *HOMED* #121301

    Just wanted to update that Louie is still looking for a forever home. I was away for a few days and he met me with lots of love and kisses.

    He is just a perfect little dog. He would fit into a family or as a companion for an older person. And he is a perennial puppy – a stocky, soft ball of fur.

    I can’t say enough good things about this little man. :!:

    I want to get a video up in the next few days as photos really don’t do his cuteness justice.

    in reply to: Re: Louie….ref 320…5yr old Yorkie *HOMED* #121081

    Little Louie is a bundle of love. He gets along great with my pup and dogs he meets on his walks. He is a happy, undemanding little boy. An all-around great dog.

    I’ll post more photos soon.

    in reply to: Re: Louie….ref 320…5yr old Yorkie *HOMED* #121023

    Tracy79 – He has not been around children. I know this about his personality: He is very gentle. He has no problem being picked up and petted and generally fussed over. He has no food aggression and takes treats very carefully and gently from our fingers. He has not snapped or in any way indicated he might do so. He is energetic, but will go off and take a little nap by himself if he feels the need. He is affectionate, but also independent.

    He is also largely house broken. When he first arrived he did some marking out of nervousness, but that has entirely stopped. Any mistakes he has made have been more our fault than his, and he as always done them on paper placed near the door.

    Louie is a sweet and easy dog and would love to be a treasured part of a family.

    in reply to: Re: Louie….ref 320…5yr old Yorkie *HOMED* #121001

    Little Louie got the snip this week. He is healing well and is managing with his collar as you can see by the photos. He is also in love with this fleece blanket and he’s claimed this as his bed.

    Louis is a tiny, gently sweet little man. He is very soft too. Everyone thinks he is a puppy and he does look young. He’s playful but is sensible, the best of puppy and the best of dog.

    Whomever adopts this adorable boy will be lucky indeed.

    in reply to: Re: Louie….ref 320…5yr old Yorkie *HOMED* #120968

    Mr. Louie had his hair done today by Melissa at Star Valley Grooming in Newbridge. He looks and smells divine. He is such a happy dog, always wagging his tail and happy to greet (wo)man or beast. He is already great friends with our dog.

    While he’s always up for a cuddle or belly rub, he’s also an independent fellow. Now that he is settled he has stopped marking he seems to be house trained.

    He are some photos of his cuteness.

    in reply to: Rudy.. Petit Bichon *HOMED* #86539

    Rudy, or as we’re calling him little Boo, is doing great. He was out of sorts yesterday but is much better today. He got a bath and is like a little lamb. It seems he already has a home lined up. He’s delighted about that, but says he hopes they have a lot of food for him. He jumps a few feet in the air when he gets his meals he gets so excited.

    in reply to: Rudy.. Petit Bichon *HOMED* #119755

    This little sweetie is settling in well. First of all he is tiny. The photos make him look bigger than he is. He is a devoted lap dog :D and can’t bear to see me sitting down without his warming presence.

    Most dogs love my husband Philip, but he is nervous of him. Perhaps a male didn’t treat him so well in the past. We’ll see how he warms up in the next few days. Philip is the one taking him on walks and giving him his food, so we’ll see if that helps.

    Rauri is excellent on the lead and is already learning to sit for his treats. He is an alert, intelligent pup. He is very clean in the house so far.

    This is a dog to fall in love with. I certainly am :!:

    More photos tomorrow.

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