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  • in reply to: Kingston – 9 week old collie x pup – HOMED #105508

    I actually sleep like this…

    in reply to: Lucky – 8mt old springer x setter -HOMED #105507

    New pics

    in reply to: Lucky – 8mt old springer x setter -HOMED #104631

    Jake (Lucky) is an absolute joy.
    We have some really good safe spots to let him off lead and as he is so good at recall he is allowed off the lead most of the time. I got a new head collar and that makes the initial part of the walk easy; It is not as stop-start as the harness. He loves the beach and chasing birds is his favourite thing. As Luca ( Kingston) was so much younger we found a special place to go where we could have a play with him while Jake just ran and ran in circles around us.
    The two dogs are a dream when meeting other dogs, very well socialised – thanks to all at DID. Luca just adores him but can’t keep up with him yet. Niamh, Sean, JenB – If you are ever out our way you are most welcome to call in to see him. Thanks again everyone.

    in reply to: Kingston – 9 week old collie x pup – HOMED #104777

    I’m getting big now (well bigger anyway).
    I go rock climbing and swimming with my big brother and cousins.
    Life is Sweet.

    in reply to: Eric – collie x springer spaniel *HOMED* #104405

    Delighted to hear the good news. We were due to go and see Eric but as we saw Lucky and Kingston and ended up taking them both home Eric was just a dog too far!

    in reply to: Lucky – 8mt old springer x setter -HOMED #104364

    More photos – still called the big fella!

    in reply to: Kingston – 9 week old collie x pup – HOMED #104363

    Will post all Luca (kingston) updates under Lucky from now on.

    in reply to: Kingston – 9 week old collie x pup – HOMED #82449

    The photos….

    in reply to: Lucky – 8mt old springer x setter -HOMED #82448

    The photos… at work and at rest and just looking handsome.

    in reply to: Kingston – 9 week old collie x pup – HOMED #82957

    Kingston (now Luca) is doing fantastic. Thanks to Sandra and family for great headstart on the training. He saw his first horse on Howth Head yesterday, didn’t even blink which was something considering the size difference. Both boys getting on great, they sleep soundly in the crate at night but during the day if Kingston gets there first he will spread himself out so Lucky then gets in small bed which is hilarious. Boy does he like that food, I have an old fashioned weighing scales and when I put anything in it the sound is like his food bowl and he is over like a shot. Will post photos soon.

    in reply to: Lucky – 8mt old springer x setter -HOMED #86918

    Well apart from the fact that I am up at this hour Life in Luckys house is fantastic. Lucky (possibly Bowe as in Tommy) and Kingston (Luca) are getting on brilliantly. I can’t believe how gently he plays with Luca after seeing his antics with Buddy who is about 30 times bigger. We were going to keep his name but as Kingston looked so like our last little man Mark wanted to name him Luca and the names are too alike so still looking for that perfect name otherwise he could permanently be called the big fella!. If he was a girl it would have to be Beauty as I don’t know how many times he has been called that already. We were briefly joined yesterday by Charlie ( a black scottie ) found zig zaging down the main road until his owner could collect him. The boys were not phased in the slightest despite the fact that Charlie tried to mark every square inch of the garden. We went up Howth Head yesterday and Luca had no problems keeping up, he would speed up if Lucky got to far ahead. They met their first horse – Luca did not blink and Lucky was mystified. He has the best temperament I’ve ever come across and is truely the most lovable dog apart from the fact I have aches and pains where I didn’t know I had places. The harness makes a huge difference as I briefly switched to the collar yesterday……Whoooosh, I won’t make that mistake again. Cannot wait till he is trainned well enough to let him loose in Deer Park as it is truly dog heaven. He saw a rabbit yesterday morning but had no interest – only interested in the birds. Will upload photos as soon as we stop swooning long enough to take some. Thanks again to all at DID.

    in reply to: Kingston – 9 week old collie x pup – HOMED #94231

    Well we got Kingston home this morning after picking up Lucky.
    Both boys are getting on great. A great big thank you to all the people who have looked after Kingston before he got to us especially Sandra and her family. I can see them both out the back garden now running around in circles having a great play, Kingston is well able to stick up for himself I think he will be the boss. Jack (11) said "they say money can’t buy you happiness but it can buy you a dog" – We feel like we won the Lotto. I can hear the parade on the TV in the background and it appears the theme is the black dog – how apt. THANK YOU ALL AT DID.

    in reply to: Lucky – 8mt old springer x setter -HOMED #94246

    Well we got Lucky home this morning via Kingston’s house.
    Both boys are getting on great. Just back from a hike with Lucky.
    He starts training next Tuesday – hopefully we can get walking on the lead sorted soon before I dislocate my shoulder!!
    A great big thank you to all the people who have looked after Lucky before he got to us especially Niamh and Sean. I can see them both out the back garden now running around in circles having a great play, Kingston is well able to stick up for himself I think he will be the boss. Jack (11) said "they say money can’t buy you happiness but it can buy you a dog" – We feel like we won the Lotto. I can hear the parade on the TV in the background and it appears the theme is the black dog – how apt. THANK YOU ALL AT DID.
    Niamh – Lucky just came in and got in the crate, I had not even introduced it to him yet.

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