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MemberI havent been able to post more photos of this lovely boy because I cant charge my battery. He still glistens in the sunshine and even looks handsome in the rain. The good news is that Bruce met a wonderful family who are eager to adopt him Bruce will have his own teenagers to play fetch with now. I am so happy for them all.
MemberNEWSFLASH – Today Bruce twice walked past the cat without a second glance – once in the kitchen and once out on the street. Ribery the cat arched his back and was acting like a drama queen but Bruce just ignored him. GO BRUCE – what a chap! I’d say he can join a family that has a cat/dog without any problems.
Bruce enjoys the parks but he LOVES the beach. He has been twice and just loves running in the shallow water and through the sand. He is such a fun loving dog.
MemberBruce went off the lead at St Annes Park today and had a great time. he loves running along but never gets too far ahead and always stays in some sort of contact. he does not run up to other dogs and is not aggressive at all. He doesnt know me that well yet but always comes back when he is called.
I have been working with him on living with a cat. He is really interested in the cat but I have to chaperone them. This morning the cat was sitting on the counter and he was on the floor and their noses touched and I was about to grab the camera but then the cat took a swipe and we were back to square one. Baby steps here but I think he is going to figure it out. Of course the cat is not blameless here either.
Bruce and Max are a perfect match. Bruce does tend to crowd my older dog Adam. Adam has his special place under the table and Bruce likes to get under there as well which annoys the heck out of Adam. I wonder if Bruce had his own table in his previous life…liv
MemberWhat a smile!
Is that a ball at my feet??
As you can see Bruce is a handsome fellow and he is very nice as well. We spent the day playing ball, taking a long walk, playing in the park and meeting some of the neighbors. Everyone loves Bruce’s eyes – they are a lovely color. He is friendly and boisterous but well behaved. He even drops the ball at your feet!
The jury is still out on the cat. He saw the cat and gave chase but I will see if I can get them together without the drama.liv
MemberBruce is coming to stay with us on Sunday! We are looking forward to some long rambles and to see if he passes the "cat test". More update and perhaps some photos on Sunday.
MemberOur little Gill is going to the UK tomorrow. I think she will be traveling over with Indianna and will live with a new foster family. I never thought such a lovely girl would not be homed here and we will miss her so much. Best of luck in your new life little one – maybe you will continue your interest in gardening!
MemberGill’s adventure yesterday was a drive back to Paul the vet to have her stitch removed. She was very good in the car and very good when she had her stitch taken out. Gill loves her kong wubba, a bit of digging, some shredding of old newspapers, some tug of war with an old blanket and just running up for pets and cuddles. I’ve discovered that black puppies (or is she just very very very dark brown??) are not easy to photograph but in person she is so cute. She has a bouncy run and as the grass in the park is quite long these days she really bobs up and down.
MemberGill is still with our family and today she went off the lead in St Annes park and was very good about coming back with called. Her recall is very good and she jumped in and out of the car with no hesitation. Gill continues to enjoy playing with her dog friends Max and Adam and can annoy Ribery the cat by chasing him sometimes but not to be mean. Gill has been with us for 4 weeks now and she is growing for sure. She is active and would love a family with children to play with. She jumps up a little so might suit a family with slightly older kids.
Gill helping to pot up some flowers. I found many of these scattered around the garden the next day!
Enjoying some sunshine (under the volcanic ash cloud)
Happy go lucky in the park
MemberHappy to report that Gill made a great recovery from the op and is good as new! And she is also microchipped and vaxed so I feel we might be saying good bye to her soon. My eyes are welling up thinking about it so I wont – I’ll make dinner instead.
MemberGill wants you all to know that she was spayed yesterday and came through fine. She was very woozy yesterday and that was a bit worrying but she was sensible and stayed in her bed. Today she is much improved and choosing to spend time in her bed. My battery charger is broken so I havent been able to use my camera this week – must fix that so that I can put up some new pics of the lovely girl.
MemberIm so happy to hear that this little guy is doing so well. He was just the sweetest dog. He likes the car??? WOW – he is really making progress with you. We are just so relieved that he is with his perfect family.
MemberGill continues to be a good girl. She did take a shoe and chewed it briefly but that is the only bit of naughty behaviour – in fact thats probably my fault. I should probably get her some more chew toys. She had a bit of a persistent cough for a few days but has been taking exputex and is much better now.
Gill doesnt really know what to make of cars. We took her up to Deerpark yesterday to walk in the woods on the lead and she had to be lifted into the car but she was pretty good about walking on the lead so she is improving.
Gill is pretty quiet too – there are some barky dogs in our neighborhood but she doesnt join in.liv
MemberI had this lovely girl out today. She is so sweet. We tried to jog around as much as possible because she does have a lot of energy- but very manageable. She is very friendly, and playful with all of the dogs we met and walked with. She had a great time trying to play with Gretta (not sure I got the name right but the lovely brindle colored girl). Gabriella is in really nice condition.
Memberi hate to make extra work for moderators but just had to say that I think Carl has one of the cutest faces I’ve come across. If he is as sweet as he looks he will be a wonderful pet.
Membera few more photos of the lovely Gill. She is not easy to photo as she either moves too close to the camera, is in motion, or the others crowd her out of the shot.
checking out a blade of grass
just being totally cute -