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  • in reply to: Taylor – 12wk Shih Tzu x *HOMED* #105197

    Taylor was adopted in Sept along with Sugradh/Charlie by my family in September and have settled in very well. And this post is written by one of their adopted mammies, Leona – the other being my mam, Pauline.

    Taylor is an absolute princess. She’s such a little thing with an abundance of personality. When she came first she wasn’t really nervous at all. Charlie was already in the back garden so once she saw him she started playing straight away. She adores Charlie. She’s such a little mammy to him. She would lick his face all day if she could I think! She follows him pretty much everywhere and copies him. When she’s sleeping she will cuddle up right next to him. If Charlie ever barks in his sleep she will stop whatever she’s doing and go check if he’s ok. It’s adorable!

    When we met her first she wouldn’t walk on concrete at all on her walks but since she likes to follow Charlie around she seems to have gotten past it. She doesn’t mind it at all now. She’s very easily distracted on her walks and will go into play mode rather than just walking but she’s getting better. She tends to walk right beside Charlie and sometimes will bite onto his lead so it looks like she’s the one walking him. She’s great off lead though. She will come when she’s called but will usually just stay next to Charlie. She won’t stray far from him. She a little nervous of other dogs on walks especially big ones – she tries to hide in the grass but once they pass her she will jump up and run to catch up with Charlie.

    Sometimes she listens to you but I think she prefers to dance to her own song at times. She will do commands once Charlie’s not around because she gets easily distracted. Once she sees him she wants to play! We brush her regularly although she seems to think the brush is a toy so she’ll try chew on it when I’m brushing her – Charlie also tries to get in on that act! She’s great with her bath and hair-dryer. There wasn’t a bother on her when we washed her. Charlie’s next so I’ll tell you how he is with his bath when we wash him :)

    The two of them get on like a house on fire! They love playing chasing around the garden. They’d do it all day if they could! It’s hilarious watching them play tug of war with each other. Taylor always wants to play with Charlie. He has the patience of a saint with her – he never gets cranky with her even when he’s falling asleep and she’s jumping on top of him.

    She’s usually good at night time though sometimes she’ll scratch at the door to get out when everyone’s asleep – Charlie does it too. I think they take turns :P But after you tell them to go to bed (never takes more than twice) they just go back to sleep.

    She absolutely loves visitors. Anyone we’ve had over she’s welcomed automatically. She just loves the attention she gets. She loves being picked up. She becomes so calm once you lift her up. It’s like a completely different dog. Just like Charlie, she loves giving kisses! As I said in Charlie’s (Sugradh) post I introduced the dogs to a Border Collie. Taylor fell in love with the Collie. She had so much fun playing chasing with her – Taylor was doing the things with the Collie that Charlie does with her. She wasn’t in the least bit frightened of the Collie even though Taylor is so teeny compare to her. She had a great day of fun and collapsed asleep with Charlie in their bed once the Collie was gone home.

    When I’ve more news and pictures I’ll update :)

    in reply to: Sugradh – 10mth Border Terrier *HOMED* #106617

    Hello, this is Leona here. My family and I adopted Sugradh in Sept along with Taylor so I thought it was time to update you all on how he’s getting along.

    We’ve renamed him Charlie and he seems to have taken to the name quite well. He’s such a wonderful dog, everyone at home adores him and its so hard not to! He’s such an affectionate little fella. If I leave the room for a few minutes and come back he acts like its been a whole week without me. He loves to kiss you and jump up near to you. He does the same with everyone in my family. He loves to sit right beside me on the couch and if my lap is free he’ll climb right onto me and fall asleep. I was so surprised when he did that the first day because I thought it would take him a while to settle in but he did it all by himself!

    He’s very alert. Every noise he hears he pops his head up. Whenever he heard a dog bark on TV he’d go right over to see where it was coming from. He barks a little – like when people knock at the door or if he sees a cat in the garden but he usually lets Taylor do the barking and then he goes to check it out!

    He’s fantastic on walks. He loves his lead and will sit and stay until I’m ready to put it on him. He’s still nervous of cars and especially buses. He’s fantastic with commands – though high five/paw is still a work in progress. He great with sit, up and down as well as recall.

    I’ve introduced him to a few of my friends already. At frist he was a little scared especially with the first friend that came over but now any time we welcome someone into the house he seems a lot more relaxed. I also tried introducing him to another dog. We did it on a walk so he wouldn’t feel threatened by a strange dog coming into his home. The dog was a very timid female Border Collie. She’s one of the most gentle dogs I’ve ever met despite her being bigger than both my dogs put together so I thought she would be perfect to introduced to Charlie and Taylor. The Collie was more afraid of the two of them at first but after a while they were all playing which was lovely to see.

    He’s settle very well into our home and adores his little sis, Taylor (I’ll update about her on her post). They love playing together and are pretty much inseparable now.

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