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  • in reply to: Leah…approx 1yr old Staffie…ref 293..HOMED #121018

    Leah is coming along in leaps and bounds :D She loves going out in the car, sometimes I have to coax her out when I get home, she just likes to rest in it. She has been great with my grandchildren who were over during the weekend. The strange thing is she ignores cats :o she is the opposite of Ruby, who always gives them a chase.

    in reply to: Leah…approx 1yr old Staffie…ref 293..HOMED #120904

    Leah is over her operation she had yesterday. She is enjoying the heat in the garden. My two grandchildren are here and all she wants is to be petted. They said that she would win the contest for the most wagging tail on a dog :D She always enjoys the company.

    in reply to: Leah…approx 1yr old Staffie…ref 293..HOMED #120804

    Leah is coming on in leaps and bounds. We all headed off to the Murragh in Wicklow town yesterday for a run on the beach. She has had plenty of comments about her wonderful coat and her greeting of everyone children included. Her tail never stops wagging :D Ruby likes her swim but as this was Leah’s first trip to the sea she was content just to run up and down in the shallow water area. We went on for coffee to Mount Usher Gardens and there she was getting plenty of attention from adults and children alike. She is fully house trained, sleeps all night in the kitchen with Ruby and enjoys her food. She is also taking correction very well. She is very playful and enjoys her rubs while watching TV :P

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #119185

    Mary any time you need her minded we are here for you. Do come up and as other foster dogs come back to see us it does not set them back. We are here over the weekend, so no worries. Irene

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #119359

    Mary, Luna looks really fabulous she certainly has filled out in her rib area. Great to see her mixing with her neighbours Rottie and Molly. I think there will be lots of fun days ahead with her palls :lol: She is really a great dog, true lady and eager to please. Thanks again for the updates. Irene

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #120160

    Mary it’s great to hear that Luna is settling in well and getting used to her new surroundings. I think the reason she is coming up the stairs is to be part of the pack :D While we had her in our home both Ruby and herself stayed in the kitchen at night. Now Ruby is on her own again she is back up sleeping on the landing just be be near us :lol:
    Dogs love fish and I found it was cheaper to buy some tins of mackerel and give it occasionally to their nuts rather than adding tin dog food. So fish and chicken were on their menu :) my son has told me Ruby is using the house as a race track since we went on holiday ;) she runs from the back door to the front and jumping the two steps between, like an agility run. She had stopped doing this while we were fostering, so she has not passed on this habit to Luna :| thanks again for the update. Irene

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #120097

    I feel so sorry for her without her mate Ruby :( God love her such a big change, but I know that she will enjoy her new situation with Mary and her family, once she has got used to it. She has such a soft little cry, but I am sure she was reassured once you both came home. I did find my slipper in her bed a couple of days ago, but not chewed, just for the scent! She will come out of her shell in a couple of days once she know the sounds and routine of the household. She does love her walks and once she is familiar with her new garden she won’t know herself, I think she is a country girl at heart. We all miss her here but I have to say Ruby is enjoying being top dog again :lol:

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #120040

    The weeks are flying by and so is this lady. She now weights 21kg. When she came to our home she was 15kg, so is coming near her correct weight. :D She is still great in the house and plays well in the garden with Ruby. Now that she is over her heat, we have her out walking regularly and she is learning fast. I heard her bark for the first time this week as as all I heard from her were little cries when is waiting to be let back in after doing her business in the garden. She was barking at me as she saw me from the garden with a towel over my wet hair. :oops: once she heard my voice her tail was wagging. She loves all the comings and goings of the house and enjoys being petted.
    She would be a loyal dog for any family and takes commands well.

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #119999

    The last phot with my grandson Ruby is on the floor at his feet

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #119998

    It’s hard to believe Blondie has been with us four weeks today. :D she is such a pet so biddable. My grandson was staying last week and all she want was to play and plenty of pets from him. She really enjoys the contact of the hand petting her and she goes into submissive mode by rolling over and showing us her belly. She is eating well and takes food well from the hand very gentle. She loves her walks and her plays with Ruby with the field or the garden. I have to say she has been one of our best ever foster dog, follows the routine of the family, sleeps all night with Ruby in the kitchen and is fully toilet trained. :D

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #119510

    Sky – Blondie is filling out well. She is down to two meals a day and she is not eating as quickly as when she arrived. We have her three weeks today and it has flown by. Grandchildren came over on Saturday and she was great with them. :lol:
    As she has been in heat since her arrival we have not been further than the field nearby and only when there are no other dogs around. So yesterday while everyone was watching the Parade we went to Sandymount beach south end of it where it is quiet and had the whole beach to ourselves. She loves running and chasing Ruby around. She was cautious of the water first but once her buddy was splashing around she started to play in it. They both slept all afternoon they had ran so much.
    She is nearing the end of her heat so there will be more exploring to do on our walks. In the photo it looks like her ribs are protruding on her side, but it her new folds of skin. :D Marie I will have to replace her beautiful Italian Collar you gave me for her, she is growing out of it ;)

    in reply to: Benson – 11wk Beagle *HOMED* #119843

    Audrey you have done a wonderful job with Benson and should feel proud that you have given the time, energy, and love for him to become who he is now. I am sure you will have regular contact with his new family which helps with the loss. I am sure empty space won’t be there for long :D

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #119739

    I am delighted to say that Sky (Blondie) is filling out fast. She really enjoys her food and you can see she is loosing her bony image. I am so lucky that Ruby is a good role model :o I just have to give Ruby a command and Sky follows through as well! She is a lot more relaxed and sleeps a lot, but then Ruby loves her sleep too :D
    She still does not know what a ball is for! Looks like nobody ever played with her. She loves her rubs on the couch in the evening and she is so gentle and affectionate. She also enjoys a shared apple with me every day. Ruby is not interested in apples :roll: She definitely suits a home where there is another dog as she loves the company. She has been out walking and enjoys being let off the lead to forage around like her mate. I had forgotten how nice it is to have a mature pup, no chewing of furniture and house trained, how good is that!

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #119622

    What a difference a weeks makes in the life of a dog! First of all we have not heard a cry from Sky (we call her Blondie) since she arrived here last Tuesday 25 February. Maybe it is three meals a day for the moment to build her up and also the extra care we are giving her but she is our best ever foster dog, saying that they were all brilliant. Sleeps all night, toilet trained, knows a good few commands and major thing – she likes her food! We have lots of callers to the house and she enjoys them all including my grandchildren. Today is the first time I left her for a long period in the kitchen with Ruby. My son checked in on them both, all well throughout the day. She follows Ruby everywhere so I think she would get on better in a household with another dog. She will not go for a walk without her buddy. Yesterday Ruby disappeared on her walk into a garden searching for a football and Sky dropped to the ground, she would not budge without her partner.
    I hope you can see she is filling out fast, her backbone is disappearing :D

    in reply to: Sky – 10mt old Staffie- ref 121 *HOMED* #119567

    What a difference a day makes in the life of a dog. Sky blossoming just like spring, she is now a lot more relaxed in the house, she is getting used to all the different sounds that appliances make and also our footsteps, doorbells a whole new world for her. We were at the vets in Dundrum with Alison today to give her a good check over. Se was so good not a word out of her while she was examined. She has the most beautiful face, all the staff and clients commented on her good looks :D she is settling in well and is learning from Ruby about chill out time, check the photos! My grandchildren came over yesterday and she was so pleasant with them, allowing them rub her and talk to her without any problems. We are enjoying the experience of having her and she is such a pleasant guest in our home. :)

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