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MemberWell we went on our walk,Heinz loved it ,she smelled every blade of grass ,she has no fear of traffic,she does pull on her lead so will need some training,then we decided to go for a spin in the car,she was delighted jumped in and watched everything going on.
I am sorry I do not have any photos but I will try and get some later today.This little girl in my opinion is perfect,except for pulling on her lead,she is a happy loving girl,and will make a perfect pet ,much prettier than her photo.
MemberThis little girl is so beautiful,great with other dogs,children,loves her dinner,toilet trained,sleeps all night,loves to chill on the sofa and watch tv.
Will need to have her hair brushed every day for 5 or 10mins,we will be going on a walk later,so I will update then, ps loves her hugs and kisses
MemberHow is max doing,we hope he is well and would like to wish him and his family the very best,you areall in our thoughts KYELBLUE,SINDY
MemberCongratulations Sonny now you have your forever home, you will get all the love and cuddles,you deserve,we are so happy for you . best wishes from your sis Sindy,ESMA X X
MemberHi just wanted to know how Sonny is doing.He is a beautiful lil heart melts each time i see him.I do hope he gets his forever home soon.Ihave his sister Sindy ,and believe me ,she is a lil sweetheart, best wishes Esma,Sindy
MemberSindy had her op yesterday,so i am dancing around her and boy she is she enjoing it .never thought i could love another dog as much as my last one but i was so wrong,Sindy means the world to me. yesterday when we colleced her from the vets she was not very happy,sore and tired , so i decided that was it ,out with the futon in the sittingroom.she was only delighted no stairs,i kissed,cuddled her ,and told her this is it the two of us together,i will always love n protect her,and she will have the best life i could give her,then i brought her in a drink of water ,she slept the night.this morning loads of hugs n kisses and she had her dinner, so this lil lady is doing great. My son said she is a bit of a drama queen,just like her owner,i was speechless
Hello to Audrey,Sarah,Mr Poopers
Memberhappy days delighted to hear lady bojangels,is going to her forever home,she is beautiful,best of luck and a very happy future Esma,Cindy
Memberdelighted to see sugradh is on his way to his forever home,his sister cindy is in her forever home with me and she is the most wonderful lil baby,you will truly have a treasure in sugradh ,best luck hope all goes well,Esma Cindy
MemberUp date on Sindy.she is doing great , as you will see from her photos.She is going in to the vet on wed to be spayed.A big hello to Audrey,Sarah,mr poopers
2011-09-09 18.32.42.jpg
2011-09-09 18.33.57.jpg
2011-09-09 19.36.40.jpg
MemberHi everyone,Sindy is doing wonderful,had her first shower in her forever home day b 4 yesterday,not very impressed with the shower,but what a blast when i started to dry her,she was delighted and turned herself inside out,going outside to go to the toilet 9 times out of 10,and as for the pampering she has now decided she needs to be carried to bed at night time.I love her so much,and i know she loves me.we are very happy.Big Hi to Audrey.Sarah,mr poopers xx
MemberIt just gets better and better, Sindy is doing great ,happy playful,and just loves to be pampered,and I just love to pamper her.
She loves going to bed at night but come time to get up, well what a laugh she just wants to stay in bed ,so I carry her down and straight out to the toilet. She is my precious little baby and she knows it,truly cannot believe I was so lucky to get her.
She still does not like the car,but we will get there.
A big hello to Audrey,Sarah,Mr Poopers ,xx Esma Cindykyelblue
Memberps Cindy got the all clear concerning her eye .happy days
MemberThis lil lady is doing great,she is just my lil bundle of love.Still a lil shy but coming on heaps and bounds.loves her walks,still not sure about getting in the car,so we go in the car just a little drive ,every day,and it is going very well.I am so lucky and so very happy,and so is Sindy.Hi to Sarah,poopers,Audrey xx
MemberMy lil sweetheart Cindy,i am so lucky to have her,what a darling.She just loves sharing her mums bed at night,more friends and family arrived today to say hello and she was thrilled being the centre of attention,everyone loved her,we all got loads of kisses.THIS evening we are going on a short drive as cindy needs to get used to the car, very happy puppy and very happy mum xxxx
MemberWe had a nice easy day,long walk,lunch,nap,then had good look around my new home ,had some friends over,well they all loved me,i am so cute,pretty,wow i loved everything they said about me .my mum said every word was true,and i am a very special lil girl,the best in the universe. Esma,Sindy x x ps thanks Audrey for the home made treats,i was delighted to see you last night xx