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  • in reply to: Raffi – 10mt old Terrier x Puppy -HOMED #108244

    Aww I love this fella. He looks like an ideal friend for my energetic Lenny . Supposed to have a foster doggie on the way so let’s see how willing he is to share and go from there. :D

    in reply to: Tilly – Chihuahua x Terrier #95145

    I have had this teeny tiny lady for just one day and night as her fosterer Verona had to head away and all I can say is that looking from the first posts that were put up this lady has really come on leaps and bounds and she has showed not one ounce of fear since arriving her yesterday. She was great in the car on our way home and just sat on the seat and fell asleep. When we got back she made herself right at home. She never even cowered when I went to pet her and she just followed me around and sat on my foot whenever I stopped to do something. When I took out the lead to bring to bring her for a walk she was so excited and started jumping around with excitement.
    Last night she just jumped up on my lap and fell asleep then went to her bed after a while and that was her for the night. She really is a little dote, no trouble at all. I did not hear a peep out of her all night, not even sure she got up. I went down this morning at 8am to let her out in case she needed the toilet. She got out of the bed, came over for a quick sleepy hello and then went back to bed as if to say, do you not know what time it is lol
    really hope she finds her forever home as she had loads of love to give.

    in reply to: Rua – Male Terrier x puppy #91620

    this little man just gets cuter by the day, he loves nothing better than cuddling up beside you on the couch, very affectionate pup. he is totally house trained and sits when you put his food down. he loves his food. he is great in the car. getting very attached to him already. whoever adopts this little man will be very lucky :)

    in reply to: Rua – Male Terrier x puppy #91338

    Rua is now is in foster with me as of yesterday, he is adorable and well behaved, not one accident so far, he went in the garden first thing this morning when let out. loves being around people and is great on the lead, very friendly towards other dogs when out walking this morning.
    he has loads of love to give a family and it would be great for him to find a forever home over Christmas.

    in reply to: Joey – Golden Lab x Puppy #90295

    had Joey out for a walk today and just wanted to take him home, he was a really sweet guy, loved his walks and his cuddles. really does not deserve to be in the pound. He is like a golden lab maybe crossed with a greyhound, not as bulky as a lab. Gorgeous guy that needs a loving forever home.

    in reply to: Lilly (scottie x) 8 wks old #86487

    yeah hard to know what they are mixed with, their mum was a dote, she went into labour a few hours after I got her into foster and had to be brought in for a c section at 3 in the morning, she could not give birth herself, vet described the pups as little busters lol
    we had the best fun with them, waiting for their eyes to open, watching their attempts at walking and running.
    so glad they are all in loving homes.
    here is a pic or 2, first one of Lilly one day old, then with her with mum and siblings

    in reply to: jasper/larry terrier homed #81386

    so happy this lil guy and his 2 sisters found happy homes, I had them for the first four weeks of their lives and they were little dotes! I have baby pics if new owners want them lol…

    in reply to: Rambo aka Homer – Roxy aka Maggie – HOMED #85542

    are these lil guys sorted with a foster home now?

    in reply to: Ted aka Gypsy – Terrier x *Reserved* #84580

    I am posting these pictures of Ted on Anna’s behalf, look how cute he is, that first picture of him really did not do him justice.

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