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  • in reply to: Lily – Yorkie – HOMED #93214

    Just wanted to give another quick update on Lily. I’d people over for dinner yesterday, 8 in total and it didn’t faze her in the slightest. She’s very friendly to everyone & seemed to love all the attention. She eats very well & loves her little treats. She is also- and this is a major plus- extremely quiet. I’ve only heard her bark once & it was when I was playing with her on the floor. She’s impossible not to love. Her eyesight isn’t great & I don’t think her hearing is the best either but she’s easy to look after, she either curls up asleep or trots around after you. I know the vet said she’s 10-12, but she really does act like a younger dog sometimes. She loves her little games where she gets you to chase her around the room.

    in reply to: Lily – Yorkie – HOMED #93074

    I collected Lily from Elaine’s yesterday. It took her a little while to settle in, but she ate her dinner & drank water. She acts like a much younger dog, she’s quite playful & she leaps off the couch. This morning she just followed me around everywhere & waited outside the bathroom door while I had my shower. Great to have her! :) I’ll update more when we’ve gotten to know each other better.

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