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MemberGreat news, Jazz has been booked and will be adopted by a fantastic couple in the UK, she will be heading to her new home in 2 weeks.
We’re delighted for her but also secretly gutted. We’ve become so fond of her and her little cute antics but she will have a fantastic life with her choc lab sister Lucy. There’ll be tears in our house when she heads off but hoping to hear updates ………
Kathy I robbed this from you, its so true.
I gave you my house when you were alone; when I walk through the door it now feels like home
Tail wagging and waiting our bond quickly grew; such unconditional love…who rescued who?kara
MemberJazz trying to win me over after she’s caught up on the bed….
MemberHi Audrey. Jazz still doing great. She’s fab with children and better every day with new people. She’ll approach people out walking and wag the tail. She wants to be friends with everyone and literaly smiles at people. She’ll make a great family pet. We’d have her in a heartbeat if we could. I’d love to see her being able to go mind kids in a family. She just loves the hustle and bustle of the kids and is always in the thick of the trouble with them. She’s as good as gold. Fingers crossed for her.
MemberJazz is a real gem. She is so eager to learn and please and loves loves loves her walks off the lead. She gallops around chasing birds, greeting other dogs and wagging the tail at other dog walkers sussing out if they have a treat or not, if they do they get the full on cute act. She’s really good at coming back when called. In the house she is wherever we are, walking around from room to room smiling up at me, no I’m not mad!! Jazz smiles.
Memberjazz just goes from strength to strength. We got some advice from Jetta Reis from to help Jazz with her bit of anxiety about new people coming into the house. In the past she barked fearfully whereas using Jetta’s tips today Jazz coped with someone coming in and was waging her tail in no time badgering them for treats.
typical Labrador. Her recall when out walking is excellent. She responds to a simple command and will stop whatever she’s doing and comes straight back. She’s relaxing and taking part in games of chasing with our own dog and is happy sniffing and chasing around. If she does get stressed she voluntarily comes back to me and looks for reassurance. She responds well to this and is easily distracted and redirected forgetting about what it was that worried her. She is just fantastic with our children, looking after them and following them around and also checking on them during the night. She is a truly great dog. I’m amazed daily by her resilience and trust and her ability to change her reactions and behaviours. She has grown and developed so much in such a short period and I really believe she’s far from finished……
MemberJazz is a week with us now and I have to say a different dog. She’s learning to trust people coming into the house. Barks a little but accepts them and is all wiggly bodied and waggy tail greeting them. She loves her walks and could actually do with some lead training as she lunges forward a lot but she’s learning and listens. She has lots of energy and needs to get rid of it. She’s developing into a really funny character, she’s a chancer and will rob food off the table if given the opportunity but if caught she looks very guilty and tries to make amends by looking very cute. She adores children and loves walking to school with us in the morning. She wants to say hello to all the children. Overall she’s still very much a pup and learning so fast. She loves people and likes to sleep on the landing outside our bedrooms and does her rounds of the rooms to check everyone before she settles and sleeps soundly all night.
MemberJazz arrived 4 days ago. Terrified and lost. She accepted me and became very attached very quickly. What I noticed most though was she was happy to meet my children. Greeting them immediately and is so patient and confident with them despite the noise and sudden moves they make. With adults its a different story though. She is cautious and frightened of anyone new coming to to the house and can go from sitting happily letting them pet her to barking at them. Though with a bit of patience and confidence she relaxes but it will be interesting to see how she greets the same people on their return in a few days. I’ve had her off the lead in a local dog park and she was very good on recall and the following day I let her off in a huge field close to us and she was fine. Not quite as responsive but still came back. She did run off to see some other dogs out walking but I was confident she was watching me. On the lead she is pretty good too. Pulls a little but responds to a gentle pull and "wait". It’s still very early days and she is so eager to learn and please. Has learnt to sit and get into bed on command. She is a FANTASTIC dog with the kids. Minds them and watches them. She’s needing a lot of reassurance and responding well to it.