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  • in reply to: Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED* #92307

    Ladies well done today in mini marathon, I dragged my sister n dave’s sis along n we were soaked through but then we got home n my four legged babies were all licks n cuddles n i realised they all aren’t so lucky! A girl said we did great work when she seen my tshirt, i felt i couldn’t take the credit as i’m a newbie but for all you hard workers behind the scenes we all know the value of what you are doin and I know my Mel and O-dog (as dave thinks its gas to call him) Odie are proof of that! Ps we found a diet that agrees with his ibs at last and we had a good result this am shall we say and we are happy campers, even if it was on my kitchen floor :o Roll on next year n get the child of prague out coz i aint bein that wet n cold and bleeding again! :lol:

    in reply to: Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED* #91632

    Well our Odie is coming on leaps and bounds! So well behaved, great recall, pity it doesn’t rub off on my mad Melody, she leads him astray at every opportunity! Apart from the fact that he could benefit from some lead training he really is the funniest,clumsy dog! He bounds at you but skids across the wooden floors and today he landed on his face! :lol: Shouldn’t laugh but if you seen him hes gas! Nearly rolled off the bed getting his belly rubbed but Mel’s an expert at that so caught him before he fell! Boxed me in the head to let him out to the loo this morning, it was a gentle paw Odie style but he hasn’t a clue how big he is, I should wear body armour! Whoever gets his gorgeous guy will be very lucky! And Mel will be very sad :cry:

    in reply to: Rehoming a gsd with very young children? #91559

    Hi if you are still looking for a gsd have a look at odie! hes a 20mth male due to be neutered this friday, came from a home with small children and an absolute pet! We have him in foster care at the moment, great with other dogs, excitable but reponds well to authority and treats! Good recall and if you have experience you will be well able for him! Hope you find the dog for you soon!

    in reply to: Importance of getting Pet Insurance #91847

    Hi everyone we got Melodys insurance with its less than a tenner a month with a discount of twenty and a further 15 euro for being chipped and online discount. Nearly 50 euro cheaper than alliance but there is a two week period between cover if you change over which my mam found out this weekend when poor sutton got an eye infection from melodys manhandling!

    in reply to: Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED* #97573

    Obviously you mean as runner up to my Melody! :lol: Really though such a lovely dog, had my hands full with the two of them out walking coz they are so in love he kept licking her and crossing leads, would be easier if they were indifferent to each other! Hes a stunner and so good humoured, and after the snip on Friday he will probably slow down a bit, will post up the conehead photos god help him!

    in reply to: Melody – White pup – HOMED #97106

    Ok promised photos but Dave is the computer whiz in this house so they are to follow! Melody (who we decided to keep with her own name as we thought she deserved not to be even more confused) had a great first night! Very excitable today, the nervousness of our lovely quiet pup has disappeared :lol: She had a good examination of the place n think it lived up to her high standards! She had half a pound of sausages last night for her tea as a settling in treat, we have never even seen Dave eat sausages so quickly haha! Shes just about to head for her second walk and we are going to try her with my mams greyhound collie x.
    Just wanted to say thanks to Gwen, Alan , Niamh and their lovely family including Rosie for making our dog the best we could have! Dogs in distress are an exceptional organisation!

    in reply to: Melody – White pup – HOMED #96977

    We are Melody’s new forever mammy and daddy and I am so excited about picking her up on Monday! Her first playdate is already arranged for Tuesday morning to meet her new extended family and we literally cannot wait! Our house is not the same without a dog, thanks everyone for the good wishes :D

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