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  • in reply to: Jingle – Setter x -HOMED #92391

    Do we know how he is wit male dogs?? Is he neutered? JO

    in reply to: cookie female boxer cross 8/10weeks old reserved #92387

    First day and look at the ‘Bling’ colar….haha. Glad to see im not only softie :D good luck wit cookie and look forward to updates!

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92262

    I gave Wiggles a lovely warm bath and as soon as i turned tap on he tried to jump in :o He loves his baths! After a lovely tea-tree treatment on his skin, he is curled up in my dressing gown wit my hot water bottle :? I know i spoiling him 8-) Look how exhausted he is?! He just makes me giggle so much.. when drying my hair he started eating the air blowing from it making his cheeks flap.. :lol: :lol:
    Today i came home from work to find out that he learned new tricks.. SIT & STAY/ FETCH and wait for it ‘INTO BED’!!!!! He got a gold star for bein top of the class :D
    Everyday i am so proud of him… so eager to please and so full of love. Waking him in the morning is a joy.. a big stretch and a bum wiggle wat else could i ask for!

    in reply to: Harley – Springer Spaniel x – HOMED…RIP #92247

    :( aww i hope he gets better soon. So glad he followin ya about when i seen him he didnt even wana have a walk in field! Thinking of him and how lucky he is to have you!!!! :D

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92015

    HaHa :lol: your right he his just so funny. I have so many pics of him its hard to choose the best ones.After play time he gets so tired he gets bags under his eyes its hilarious.For a lil fella he is a great watch dog, doesnt miss a trick. 8-) I will put more photos up later tonight and prob give him a nice bubble bath…He wants to look his best for his potential new family! ;)

    in reply to: Harley – Springer Spaniel x – HOMED…RIP #92215

    Hey just wondered how is harley? He was so sad when i saw him i keep thinking of him… :(

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92213

    Me and Wiggles just had a 15min play in garden and he is shattered..haha. He is tucked beside me wit a hotwater bottle over him cos the icy garden had his ickle toes chilly. I wish i had his life… He is so sweet and innocent to the world. Any family will be lucky to have him and the love he returns just for keepin him safe!

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92212

    Wiggles eating snow.

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92210

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92192

    Hi everyone.. My foster mom says ‘WIGGLES’ alot im not sure why but when i acknowledge her after she says it a few times.. it makes her so happy-she is easliy amused :? I am learning alot in last few days, never had much treats so i dont eat them straight away incase i dont get more but my foster family is spoilling me with them im running out of hiding spaces. I havent had any accidents since i learned my bathroom is outside! ;) And i sleep so much cos learning all the new smells and noises is exhausting! I get very sad when left in a room alone cos it reminds me off my past i think :x …but jojo does come back and i jump as high as i can to show her how relieved i feel! I reckon id be good at agility cos my long legs make me a good jumper and climber… i can get on any lap no matter wats in my way!I wish i had more dogs to play wit and some children cos i like the taste of their lil faces :P Anyway im off to snuggle my new girlfriend into jojo’s bed we like it there for some quiet time! :lol:

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92184

    This is how bored he is waiting on me ta figure out how to upload his pic.

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92186

    Wiggles wit his new ‘girlfriend’… takes her everywhere. Tucked her into my bed today… this is how i found them both! :lol:

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92147

    Wiggles is so 2 days he has mastered toilet training and sit. so proud! :D he just is like having a shadow and gets exhausted from watching the world all day. He would benefit from a house wit another dog maybe to show him the ropes in life.. He not sure how to be a puppy sometimes and hoards his treats in special hidding places. I found a dog bikkie under my cushion today! :o
    Photo to follow courtsey of Kathy!!!!!xxx

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92104

    Wiggles had a very quiet nite, except he is getting himself very upset with seperation anxiety. :cry: Met his first cat in the garden today, was not aggressive but chased him because he fancied a closer look :shock: He would love a home wit kids and/or other dogs to play wit and would sit and watch tv wit anyone who has a free lap! Photos to follow tomor i promise.. need to set it up properly santa brought new camera and not up to speed yet :oops: x

    in reply to: Wiggles – 5 mt old beagle x jrt #92091

    Wiggles is fast asleep beside me on couch…wriggles so much no photo does him justice so will update when he settles better!! Sweetest pup but doesnt wana miss a thing-nosey lil fella. :roll: Fell asleep standing up earlier watching us make dinner.Very upset when is left alone-so fingers crossed we get some sleep. This will improve when he gains confidence. ;)

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