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  • in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #98375

    Oh defo will have her there i love showing her off!! She is just so amazing that anyone who meets her falls in love with her. Cant wait for you all to see how much she has come along from the skinny nervous wreck in the pound. I wish every story ended like hers ;)
    See you in sept and annabelle will have plenty of sloppy kisses for everyone! :D

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #96419

    Well jojo picked me up from daycare and i was so tired i couldnt keep my eyes open on the way home… then she caught me off guard and ran me a bath while i snoozed and called me upstairs. Usually i try run but i was 2 tired and just went with it. So she scrubbed me ranting something about a pic for DID. Mam bought me new collar with a pretty disc with my name and some numbers. :?
    After we had fun drying she promised me a special bone (safe for us doggies)if i sit still for the pic.
    I hope everyone likes my snaps you should get smell-o-vision … i smell yummi. I love living with jojo and her mam and sis and hope all dogs get a forever home like me :D thanx DID.
    annabelle 086.JPG
    annabelle 088.JPG
    annabelle 098.JPG

    in reply to: Boomer – 2 year old Springer Spaniel #95908

    WOW :o I cant believe in such a short space of time how much he had turned around!! From the scared guy who was stuck to the corner of his kennel is ashton to that spritely boy with a glint in his eye is amazing work for all involved. Well done im sure he thanks you everyday!

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #95909

    Aw thanx everyone im so happy you aprove ;) She is just such an amazing girl i couldnt part with her. You know when your rushing home from work just to see her that its for life. :D Im gona bath her and have her sparkling before i put up the official ‘Family photo’.
    She is a real ambassador for a poundie success story!And we’re proud to say we are another of DID’s failed foster’rs! :lol:

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #94489

    Im so happy Annabelle is now officially ours. I cant wait to tell her :lol: :lol: except i think she secretly decided she was adopting us along time ago.
    I will have some ‘family pics’ posted asap. She really was the ultimate diamond in the rough… a true happy ending! :D

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #94577

    Well i hope to become a failed foster ;) There is no way i could let this girl go we are so in love and cant live our lives without her.
    It seemed to be faith when she came back to us. Cant wait to see it in Happy Endings when finally official and then me and belle will be another DID success story! :D

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #92080

    Hi Sineadhh, Annabelle here, thanx for the compliment its not often i get called a ‘lady’ but suppose i dont always act like one! :lol:
    But the staff at DTI have been helping me with my manners and i just love going there to see my pals and plus all the humans that i meet there love us dogs and give us loads of smiles and rubs.
    I wish every dog got to go to daycare like me! My new plan is to try stop sending my foster mom flying when i jump on her when she collects me. :?
    But im just so excited to tell her all about what me and my mates got up to, chasing, tug and loads of nice treats if im good!
    Ill have a special wet kiss for ya next time i see ya if ya dont mind how grubby i usually am..??!! :D

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #98270

    Annabelle has got us now all to herself as the foster pups have gone to uk rescue! She is happier being the only dog in house, even tho she is so social and luurrrvvvees other doggies she certainly doesnt like to share the humans in her life! :roll:
    She comes back from day care filthy and loves it…. there nothing nicer to Belle than rolling in mucky water with her mates in DTI :lol:
    So after the second hot bath in 24hrs last nite i wrapped her up in my dressing gown and there wasnt a peep out of her til 6am when my sister called her into her bed for a snuggle before alarm went off!!!
    She needs alot of physical and mental stimulation and without this consistantly she becomes anxious and stressed! She is great to walk and have tested her recall a few times but i will admit its not 100% as she is easily distracted! But we are constantly training her so she is improving everyday. Annabelle is a rebel teenager in her head so we have typical adolesant strops and so she needs clear rules and boundries. When life becomes unpredictable so does her ‘anxious behaviours’ being alone. But since i first laid eyes on a skinny scared shell of a dog in the pound she has progressed beyond my wildest dreams in 5months to a muscly, loving giant. I beam with pride showing off my belle even tho i usually end up a shade of red when she acts like a monkey jumping all over the place. :oops:
    Everyday a new side to her amazing personality makes me giggle and i look forward to her wiggly body galloping toward me for a kiss and hug! Annabelle is one in a million (thank god some would say) :lol:

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #86601

    Well annabelle has slotted back in and we have missed her! We have 3 whippets pups at the mo and she is so good with them. Except she has no idea how big she is and stands on them by accident :? She doesnt mind them climbing on her and following her but when they play she has to watched carefully as she leaps along and sends them flying. Luckily the whippets are fast and race off under the trees or hides where she cant fit (much to her anoyance) :lol:
    She is great on her walks and if she starts to pull just saying ‘gentle’ is enough to ease her. Today she was admired so many times on our walk on beach :roll: . She is great in the car and i take her everywhere… even just to the shops she happy to wait in the car! She has gotten so much bigger so il have to upload some new pics of the muscley baby as in her first pic she looks like skeletor! Her basic obedience is good but she needs constant reinforcement as she will test your patience from time to time like most dogs. I think she can happily live as the only dog in a house as long as she will get to meet plenty of dogs on her daily walks and not left alone much. We will be working on some self calming when she is alone with the amazing girls at DogTrainingIreland to improve her confidence alone! So watch this space for some pics and updates on the best dog i have ever laid eyes on.

    in reply to: Importance of getting Pet Insurance #98116

    Well done for high lighting this! I learned the hard way with my cat who lived til 19 :shock: and needed injections for bad asthma every month for 5yrs! It was costly and i didnt have insurance…. luckily i found a vet who looked after me with a big discount.
    It is vital to get insurance especially in these hard times cos you never know when ya need it ;) So glad Des is ok tho and hope he starting to enjoy daycare!

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #98057

    Exactly Shirley. She loves little ones and when she in day care the DTI girls always say she makes friends with the little ones first! :D We meet ya for a walk or come around for a play in garden. She will have the 3 pups to keep company until Tue then they off to UK. Im like a kid a christmas i so excited to get her later. :D

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #98039

    Well im taking Annabelle back into foster tonight, maybe this time round il become a failed foster 8-) Only time will tell. Im so excited to get my big baby back for some cuddles and she always makes me smile! Watch here for updates ;)


    Oh the poor cat :? Im sure the girls at DTI will have advice for ya. Im sure its Hailey being a typical youngster and that its fixable. ;)


    Well what can i say Hailey is a credit to Shirley and the family. There was not a bother on her yesterday at class in DTI. She was quite happy to play with all the bigger pups and not a bit fazed by all the hussle because it was a big busy class. 8-)
    Even when the big Akita (who likes to sit on every pup :lol: ) came over she just calmly sat down and let him have a good sniff and continued on her way!
    For such a small girl she had great sits and even came to say hi to me a few times down the back- she knew i was dying for a rub!
    Shirley the kids did a great job getting other pups to sit and mingling in the class. Cant wait to see Hailey and her new family over next few classes- even tho i think they should be in the advanced class ;)

    in reply to: hailey 7 weeks old springer x(hopes puppy)happy endings #97568

    Aw if hailey needs some puppies to play with Shirley just let me know. My 3 would love a new friend to join their gang. Ya welcome anytime. ;)

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