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  • in reply to: Re: Baxter – labrador x – HOMED #102938

    Awhh i’me so pleased to read Baxter has found his final forever home! The poor man has been from pillar to post during his short life eh. :(
    I met him at the DID day and he is stunning with a beautiful shiny coat.

    It sounds like you may end up like me tho, sharing the bed with a certain 4 legged hot water bottle :roll: If I had the choice again i’d have done it differently and you may feel differently 6mts down the road when your getting 4 legs in the back, and disapproving grunts when you try to recover the blankets after you roll over!! lol :lol:
    Regardless enjoy your new addition and I look forward to his updates!

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #102902

    Well everyone I have been meaning to pop back and drop an update. Photos will follow soon I promise, I will have an end of year collection to post up!
    Annabelle has come so far in the 6 months we have had her back. :mrgreen:
    During my dog training exams I used Miss Belle for the practical and when we got our results back from Fetac Uk we had proudly received 100% and I finished with a distinction in Training and Obedience.

    However Annabelle being Annabelle she still is a street angel house devil…lol ;) as most teenage doggie are.
    She likes to sneek up behind my sister and frighten her jumping out of no-where, to instigate a game of chase in the house/ She recently poked her head into the bathroom room and ran off with the towel much to my sisters dismay when she went to get out of shower… :lol:
    She is just hysterical… the neighbours adopted a(working) Collie :? and he likes to call in of his own accord to play with Annabelle. Except being a failed working Collie he still attempts to herd belle in the garden and she does’nt know what to do!?!! So she usually offers him a toy for tug.. or just does ‘Zoomies’ to annoy poor Bobby…lol!

    We still have plenty of behaviours we need to work on but we adore her so much and will always do right by her. She has never destroyed or soiled the house since being back and is so gentle with young kids we’ve discovered. Except teenagers are her biggest worry in life and the groups of them on these dark nights can spark a ‘spooky’ moment or two.
    She keeps us all fit as needs at least 2.5-3.5 hrs exercise a day so we split it between us all and spread it through the day. On days we are limited Annabelle attends daycare and she adores it and the fab staff who care for her.
    Anyway I hope everyone is as lucky as we are with our Rescued Madame :lol: and I promise to have an array of pics before the year ends.
    Take care every one from me and annabelle! :D

    in reply to: DOGS IN DISTRESS FUN DAY 2010 #100964

    Im sure alot of the dogs who will attend are of unsocialised backgrounds etc :(
    But if you know your dog well enough and know when they want to get away from the dogs/people/noise/situation etc then its good to bring them i think.
    I took annabelle to the dogsaid show last week and it was the first time she had experienced that set up. She was very nervous and tail tucked for first 5 mins, i stood out of the way at back and kept feeding her treats( high value ones) and anyone who approached i just asked to give her a bit of space and as most were doggie people they understood. After a few brief meetings with doggies and people she relaxed and had fun.. but if after a while if she was not adapting i was ready to leave and not force her… however by end of day we were sat by the ring watching the competions beside the very noisey kid who kept sqeekin a dog toy in her face :x and havin a ball.
    So i think it can be great for some dogs but for others it could be 2 much so bring crates, fav toys, amazing treats or what ever they find comfort in and let them take it at their own pace even if it means your at the side lines all day…

    in reply to: Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED* #100822

    Well just a quick update on my beautiful Annabelle. She has settled in great with us… she goes to daycare a couple times a week and just loves the play, staff and doggies in DTI. It has really helped with her confidence and training. :D
    We still have our fantastic mischievious moments such as the coincidence when the floors have been just mopped and Annabelle runs in black paws and face from digging in the garden and skids like Bambi on ice towards my mam and plants her paws on her for a kiss with a big smile as if to say ‘look what i did outside’… needless to say my poor mam is less than impressed but cant help but giggle as Annabelle sits, tilts her head and lets out a big sighhh of satifaction! :lol:
    She has moved herself into my old double bedroom and sleeps there at night despite having a very fancy big bed in sitting room AND an equally comfy bed in kitchen. :? She trots off to bed and waits until you turn the light off and close the door for her…. but sometimes by 6am she bangs to say ‘let me out’, when ya open the door she darts into my mam or sisters bed into their warm spot and cuddles up for last hr before alarm goes off. :roll:
    Her training is coming along nicely and we have sits, downs, paw, stay, take it, leave it, touch, into bed and my favorite iv thought her KISS on command 8-)
    Anyway i will update with pics after the DID day on Sunday, we look forward to meeting you and your furbabies there.

    in reply to: DOGS IN DISTRESS FUN DAY 2010 #100821

    Hey Guys, Just wondered what do doggies need to be there to be entered into the competitions?! Annabelle asked me to enter her in female rescue dog… :lol:;)

    We were at the dogs aid day yesterday and she had a ball, so lets hope the weather holds off for sun!

    in reply to: Albert – Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppy *HOMED* #100748

    Aw wat a sad state he was in! Thank you for helping him. His first pic is shocking. Look forward to the updates. :D

    in reply to: Advice Please! #100453

    Hi, can i suggest you look at this link and download the FREE pdf book by Ian Dunbar- After you get your puppy!
    There is a section on mouthing and taking treats appropriately. Every puppy owner should have this bible.

    Those needle sharp teeth can really hurt and the poor puppy is also teething. On the fosters we had from DID i used teething gel and a chew ring. It helps sooth their gums and they loved it. (its about 6euro from pet stores)

    Also ask the kids to let a big YELP! and remove their hands from near puppy mouth. Even if the pup being gentle still yelp. You want to each the pup that us humans are wimps and as soon as their mouths touch us it hurts. If the pup continues to come back mouthing then everyone up and leave the room or remove the pup to another room alone, with no toys etc. This might take numerous times, but if your consistant the pup will learn as soon as i mouth play stops and thats not fun. When pup is playing with no mouthing make sure there is lots of praise ‘good puppy’ etc etc so the association of good things happen when no mouthing. Start this inside if outside you say the pup gets over excited he/she may not be able to stop itself from mouthing thro excitment.
    Ideally puppy socialisation classes with trainers who use positive reinforcement will help you and bring the kids along.
    Good Luck

    in reply to: Albert – Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppy *HOMED* #99976

    did this guy get sorted? :(

    in reply to: Prescription Foods #99932

    I also feeling your pain. Annabelle was on messy cheap Aldi wet tinned food with nuts previously and since being weened off it has developed that most awful upset tummies.
    We are also on ID which was 72 euro for 12kg bag and since she a big dog it dont go far believe me. My poor pockets are a upset as her her bum :oops:
    Iv has Luaths or Robbies also suggested to me however I dont like thoughts of Robbies as it wet and cant be good for her pearly whites. And am too scared to try Luaths as her poor tummy has had enough.
    Chicken and rice boiled is great but not ideal for nutrients.

    If you get any advice from an Holistic vet please do post up. Some vets just ID as an easy option i think. As annabelle gets skin irritations also they suggested ZD which is even more expensive!

    Vicious cycle eh! :roll:

    in reply to: Dog Training Classes #99217

    There are so many bad classes out there and people throwing advice about willy-nilly!!! :evil: …. So when choosing look for any class that only promotes POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT! Any class that uses positive punishment steer clear from and dont be fooled by the term positive in this case as it more then likely involve nasty equipment!
    My Annabelle(DID Rescue) goes to daycare and classes in DogTrainingIreland. She loves it there and is happy and so am I! ;)

    in reply to: hailey 7 weeks old springer x(hopes puppy)happy endings #99112

    Shirley she looks fab in your pics and yeah she has taken a right stretch since i seen her. :shock: Cant wait til she starts daycare! She will have a ball, and fingers crossed that with help her resource guarding will settle down. ;)

    in reply to: Shauna – Staffie x Terrier *HOMED* #94238

    Oh please hang in there lil girl! You are so stunning and there is a special person waiting to love you unconditionally forever im sure of it! Loads of love and prayers for you little doll! ;)

    in reply to: BRIAN – Spaniel x collie, rescued January 2010 #98474

    Aw doesnt Brian just get younger and younger looking!! :D
    He smiles with his eyes. So great to see his updates everyone who met him was touched by him. Live long and happy Brian! ;)

    in reply to: Parker – Jack Russell Terrier x Puppy *HOMED* #98438

    Love the pic of puppy belly…. i can imaginf how soft and squiggy it is. Its almost impossible not to wana blow rasberry kisses on it… :lol: :oops:
    Im sure there is a paper mountain of application for the tiny twosome!

    in reply to: Fairy – Chihuahua #98425

    :( Im so sorry to hear about this tiny lady. Im sure in the few months you had her it was the happiest of her life. Run free little one!

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