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  • in reply to: Ellie – 4mt old jrt x puppy #96685

    Been meaning to mention that I got a text message from Ellie’s new family, and particularly her new "mum" 11-year-old Roisin. They say Ellie is a lovely friendly dog and has settled in very well.
    Jennie. X


    Last night Coco had what is probably her first ever bath. She was a bit smelly but given her nervousness we left her to settle in before taking the, er, plunge…
    Anyway, first we bathed Sasha while Coco watched, then it was Coco’s turn: in she was lifted and out she tried to get, but as soon as we started running the warm water over her she sat down in it, then lay down, then seemed to really relish the whole sudsy experience, right up to the rub-down with a big towel. Now she’s sweet-smelling and as pretty as can be, especially as she’s picking up a bit of weight and is looking more sleek than emaciated.
    She’s had a couple of walks now but is definitely not comfortable to be outdoors, jumping at every bang, beep or noise. Sadly, the poor little darling tries to hide in the bushes at every turn, probably because that’s where she lived when she was a stray. She’s interested in other dogs though, which is a start.
    However, at home she’s happy and loving, adoring a pat and a chat, but not sure what to make of a ball or a toy. She has pinched a few of Sasha’s toys and put them in her own basket though.
    She loves being around us and follows me about like a little shadow, sitting under my desk as I work and putting her silky, sad head on my lap. Those long smooth ears are irresistible to stroke!
    As for strangers, she’s really not so sure, running to hide when someone new comes into the house. However, if they sit calmly on the couch she does eventually make friends with them. Her confidence has definitely improved a bit since we got her, but it’s all baby steps for this beautiful, gentle, adoring, adorable girl.
    XX Jennie.


    Important things Coco did today:
    1) Went upstairs, all the way to the top of the house all by herself, a breakthrough because she’d confined herself to the basement.
    2) Went for a short walk with John and Sasha. She wasn’t nervous either, but shy and curious, sniffing at everything.
    3) Ate dog nuts. Until now she’s been on the prescription tinned stuff. Today we introduced a bit of Hills and she wolfed it down with glee.
    4) Wagged her tail absolutely loads. Hurrah!
    Been taking photos but she’s not sure of the camera. Watch this space. And big thanks to all those who’ve shown interest in her progress.
    Jennie X

    in reply to: Reserved -Sasha – English Pointer #96159

    Thought I’d better finish this topic off because I never mentioned that we loved Sasha so much that we kept her! We’ve had her since June 2009 and can’t imagine a time before her. She’s been an absolute treasure and we all adore her. As I type she’s curled up by my heater — like me, she hates being cold, although she does go into the river and haul rocks (small boulders!) out until she’s shivering and blue. Silly, splendid, sweetest woofie of them all!


    Well, we’ve called her Coco cos she’s Coco Chanel black-and-white elegant, and she’s settling in quite well so far.
    Obviously she’s somewhat traumatised, and she’s really nervous of our boisterous, bolshy Sasha, but Coco’s a loving, cosy, huggy, affectionate dog, who’ll just about sit on our laps and loves company.
    We took her to the vet and she’s got a clean bill of health, apart from the obvious malnourishment: she weighed in at 14,5kg.
    He said she was lovely though, and that her teeth would be all better once cleaned. We have her on a special Hills tinned food diet for a few days just while her stomach gets used to eating, but at first she wasn’t interested in food. Now she’s got the hang of it (I think it was the lunchtime tuna sandwich smells that got her juices going) and she wolfs the small amounts of food we give her.
    She hasn’t been neutered yet, and the vet reckons she’s coming into heat, so we’ll have to sort that our pretty quickly. For now though, we’re keeping her in with us, where it’s warm and safe, and where she can hide under the table if she feels shy. No walkies until she gets her courage up.
    Oh, and she was very interested in all the other dogs at the vet, as well as sniffing at Sasha when she thinks it’s safe. Hey, we’ve even had a few tail wags… Watch this space!

    in reply to: Ellie – 4mt old jrt x puppy #96113

    Today both Ellie and her sister Erin went to their new homes. Both are with energetic, youthful families, each with three delighted children, so hopefully they’ll be as spoilt and adored as they were in our home… oh, apart from the chewing of the cellphone, shredding of the newspaper, eating of the rosebush, death of the daffodils… ha-ha.
    Seriously, they were such a pleasure. Ellie was a real homebody, latching on to us as her family very quickly and making herself comfortable lying on her back with her feet in the air on the couch every evening. She’s a little shyer than her sister, but brave and feisty as anything. She loves running with the big dogs but always runs back to us to make sure we’re still there. We will miss her, but are very happy for her, and her new folks.

    in reply to: Erin – 4mt old jrt x puppy #96112

    Today both Erin and her sister Ellie went to their new homes. Both are with energetic, youthful families, each with three delighted children, so hopefully they’ll be as spoilt and adored as they were in our home… oh, apart from the chewing of the cellphone, shredding of the newspaper, eating of the rosebush, death of the daffodils… ha-ha.
    Seriously, they were such a pleasure. Erin was really cuddly and gentle, and was happy to be petted and picked up by everyone, a real snuggle-bunny. She loved having a rollabout with her sister, so it’s good that she has a young family to play with. We will miss her, but are very happy for her, and her new folks.

    in reply to: Erin – 4mt old jrt x puppy #94900

    Oh, these two are the sweetest, most entertaining little girls. They look very alike, but we’re learning that Erin is the laidback lovey lapdog while Ellie is the bouncy, playful ball of fun. They race around our very small garden as if it were a track, and are awestruck by the neighbour’s cat on the wall. They are great little watchdogs, barking at disturbances, but settling again happily.
    Equally, they’re happy to just hang about indoors, interested in what’s happening but well behaved and mannerly, coming when called, but staying in the kitchen with sad faces but without complaint when we go out.
    Neither are any trouble at all so far. Their housetraining is going pretty well, and they’re very good at going to bed at night, quickly settling down and sleeping through with no disturbance. They love mealtimes, playtimes, sleeptimes, walktimes, anytimes, and are delighted to meet everyone, befriending human and animal very quickly.
    Today we took them to Phoenix Park and they were delighted by the fields and fresh air, racing along with their trademark energy and enthusiasm.
    They have the feistiness of Jack Russells, but are very gentle, sweet and loving too, liking nothing more than claiming a cosy place on the couch during TV time, or jumping onto the lap of anyone who might need some Erin-and-Ellie love.
    They’re healthy and happy, perfect for a family, a singleton, a small garden, a farm… I’ll be very sad to say goodbye, but delighted for the family/ies lucky enough to get these biscuit-coloured twins.
    And they’re a great pair. As a man in Phoenix Park declared enthusiastically: "What beautiful dogs!"


    I’m just wondering if there have been any updates on little Pepper, or any news?
    I hope she’s settling in and happy in her new home.


    Oh that’s wonderful news! Good luck to Sharon, Ken and family… Hope she settles in and enriches your family. She’s a wonderful, smart, quirky little doggy. Give her hugs from all of us.

    in reply to: Reserved -Sasha – English Pointer #85146

    Well, we’ve got Sasha now, and she’s a real little honey. She’s sleek and trim and filled with energy, and is always delighted to see anybody and everybody. She’s a great dancer, able to balance on her back legs for ages without leaning on anything or anyone: it’s amazing to watch. She loves playing with her toys, leaping to almost face height to grab them.
    Oh, and we’ve had her nearly 36 hours and she still hasn’t barked — not even a small yip or yelp, so she’d be perfect for someone who worries about the neighbours.
    Sasha is very hungry and lives from meal to meal (or stealing muffins off the table as the case may be!). She even ate leftover lettuce.
    As for her "hugging" of people and her jumping up at people, we’ve been very strict about it and already she’s learning brilliantly. She’s incredibly fast on the uptake, and her love of food should make her a cinch to train thoroughly.
    I’ll get new photos up soon…


    Oh, we are missing Pepper here. Those big blue eyes and the way she puts her head on your lap is just precious. So glad she’s learning about other dogs and doggy behaviour though, and delighted her operation went well. Please give her hugs from her foster family.


    Actually she’s under puppies now, as Pepper. It’s all getting very confusing…
    No new photos because she doesn’t like the camera. She hides like I’m the paparazzi!


    Pepper still needs a home.
    Nearly three weeks have flown by and Pepper is chewing on a bone on her bed in the kitchen as if she were queen of the place. My 11-year-old son is lying with her as I write, dressing her in tea towels.
    She’s been to the vet and been declared beautiful, of excellent weight, with a nice healthy coat.
    She’s still rather nervous of men — not helped by a house full of burly builders clattering scaffolding about — but she’s definitely improving.
    She loves her walks and is finally brave enough to actually wee in the bushes, which made us all cheer which no doubt surprised other walkers. She has a harness for her walks now which is great because her Houdini skills were impressive, and improving. Pepper’s no dumb doggie!
    I’d love her to find a forever home though… One with children and other dogs maybe, because she really adores children and dogs to play with, and one with treats and love and patience (and maybe someone who wants to take her to dog training: she’s so smart, but so determined to do walks her way).


    Oh, I am so glad. She really needs a warm and loving home. On Saturday we gave her a bone. She wasn’t sure what to do with it — eat it? No way! — but has subsequently buried.
    Yesterday in the park her excitement at seeing all the other dogs was so great that she escaped from her lead twice. She did come back of her own accord though.

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