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MemberRIP Copper. Poor guy
MemberAnother great day with this fella. He’s sleeping as I write
He’s got a little bit of a cough at the moment so he’s avoided his little op for another week
He’s doing really well and has settled in really nicely. He’s starting to enjoy being rubbed and petted and comes when he’s called although I haven’t dared let him off his lead just yet!!jennie78
Memberhi there, just wondering how brooklyn is doing today
MemberCan’t praise this guy enough
He’s doing really well on the lead and he’s playing nicely with our two dogs. He’s sitting for his meals and drinks and has really chilled out. He’s a real gent. He’s wandering around the kitchen now as I write. The indoor cocking of the leg seems to have stopped too
I do think this guy would make a fab pet. Really do. He’s great with other dogs and really good with our kids.
It would be great for this guy to find his forever family soon so he can settle right in and relax completelyjennie78
Breakfast time at our mad house!!
Subtle hint that it’s walk time!
Are ya comin or what?? lol
Gorgeous eyesJust some new snaps of our little guy
He’s still doing really well. Still cocking the leg sometimes indoors but he’s not doing it as much now. He’s getting on well with our dogs but he’s still got ideas above his station with our collie
He has her panic stricken. Roll on his visit to the vet
He’s funny at walk time cos he goes straight over to the kitchen door and stares at me until I come over to bring him out.jennie78
MemberThis guy is a dream dog. Seriously. He is so good
He’s still pulling a little on the lead at the start of his walks but it doesn’t take very long at all to calm down and relax and then he really enjoys his walks.
He’s very friendly and doesn’t seem to have a bad bone in his body. He just wants to be fed & watered and cuddled.
He’s adorable.jennie78
Memberbrilliant photo of all the dogs on the couch
MemberDying to hear how this guy is getting on in his foster home. We love Beagles and have one ourselves.
MemberAnother great night for this guy. He even went out for a play on the deck this morning which he was a bit wary about last night.
I dunno what kinda vibes our poor collie is giving off but he seems to think she’s fair game and it’s driving her mental. She’s more timid than our other female who has already given Bryce (Zac) his warning not to try any funny business on her!!
He’s eating and drinking great and is starting to learn basic commands like "sit" which he had no clue about when he arrived.jennie78
MemberJust back from a lovely long walk with this guy. He’s so good
He starts off quite strong on the lead and pulling a bit but once he gets his bearings he pulls back and is very very well behaved. He loved being out with the kids
When he realised we were nearly home his tail started wagging like mad which was so nice to see since he’s only here since yesterday. He’s a total pleasure to be around and has started nuzzling in to my legs and when I’m sitting down he’ll put his two front paws on my knees
It’s really sweet. He came straight into the kitchen and had a drink of water and is now fast asleep in his crate
I can already tell he’s gonna be a lovely companion for the right person.
Sniffin out the accommodation!
Such a prettty face
On a walk this morning
MemberBryce, aka Zac, slept all night. He got up this morning and had some breakfast and his tail never stopped wagging the whole time he was eating. He must have thought we were very cruel here yesterday not feeding him after he was so sick
But he’s grand this morning thank god.
He’s had a little walk and has been a real lad dog and laying his scent everywhere. It’s taking ages just to get around the estate
He follows his nose everywhere too (our Beagle does it and we call it the Scooby Trail).
He’s off to the vet in the morning for his "boy op" so fingers crossed that all goes well.
I’ve only managed to get a couple of photos of him so far cos he’s just too quick for mebut i’ll post them up now.
MemberBryce, aka Zac, has been good as gold all night. I’ve been out but mu hubby said there wasn’t a peep outta him. He hasn’t been sick again (from either end! lol) and he’s just gone out for his last little walk before bed time
I’m dying to get to know this fella a bit better tomorrow as I think he’s gonna turn out to be a fab dogjennie78
MemberI saw this little girl this morning when I went in to pick up Bryce .. she looks adorable ..
MemberThis little guy has been renamed Zac by our daughter
He hasn’t been feeling too well since we got home and he’s been sick and had a bit of a runny bumbut he’s resting now. He’s not asleep but he looks nice and comfy and chilled out in the crate
I’m gonna bring him for a short walk in a while. Don’t wanna overdo it incase he’s still not feeling great.
He’s been impossible to get a decent photo of yet but will do my best tomorrow as I’m hopeful it’s just a case of travel sickness as opposed to anything else ..
He’s quite happy to be rubbed and petted and seems like a friendly chap. -