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MemberHi, I’m one of Phil’s daughters and having Twig and Bailey has done wonders for my mum. She truly loves them and they are spoiled rotten I must say. She dotes on them. She was telling me just yesterday on how well the two of them are getting on. They get up to all kinds of mischief together but Twiggy has definately asserted himself as the Alpha male in the house and Bailey is quite content with that arrangement it seems.
Apparently Bailey likes to bring presents to Twiggy. Just the other day Bailey decided to steal a Christmas stocking (about three times the length of himself I might add) from the fireplace and give it to Twiggy in his bed. Then he jumps up and off with it and dashes around the coffee table with it with Twiggy in hot pursuit. Then with a quick turnaround Twiggy makes a grab for it and now its Baileys turn to do the chasing. Twig usually starts the mischief.
Bailey copies everything Twig does. Twig jumps up by the window and barks at the children going home from school and Bailey runs over and jumps up next to him on the ledge, has a look and then gives a feeble woof like ‘is this what I’m meant to do?’ Poor mite. He has a big brother to look out for him know. They get on like a house on fire those two.
I will make sure to get some pics of the troublesome twosome over Christmas to post up.