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  • in reply to: Nala – 5mt Lab x *HOMED* #105545

    Just wanted to say thanks to you both for taking the wonderful Nala into your home and for keeping us updated. She looks like she is having a ball and will have many wonderful adventures with you both. 8-)

    in reply to: Nala – 5mt Lab x *HOMED* #104606

    Quick update and a few photos, Nala is getting on great, she was a bit nervous at first, she had a bit of a panic when she first met Casey and Taylor and was a bit standoffish for the first few hours but by the next morning they were as thick as thieves. Herself and Taylor are almost inseparable at this stage, which makes sense to us, Nala is almost identical to taylor when she was 5 months old, in both appearance and temperament, it’s almost freaky! We came so close to giving her a forever home ourselves and while we have made the decision not to, it’s a decision we both have day to day doubts about. This girl is amazing, such a little pet, she’s a bit underweight but has a good appetite so I don’t think that will be a problem much longer. She just wants to play, cuddle and curl up for a snooze. Get your forms in folks, this is a one in a million puppy……

    in reply to: Maise – 5mt old collie pup *HOMED* #104352

    Sorry for the delay in updating everyone, I’m useless for posting, sorry. Maise is getting on well, some where along the way she picked up a dose of kennel cough, the poor mite, she’s getting better though :D It made no difference to her BUBBLY personality, she bounces about the place as happy as can be and then wants a cuddle/belly rub and makes sure you’re aware of her wishes in the cutest way she can muster at the time, she is such a pet and yes as mentioned before "sooo soft", you find yourself rubbing her without realizing you’re doing it, I’m convinced she’s aware and takes full advantage. She is getting on well with Casey and Taylor, the two girls are fantastic at showing visitors the routine and helping to welcome and settle them in, Casey is the wise old owl complaining when she’s acting to much the puppy and Taylor is the Fun, making sure she remembers to play and be a puppy(as the pictures of Maise and Taylor playing with what remains of Taylor’s favorite sock), they’re a fantastic little pack to watch. Maise is a little stunner and so much fun, she plays and plays and plays and collapses on the floor for a couple of hours, it’ll be a lucky family that has the opportunity to offer this little girl a forever home….

    in reply to: Kerry – Sheltie x – HOMED #86849

    Just to let you know Kerry went to her forever home this morning. We will miss her loads but I’m glad she has gone to such a lovely family.

    in reply to: Juno – 8 mt old golden lab puppy *HOMED* #85601

    Thank you so much for the updates she looks absolutely great and I’m glad to hear she is getting on so well. I remember the standing under your feet during cooking, she nearly ended up with a pot of spaghetti on her head when she was with us!!!! :lol:

    in reply to: Kerry – Sheltie x – HOMED #103899

    Well the lovely Kerry has been spayed and got over it without a hitch. She got her stitches out today and is very glad to see the back of her cone!!!!

    Kathy and her family came for a visit today and seemed very enamored. They already have a shelty called Rex who is a little unsure of Kerry but I think in no time he’ll have warmed to her and will love her as much as we do. She has the kindest heart and just loves a cuddle. Herself and Taylor have become fast friends and tug of war over the shoe has become their favorite game.

    Kerry is going for a walk with her prospective family tomorrow and hopefully all goes well and she gets the forever home she deserves.

    in reply to: Kerry – Sheltie x – HOMED #82342

    This little sweetheart arrived this afternoon, a huge thank you to ems(both of you), she is a little dote and is getting on well with Taylor and Casey, the three of them ran and played themselves to sleep, so they’re all passed out on the couch at the moment :D Kerry is a little pet, she just wants cuddles, fun and somewhere nice to have a snooze. I’ll post more in the next couple of days, in the meantime here’s a photo or two(although getting her to sit still was tough going so only one is in focus, she was just to excited!!!)…..

    in reply to: Juno – 8 mt old golden lab puppy *HOMED* #104164

    Well our lovely little girl got spayed today. She is doing really well put is still very tired and is enjoying chilling out on her bed in front of the fire. Taylor can’t understand why she isn’t willing to play but is giving her space although the cone could be the thing that is guaranteeing her space!!!! She’ll be well rested and recovered so she can be her usually bouncy self when she goes off to her new family :P

    in reply to: Juno – 8 mt old golden lab puppy *HOMED* #104083

    Just a quick update, Juno is doing great, she is fitting in well with casey and taylor and as I type this herself and taylor are rolling around on the floor, she’s packing on the pounds and is looking great for it. A few photos…

    in reply to: Juno – 8 mt old golden lab puppy *HOMED* #103956

    Well this beautiful girl has been with us since sunday evening and she is just a little cutie. She has all of the usually labrador traits she is so loyal, lovable and wants nothing more than a cuddle. She is very underweight but with her love of food I don’t think this will take long to remedy!!!! She has bundles of puppy energy and then collapses on the floor for a snooze but she keeps an eye on what is going on at all times. She is mostly toilet trained we’ve had a few accidents at night. We had her off the lead tonight and her recall is quite good and I think Taylor and Casey will help her perfect this technic in no time. All in all she is settling into our little pack really well and I think she would make a wonderful addition to any family, like any labrador she would be best suited to an energetic family as she loves to play and be active before curling up at the end of the day.

    in reply to: Juno – 8 mt old golden lab puppy *HOMED* #103854

    Can’t wait to meet this gorgeous girl and think Casey and Taylor are now well rested and ready for a new addition to the clan. New bed is out and ready to go!!!!!

    in reply to: DOGS IN DISTRESS FUN DAY 2010 #101192

    and there you have it, a fantastic day in the park and just some of the selfless people who give their time day in day out, to save the lives of some of the wonderful subjects of these photographs and many many others….

    in reply to: DOGS IN DISTRESS FUN DAY 2010 #101190


    in reply to: DOGS IN DISTRESS FUN DAY 2010 #101189


    in reply to: DOGS IN DISTRESS FUN DAY 2010 #101188


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