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Membershe looks very content.i cant get over her size,such a growth spurt in such short time.shes beautiful.[/quote:xqqdvu0k]
You wouldn’t believe it Tracy! She’s nearly doubled in size! When she first got here she was much smaller than the cat but now she’s a bit bigger than he is! She’s grown so fast in such a short time indeed! I think she’ll grow up to be quite a big girl! And she’s so tall – you wouldn’t believe the length of her legs!
And by the way – you did a fantastic job with her! She’s so calm and receptive to things – and you deserve a standing ovation with the house training!! She’s already perfect at it! We haven’t had an accident inside (fingers crossed!) in 5 days now! So I think she’s 100% on it now! So you did a really great job with her! And she’s so smart aswell! The second day she was here, we taught her how to sit for a treat – which she does perfectly now any time and any where you ask her to. She’s also learned to give you both paws aswell (one at a time of course!) and now we’re working on ‘lie down’ – which isn’t as easy as the rest but she’s finally starting to get it – so such a smart girl aswell!
Keep tuned in for more photos coming soon! She grows so fast you wont recognize her soon!
MemberDear Tracy & Audrey
I thought I’d say hello to everyone again and tell them all about what’s been happening in my fur-ever home! I’ve been working really hard on going outside to do my business – I haven’t had an accident inside in days now – so Mommy & Daddy have their fingers crossed that I’m now officially house trained! They’ve also taught me to sit – which I know how to do perfectly and when they ask me for my Paw I know if I give it to them I’ll get a treat – I’ve also learned that I can give them either paw and they’re so happy and excited with me – plus I get a cookie!!
I love chewing things – Mommy buys me lots of really tasty cookies and bones – but I have to admit – shoes are more fun! I love grabbing one and scooting out the back door! They dont like it when I do that so I don’t do it very often – but its so much fun when I do!
We live near a school so when its time for all the kids to go home I love to sit in the window with my cat-brother Floyd and watch everything thats going on – its so much fun watching all the crazy happenings outside the window! Mommy has been taking me on walks – I’m really scared of cars when they go by – but Mommy tugs my leash and reassures me and I’m happy to walk with her then (until the next one comes along anyway!) They bought me a crate for the back of the car and I love to go on rides – I try and look out the window for as long as possible but I get very sleepy in the car – luckily Mommy always brings my bed and puts it in the crate so I curl up in that and sleep for most of the time in the car – but I love when we stop because sometimes I get to get out and we go for a walk and I get to smell and see new things – its so exciting! You never know where we’ll go or what we’ll do next! Mommy says I’m growing up so fast. When I first got to my fur-ever home I was much smaller than the cat – but now I’m as tall as him! I love to play with my fur-brother but sometimes I jump on him when he’s asleep (he sleeps too much and I love to play!) and he will whap me with his paw (thankfully with no claws) and we’ll wrestle for a little bit until he jumps up where I cant reach him – I dont like that part of the game as much – I sit on the floor and cry but he doesn’t care! He just stays up there!
I miss Tracy and her family but I’m loving my fur-ever home – and many thanks to Tracy and Audrey for picking the best Mommy and Daddy in the world for me to live with! I’m so lucky and happy that I’m here – I never want to leave! Mommy took lots of pictures of me so I’ll leave them here now for you to see!
Licks and Tail wiggles
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MemberDear Tracy and Audrey
Thank you for finding me such a wonderful home – I’m so happy here!
I was a little scared leaving Tracy’s house and going in the big car but my Daddy had me on his lap and I soon fell asleep for most of the ride to my new house. I love my new house! It’s so big and has so many places to explore and things to do! I have a million new toys but my favourite is a blue teething ring I love it so much I fell asleep with it over my face while I was chewing on it and Mommy said she’ll post the photo soon of it because I was so cute! I met my new brother Floyd, I think he’ll have to get used to me and then he’ll love me to bits just like Mommy & Daddy do! Mommy said I’m a little genius in a fur coat (whatever that means!) I’m understanding what it means to "sit" – it means that I get something very yummy when my little bum hits the ground! That’s so easy to do that I do it all the time! I slept all through the night on Mommy & Daddy’s bed and I was so good and didn’t make a peep! I didn’t wake up at all until Mommy did! I’ll admit I did have 2 little accidents in the house last night but Mommy said it was ok and that I’d learn in time – she was so understanding!
Mommy said to tell Tracy and Audrey that she’ll upload lots of photos of me soon because she’s already taken lots – I love to pose – I think I’ll grow up and be a doggy model because I’m so pretty!I know Tracy and her family miss me so I just wanted to write them a note and thank them for taking such good care of me until my fur-ever Mommy & Daddy found me. I miss Tracy too but I know I’ll have a great home here and I’ll write everyone at DID very often so they know how happy and secure I am!
Woofs and Wags
(Mommy & Daddy did rename me because Kali is the Hindu goddess associated with eternal energy. And because I love to play & play & play this was the perfect name for me and I’m already running to whoever calls me that because I love the name!)
MemberPrincess Jasmine met her new mum and dad today…..she will be heading off to her new castle shortly.
Be good little one![/quote:1alzgr2v]
This is an absolutely beautiful post Audrey! She’s such a fantastic little girl and exactly what our home has needed! I can’t wait to collect this little beauty!
MemberI can also Crochet (similar to knitting just easier! But the effect for blankets is the same) I have lots of spare yarn around so if anyone else needs blankets for fosters let me know and I’ll happily make some up!