Forum Replies Created
MemberGood to know that Benji has a home – has he been able to ‘move on’ yet? Your patience, constant treatment and love and attention certainly worked on this dear little lad – congratulations.
May we see photos of him leading a happy ‘pet’ life when he gets there??
MemberHow did the vaccs go?
Hope he has had no adverse reaction…
Just nosey – has anyone ever given any idea of his age? He looks young but wondered if he is older than he looked at first.
MemberWhat a change – you all should feel justly proud. One happy chubby young lad with the haunted look completely gone. I am so happy for him and you.
MemberSo good to hear Benji is improving even if slowly – Look forward to photos.
Offer of help still stands.
MemberWOW what a difference! Looks as tho he has the fine white hair (with the silvery sheen) growing all over. No red or raw patches where he is nibbling. He must feel so much better in himself with that intense itch gone. What a lucky boy to land up where he is loved and looked after. The previous owner needs…. well I musn’t write more! Offer still holds of help it you think we can.
MemberThanks for the update Marie
Good to know that everything is positive and that Benji now has a quality of life with you – he certainly looks a much happier boy! I take it the medication coming from US is related to the Allugan that was taken off the market in UK a few years ago – it used to work wonders! There is another shampoo is the ‘Mala’ drug range called Malacetic which is not so drying as Malaseb; they also produce MalaceticOtis earcleaner which has no alcahol in it so much more gentle on ears. I always use that on my setters as they are often allergic to alcohol. All are made by DermaPet and some are available at on line vet websites now in UK. I used to get it sent over from US by a friend living out there!
I don’t think Benji will get any black patches – he may just get a few ‘flecks’ where the black is on his skin ie the ‘belton’ of the ESs.
If I could I would put up a picture of my ‘Irish working ES’ James who came over to ESRA about 4+ years ago. Benji looks very much like him.
If there is any thing you feel we can help with please do PM me as we will help in any way you think we are able
At last found time to register!
I have been watching this post since it started and have had many Setter lovers in the UK email it to me too asking me if we would be able to help.
I have emailed and phoned Marie with out being able to get hold of her but know that you all are very busy.
We know that Benji has to be completely recovered before he is rehomed otherwise the demodectic mange will raise its ugly head again. The demodex mite will always be with him (many, many dogs are born with it, passed on from the bitch but they never have a problem as they lead a happy, stress free and fullfilling life)- it is an insiduous little ……which will occur again if Benji is stressed or neglected so no way could he travel across to UK until he is totally better, has put on required weight and lost his fears..
ESRA are happy to help DID in anyway we can and hope you will contact us if, or when, you think there is anyway at all that we can help.
Benji is certainly a lucky little fellow to have been ‘rescued’ when he was – he looks as if he knows it too!
Jenny ESRA Coordinator -