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  • in reply to: Re: Teddy – Ref 649 – Lab X – 18mts *HOMED* #118741

    What a difference a day makes…. Even a week. We’ve had this sweet, sweet boy now for a week and he is settling in wonderfully. He’s AMAZING!!! :D

    The first day was a little rough on the poor guy. He didn’t keep any food down.. At all. :( We thought it just might be nerves and possibly eating his food way too fast. He ate like he had never had a meal in his life. Poor guy. :shock:

    So Liam decided to sleep on the couch downstairs to watch over the little guy. It was a restless night for both. Neither slept but Teddy never got sick thru the night. I’m happy to report that Teddy never lost his meals again. He eats his food properly (much slower) now and enjoys having meal times with his new furry friends. :lol:

    The second night when it was time for bed, Teddy wanted nothing to do with going up stairs. No way, no how. After 30 mins of trying to coach him up, even with wee doggie treats on each step, he wasn’t having any of it. :? Liam finally had to carry him up the stairs. This is something we’re used to as our golden Gracie had to be carried up for 2 weeks straight when we first got her. But look at Teddy NOW!! Teddy is racing up and down the stairs 100 times a day!!! Go Teddy!!! :P

    No sleep was had that night either. Teddy tapped danced all night long and just when I would hear him sigh and fall asleep in his bed, I would hear him up again tap dancing. He’s rather good at it!! And now after a week… He sleeps like a good boy. When it’s night night, he gives kisses to everyone in the room and falls fast asleep; all night!!!:)

    The next morning Teddy wouldn’t go out to potty. Teddy only wanted to go out when Gracie did, so we woke up Gracie and Teddy followed her to the back garden. He follows her everywhere. They are Pete and Repeat. Mutt and Jeff. Best of friends. Teddy is now secure enough to go out any time he wants, even on his own. He’s never had an accident so he is well house trained!! Yeah Teddy!! :D

    Teddy is alittle shy when it’s time for a walk. He won’t leave the house. After another failed attempt of bribery of doggie treats, Liam had to pick him up and at least get him out the front door. Teddy is GREAT on a lead. No pulling. But he did stay very close to Liam. Teddy won’t go to far on his lead and he seems unsure where he’s going. With time he will get better.

    Teddy is very much a FAMILY dog. Loves everyone and gives everyone special attention. You can see even when he looks at you that he’s saying " thank you for loving me!!" ;) Teddy acts very appreciative and thankful.

    He would very much need another dog as a companion, :) :) so he would make a great second dog. He loves attention, cuddles and kisses but doesn’t demand it. He plays and wrestles with our Gracie a lot but when Gracie is worn out, Teddy is also seen taking naps on the couch. He is not high Maintenance at all and he can balance the play time and quiet time. In fact he’s curled up next to me now. Not a peep out of him.

    Teddy is the perfect young chap. SO sweet, SO gentle, SO loving. He will make The BEST family pet…ever. If I haven’t said it before… He’s AMAZING. He’s a JOY!!!

    in reply to: Re: Teddy – Ref 649 – Lab X – 18mts *HOMED* #118685


    in reply to: Kaylee(formerly Baylee) the Beagle #114345

    Completely gutted to hear about Kaylee( Baylee). Devastating!!

    We were her first foster family and had the greatest pleasure of looking after her… She was Gracie’s best friend. I cried like a baby when we gave her to another foster family!!!:(

    We were so happy to hear she was adopted and loved by her forever family!! Can I ask what happened to the poor dear??? How heartbreaking for you all!!!

    RIP sweet Baylee!!!

    in reply to: Kaylee(formerly Baylee) the Beagle #110468

    :D :D :D We are so super excited to know our foster pup Baylee has found a good home… We were her first foster family and what a heart break it was to see her go…. :cry: :cry: :cry: Our family is thrilled that Baylee found her Forever Home and Thank you to whomever adopted her.. Isn’t she just the cutest… :P

    Please let us know how she gets along as we still think of her as family and miss her so much!!! Yeah for BAYLEE!!!! :D :D

    in reply to: Kaylee(formerly Baylee) the Beagle #109925

    Here are some more cute pictures of Baylee.. We have hundreds of them. :lol: I am always with camera! :oops:
    Baylee and Gracie cuddling.jpg
    Baylee and Gracie with more Cuddles.jpg
    Baylee Smiling.jpg

    in reply to: Kaylee(formerly Baylee) the Beagle #109924

    We dropped off our Sweet, Sweet Baylee with her new Foster Mommy Debbie we prepare for our 2 month summer vacation in America.. :cry: :cry: We miss her terribly already.. :cry: :cry: boo.

    In the 3 weeks we had Baylee she was a pure JOY!!! The house is certainly much more quiet now.. which I think I don’t like too much now. And our Gracie will miss all the play… and boy did they ever play.

    Baylee lights up a room and the whole house just with her prancing in and out of each room, following your moves and hoping for lots of love and cuddles.. and is she the cuddliest pup ever.. She will often hop on your lap and curl into a ball and fall asleep.. Baylee is still very small in size and cuddling her often reminds me of holding a new born baby… Ahhhhh ;) Remembering the days..

    She gets along very well with other dogs and is very good with children.. She likes to explore her surroundings so puppy proofing everything is a good idea.. I actually miss her dragging our shoes across the living room floor.. ;) She did nibble on one of my flip flops before I realized she had it.. Sneaky wee thing.. It’s a good thing I can stock up on more in the US.

    Baylee is now in equally good hands as we met the new foster family yesterday and they are lovely… I’m totally jealous but I know Baylee will be taken very good care of until her FOREVER FAMILY finds her.. and that FOREVER FAMILY is going to be SOOO lucky to have her… as she will be lucky to find her new family.

    I will be posting more lovely pictures of Baylee… An adorable face that everyone could fall in love with.. We did.. :D

    Don’t miss this opportunity to have this Beautiful Pup as your own. She is waiting for you!

    in reply to: Kaylee(formerly Baylee) the Beagle #109822

    Baylee trying to get to me chocolates!! Bold Pup!
    Baylee found the remote…jpg
    Baylee heading towards my BD chocolates.jpg

    in reply to: Kaylee(formerly Baylee) the Beagle #109821

    Baylee has sure settled in nicely and is a very loving and active puppy.. She is on the go many mornings just ready to start her day with lots of play..She has the sweetest face.. I think she has a wee rabbit in her because when she runs for something she has this cute little bounce to her when she gets to the end of what she was aiming for. :lol: She actually bounced totally over Gracie last week in the garden. :D

    Baylee keeps us on our toes as she likes to find all the shoes and papers that I keep forgetting to put away. :o

    Every night after dinner if the word treat is mentioned Baylee now follows the other dog’s lead and runs into the kitchen, waiting patiently for her doggie treat too..

    We’ve put her on the lead a few times and have walked her around the green….she wasn’t too sure about it all. :?

    She is doing well with potty training as we had no accidents ( That we know of :shock: ) yesterday…

    She is still looking for her Forever Family.. ;)

    in reply to: Kaylee(formerly Baylee) the Beagle #109572

    Baylee is doing really well, settled in more and more each day and is such a firecracker. :lol: She is up and running early in the morning and takes a wee break in the afternoon for a nap. :lol: Gosh they are so cute when they are sleeping. ;)

    Baylee is very active.. as a pup would be and would benefit from a family who can give her lots of attention and loving. She seems to always want to be in the moment of what everyone else is doing.

    She responds well to her name being called and the word no. She is able to be redirected easily.

    She likes to follow me (us) around the house and again, becareful where you step… She is like a super ninja.. you think there is nothing behind you, but she is always there.

    We bought her a few chew toys but she much prefers the other dogs Kong ( Best dog invention ever) ;) .. and she still much prefers to chew on Gracie… A habit we are trying to break.. for Gracie’s sake… :lol:
    Baylee with Gracie and Oisin.. Playing outside.jpg
    Baylee Facebooking with Emma.jpg
    Baylee sleeping on Gracie.jpg

    in reply to: Kaylee(formerly Baylee) the Beagle #109542

    Baylee is an A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E 10 week old Beagle/Lab mix beauty… She has ultra soft fur with a beautiful wee face and tall slender legs that looks like she is wearing a white collar and white knee socks in front and white bobby socks in back. She still has some of her cute pink puppy paw pads and as small as she is, you can hear those paws prancing around anywhere in the house. You always know when Baylee is running after you but is also good at sneaking up behind you. :shock: She follows us around the house and up and down the stairs. She is as precious as they come. She is a small girl with a HUGE lovable personality. :D

    Baylee was a little scared and shy when we brought her home a few days ago however she settled in quite nicely in less than 24 hrs and plays well with our two other dogs. She is a very energetic pup and while she may be small in size, she can play with the best of them including our 1 year old Golden, Gracie who is 4 times her size. The two of them are best play mates especially first thing in the morning ( YAWN). They chase each other around the garden alot and unless they are both sleeping, they are both playing together in some sort of fashion. Baylee is also capable of entertaining herself which is useful when the other pups are fast asleep.

    Baylee eats 3x a day, sleeps through the night with no problem and we are in the process of potty training her and teaching her the word NO.

    She is a cheeky wee thing.. She does like to nibble on shoes or anything else not put back in it proper place and she will drag (with ease) a pair of heavy rain boots by their shoelaces across the living room floor when you are not looking..How she does it, I do not know.. :shock: The boots are bigger than she is. Her best nibble treat right now is Gracie.. :shock: Apparently she seems to think Gracie is a teething toy :lol: and I think Baylee also thinks Gracie is her mama. This is where the word NO comes in a lot.. ;)

    Baylee often curls up next to anyone and anything in the house. She also loves to run and jump on someone’s lap while sitting on the couch- she even knocked the toast right off the plate my father had this morning.. :lol: We are learning to be more on guard when we hear Baylee running.

    Baylee loves her kisses and cuddles and will curl up on your lap or on your shoulder at anytime. So Loving.

    Baylee will make a family very happy and she looks forward to finding her FOREVER HOME..We are just crazy over her. She is a Great Puppy.. And just look at that face!!
    Baylee sitting on the couch with Dad.jpg
    Baylee, Gracie and Stuffed puppy Precious sleeping.jpg
    Baylee and Pretend Mama Gracie.jpg

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