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  • in reply to: Lacey- Terrier X- approx 18 mts HOMED #120546

    Lacey is doing really well and is as happy as can be.
    She is such a sweet doggie and enjoys being around people and other doggies to play with.

    She continues to LOVE her daily walks and tries to beat everyone and dog out the door first. She will literally jump over our Golden Retriever while waiting for the door to open.

    She’s a bouncy pup when she gets really excited and she can forever lay in your lap to nap.

    We had 40 plus teenagers over for our daughters graduation and she was the belle of the ball. We experimented with letting the pups visit with everyone in the backyard and they were quite the entertainment. Lacey was good with all the excitement of so many people and she enjoyed all the attention.

    Lacey loves her baths and is really good at letting you put her in the bath and clean her.

    We think Lacey will be the best furever family pet. We do believe she is still alittle nervous only in new situations in different environments. We had the neighbours watch the pups for a weekend and little Lacey had tinkled on the (new) carpet several times- even thou she had been walked and had pottied outside.

    She’s totally potty trained and only tinkled one or twice when we first brought her home so we were quite surprised she tinkled on the floor. Other than that weekend, she goes straight outside.

    She was brilliant and happy other then the confusion of not being in her foster home. Certainly with a little time and patience in her new home she will settle nicely.

    in reply to: Lacey- Terrier X- approx 18 mts HOMED #120186


    in reply to: Lacey- Terrier X- approx 18 mts HOMED #120184

    Lacey is doing amazingly well. She’s totally settled in and there’s no more shaking or nervousness.

    She did a great job recovering from her neutering and infact never wore her cone at all. :D

    She loves, loves, loves her daily walks and often jumps over Gracie, our Golden, to get out the door first.

    Everyone and I mean EVERYONE at the park just falls madly in love with her. She has a warming and cuddly personality and has a bright spark about her. She really lights up a room when she sees other doggies and humans. She’s the tap dancer, after all.

    We’ve been busy in our garden and Lacey has been right there helping. She likes to take our gloves off the shelf and bring them to the garden when were not looking!! Lol and she’s fascinated with the new mulch we got. Besides alittle cheekiness, she loves sitting outside on the deck, basking in the warm sun!!!

    We built a new (high) raised garden so the doggies wouldn’t trample on all the carrots and beans. Lacey is a jumper for sure. We’ve caught her a few times jumping in the garden and having a roll around!! Lol

    She takes direction really well. And she’s getting better at responding to her name.

    Most of all she loves to curl up and lay upon your lap and she still likes to steal Gracie’s bed at night time. :D :lol:

    in reply to: Lacey- Terrier X- approx 18 mts HOMED #119850

    Lacey is such a sweet, sweet, darling girl. And a good one at that.

    We took Lacey in for her "cone of shame" surgery on Tuesday and she did really well. So well in fact, that when she came out to greet us, she wasn’t wearing that "cone of shame" we were so dreading. NOPE. She’s done so well in not bothering with her stitches that she’s never had to put it on. 8-) Whew!!!

    We have had to keep her home from her daily walks in the park and it makes her quite sad. :( That’s right. The wee girl who was so afraid of walking in the park that we had to turn around 15 mins later to go home, is NOW always super excited to go for her walkies!!! She loves running around and meeting new dogs and humans along the way. We will let her rest up a few more days and get the all clear from the vet.

    We’ve had to stop the full on play with Gracie until she heals but other than that, she’s been perfect!!!

    She’s really coming out of her shell and feels at home and settled.

    We brought her to the vet a few weeks ago for some itching and biting she was doing. They put her on a course of meds to see if it was anything of concern. Her skin is beautiful and the vet thinks it might be allergies to something. Maybe food. Since she’s been off the meds for 2 weeks now, she does little biting or itching, if any. It isn’t something to be concerned with but we will keep an eye on her to see if it worsens. So far, so good.

    She’s a digger. We have nice little holes in our garden but I wouldn’t put all the blame on her. Our golden is a digger too. :o :D

    Lately I’ve found Lacey in the morning sleeping in Gracie’s bed and Gracie sleeping in hers. Their beds are in our room and a few nights ago, I saw Lacey get up out of hers in the middle of the night, walk to Gracie’s, get in, circle around and plop right down on top of Gracie’s bum!!! :lol: :lol: Gracie wasn’t even phased by it and stayed right where she was. In the morning, I saw Gracie then head on over to Lacey’s bed. Apparently she needed a little more room to sprawl out. It was adorable to see the process happening.

    Lacey will make the perfect companion for humans and doggies alike!!!

    in reply to: Lacey- Terrier X- approx 18 mts HOMED #119674

    Our little Lacey is doing wonderfully. :D Most of her nervousness and shyness is gone and she has settled so nicely that her true cheeky personality is shining through. She is the sweetest little doggie and she LOVES, LOVES her belly rubs and snuggles.

    In the last couple of weeks, it’s been really great to see Lacey experience new adventures and to see how she handles other dogs and new people too. She loves them all. 8-) Everyone at the vet LOVES her and thinks she’s just the sweetest wee thing.

    We puppy sat a former foster of ours Teddy and he really brought out the playfulness in Lacey. She followed him around all weekend and even put her sweet little paws on him before he had to go home. :lol:

    She was quite hesitant at first in going for long walks with us at the 15 acres and we had to bring her home usually after 15 mins before continuing on with our other dogs. :( In recent weeks she not only is so excited about the leads and harnesses coming out at home, she is also the first one out the door- usually jumping over Gracie our golden.
    8-) :lol:

    She’s the first into the car and she happily spends 1 1/2-2 hours walking and playing at the park. She makes best friends will all the new dogs she meets at the park and most times will have full on play time with many of them. It’s been great to see her come out of her shell and enjoy all life has to offer her.

    She still tap dances when it’s breakfast, dinner and treat time. And she does all the tap dancing backwards. That’s talent!!

    Lacey had been scratching and licking a lot when we first brought her home. A few weeks ago we took her to the Vet and started out on some meds to see if she had skin issues or allergies. As soon as she took her first meds, she’s been itch free. We’ve since been back and she got the ALL CLEAR. Her skin is beautiful and has no problem. We will keep an eye on the progress to see if it’s food related or something else or if it’s been totally treated. So far so good.

    Lacey goes into the vet on Tuesday for the "Cone of shame!!" :o

    Lacey has had a few baths and she loves her water time. No problems at all. She sleeps beautifully at night, despite usually kicking Gracie out of her bed. :oops:

    Lacey will make a wonderful furever family pet!!

    in reply to: Lacey- Terrier X- approx 18 mts HOMED #119367

    Lacey is such an amazing cuddle bug and has settled in quite well. :D

    Most of her anxiousness and nervousness has gone and she’s happy as can be. :lol: She is even very excited when new people come into the house. We had a puppy sitter last night and as soon as the doorbell rang, Lacey was up and running to the door to greet her new friend.

    Not only is she quite adorable, Lacey is quite talented too. As we know she can tap dace ( gets really excited), she can tap dance backwards. It’s the cutest thing. :P

    We’ve taken her to the park with our other pups and day one she did really well. The last few days, she got out of the car and walks a bit but then wouldn’t go any further- even on the lead. :? So we think we will have to start just walking her around the neighbourhood until she builds enough confidence in being in big, open spaces.

    Lacey is a quiet dog and only plays once in a while with our Golden Gracie. She is very low maintenance and just loves being petted and cuddled. When she sees you walking toward her, she will sit up with her front paws in the air and says.."rub my belly, rub my belly!!!" :lol: She has this amazing little tail that wiggles and wags really fast all the time.

    Lacey loves looking out the big front window and will even guard the house with a few big barks. She maybe a wee little thing but she has a lot to say.

    After observing her this past week, we do believe she would also be fantastic as an only dog, and/or having another dog for company. What she really loves and needs is human companionship. She would get a wee sad if she was left alone so companionship is key.

    Lacey will without a doubt make a great family pet.

    in reply to: Lacey- Terrier X- approx 18 mts HOMED #119284

    Pretty girl!!!! :D

    in reply to: Lacey- Terrier X- approx 18 mts HOMED #119254


    in reply to: Re: Teddy – Ref 649 – Lab X – 18mts *HOMED* #119216

    Our sweet boy Teddy went to his Furever home with his new Furever family yesterday! His new mom and dad are so excited!!! His new big sister Meg, a 6 yr old Lab came with to pick him up and all the dogs had lots of treats and play.

    Teddy will be so happy in his new home!!! We can’t wait for our play dates!!!

    in reply to: Re: Teddy – Ref 649 – Lab X – 18mts *HOMED* #119060

    "Ummm foster mom… Look what Gracie and Oisin did!! Time to wash the floors again."

    in reply to: Re: Teddy – Ref 649 – Lab X – 18mts *HOMED* #119059

    Teddy went to the vet on Saturday and got his stitches out!! Yeah!!! :D He was so good and he got lots of treats. His weight is up and he is now perfectly filled out. ;)

    He was back to his normal self soon after his little surgery that we were even able to take his cone off after a day and a half. Whew!!! We limited the rough playtime with Gracie alittle but they are back at it in full speed. Thou they slept nearly all day yesterday. It must have been the weather.

    Gracie had to go to the vet with him because he ran upstairs and hid. :oops: He would NOT leave the house. Poor guy gets scared anytime he hears the jingle of collars and leads being pulled out. But as soon as he sees Gracie running out to the car, he’s running out right after her. The two of them are best buddies. So Teddy definitely needs another active dog to play with as his brother or sister.

    He got sick in the car AGAIN!!! :( He doesn’t travel well, me thinks. We are going to start driving him around more to see if it’s just nerves. I usually don’t feel very well when my husband drives too. :lol:

    The lovely nurse said to bring the pups back several times so he does not equate the vets as being a bad place since he’s only gone to get things done. I guess we will have to have a routine of Saturday morning vet visits for play every week. :D I think the nurse just wants to get her cuddles. Who could really blame her, Teddy is absolutely adorable. And the people at the Vet office are amazing as well.

    We think Teddy has part rabbit in him. He runs super fast and hops like no ones business. We think he would be fantastic for Agility training.

    He’s such a happy boy and is very giving. He likes to place his little two front paws on your lap and just stare at you. :shock: 8-) It’s quite endearing. Such a sweet face with big brown eyes.

    He’s certainly a lap dog too. He loves to be petted and cuddled. When he crawls onto your lap, he falls sleep fast and he is light as a feather.

    in reply to: Re: Teddy – Ref 649 – Lab X – 18mts *HOMED* #118965

    Teddy is the only doggie I know that always crosses his paws. It’s adorable.

    in reply to: Re: Teddy – Ref 649 – Lab X – 18mts *HOMED* #118964

    Our sweet boy got his "cone of shame" ( neutered) on Thursday :o and he was a real trooper. He had his check up yesterday (Saturday) and he’s healing wonderfully. He’ll have his stitches out next Saturday.

    He’s done so well as to not bother with his new Elizabethan collar, that we took it off yesterday :D and he hasn’t bothered his wound at all. If we see he’s going to lick, we say no and he stops right away. He’s very good knowing what NO means, thou we don’t have to say it often. He’s a really good boy. He is SO loving. His brown eyes just melt your heart. ;)

    So far from what we have seen, he doesn’t like traveling in the car. He has gotten sick a few times. Once he heals, we will start taking him in the car more to see if it’s just nerves. :(

    He also seems to be very nervous in new situations. He cried when the vet tried to crate him after his surgery. They eventually let him walk around but he acted nervous. As soon as we showed up and saw us, he ran straight to me and he was much better.

    He does not want to leave the house… Whether a trip to the vet or for walkies. We had to carry him out of the house, into the car on Thursday. And we seem to have to do this when we take him out for his walks. However, we took Gracie to his vet appointment with him (she was getting a pedicure and giving Teddy moral support) and as soon as he saw Gracie run out the door and into the car, he ran out the door and straight into the car as well. So me thinks maybe he’s afraid he’s going to be abandoned when he goes out alone.

    Teddy definitely needs another active and playful dog as his brother or sister. He loves to play. He continues to sleep really well at night and often takes naps during the day. He can sit and relax and he doesn’t seem to get bored and he’s never destructive.

    We just love him to bits. He’s got the sweetest face ever and he’s a really happy boy.

    He will make the best furever pet!!!

    in reply to: Re: Teddy – Ref 649 – Lab X – 18mts *HOMED* #118881

    This morning I woke up to this little guy licking my face!!! :lol:
    As I opened my eyes, I saw this sweet face looking at me saying, "Hi mom, it’s me!!"

    Teddy is settling in wonderfully. He’s AWESOME!! He gets his full on playing in with our Gracie several times a day. (Even our older dog Oisin has been seen playing with the lot. And he rarely plays.)

    Teddy LOVES LOVES LOVES chasing his tail. I have some great videos of him and he’s a big hit already on Facebook!! :lol:

    The pair of them (Gracie and Teddy) are covered in mud when they decide to "wrestle" outside. He’s very good at letting me wipe his paws but quite often they are in the living room before I know it. Good thing my new American mop came in the mail last week. Super easy to clean up those muddy puppy paws.

    Teddy is eating well and putting on some weight. He’s started to grab a little food, run to the couch and eat it there. It’s been super cute to watch, thou I’m not exactly sure what it means. It’s usually when he’s eating on his own.

    I don’t see any bad habits at all from young Teddy and he is as sweet as they come. He loves his belly rubs, curls next to anyone of us on the couch and often puts his wee face on your lap. He loves belonging to a family and he will make a great addition to a loving home.

    in reply to: Re: Teddy – Ref 649 – Lab X – 18mts *HOMED* #118742


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