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MemberDropped Zucco down to Kilkenny on saturday to his new family, not a bark out of him on the way down he loves his car journeys now
His new name is Henry, which I think is perfect for him. He now has the countryside and new smells to explore and will be very happy in his new home with Maureen and Pierce! It was very hard saying goodbye to this little man who fitted so well into our home over the last 5 weeks.. we had a great time fostering him and know he’s in good hands now!
MemberZucco proudly strutted his stuff at the Bark in the Park in Marlay park yesterday! He was exhausted and slept for the day afterwards but had a great day out
Here is some photos of the day and him with his certificate for completing the walk! Well done zucco
MemberAnd some more of this handsome fella!
MemberZucco has been doing great as usual and is delighted to have the cone collar removed at last! He is over the moon to be back to his daily walking regime again after his week of recovery after being neutered! Here’s some photos from the last week and a half. e love’s going to the dog park in marlay, really good with other dogs! Not a bit camera shy
MemberZucco has been such a trouper since he got neutered wednesday, a very good patient! He hasn’t let out even one little yelp since I collected him at the vets
He slept for most of wednesday and thursday morning and was back to his usual jolly self by yesterday afternoon! I thought that having that cone around his head would drive him crazy but he just accepted it. It’s terrible watching him walking into everything because of it, he hasn’t quiet mastered the width of it yet for getting through spaces
Eating and drinking has been a new and fustrating callenge for him also with the cone!
He’s really missing his walkies and is just waiting by the front door.
Zucco is around 4 years old!
MemberLittle zucco is still doing great and is coming on leaps and bounds! We took him on a day trip to relatives at the weekend to show him off and he was brilliant in their home! He didn’t have an accident or chew on anything, he just makes himself at home wherever he goes
He really enjoyed running and rolling around their grassy backgarden compared to my garden which is all decking. He’s not very found of car journey’s but is getting used to them the more I have him out in the car. His lead training is going good as well and is understanding the ‘heel’ word more and more! And he has started giving the paw also, he’s such a quick learner
He does a great trick with his toys or a treat, it has me in stitches its so funny to watch. He love’s to turn everything into a game! He tosses whatever he has up in the air over and over again, it would be going from one side of the room to the other and all the time he’ll be looking over proudly to make sure we’re watching him,
He got microchipped on monday and is getting neutered today! He was really upset and confused this morning when I was leaving him at the vets poor fella. Can’t wait to get him back this evening and give him hugs
MemberZucco has been here a week now and he’s been a great boy! He’s such a happy and playful dog now. I can trust him in all rooms of the house as he’s very well trained, no accidents, no chewing on anything other than his toys it’s great! He really loves his walks, when the lead comes out his tail starts wagging a hundred miles an hour and he darts to the front door to wait
He really like’s meeting other dogs on his walks, going to take him to the dog park in Marlay park this weekend now to play with some other doggies
On thursday he had a complete makeover, he looks like a different dog now! He looks so cute, his coat is so shiny and all the matts are gone! I can’t stop hugging him now- he’s like a little teddy bear
I think he was having trouble even seeing before his face was so hairy!
MemberZucco is in foster with me at the moment! He arrived on friday with his tail between his legs looking frightened and confused but over the weekend he has blossomed into the happy feisty Yorkie he is
He is an easy going fella who loves nothing more than sitting on the couch cuddled in next to you nudging you for rubs or playing with a squeaky toy or fetching a ball! He is very alert, loves looking out the window watching the goings on and giving a few barks at a strange noise! He is a great little fella completely house trained,well manered, so gentle and a very quite dog but when its walkies or play time he’s like a puppy again loads of energy and boy can he run! A great character and a joy to foster
MemberJustin now called Ben has finally found a forever home thanks to the very nice Burns family!
MemberHere’s some photo’s of the lovely Justin after his bath today looking very cute and fluffy! He wasn’t happy about the pink towel though
He lets me dry him with the hair dryer not a bother, I think he even enjoys it! He got vaccinated and microchipped today- very brave throughout it all
MemberJustin is doing really well, he’s calmed down a lot now that he has settled in. He seems to be a real happy pup and finds everything so exciting
He enjoys lying down in the back garden listening to the birds and all the sounds of the traffic! He absolutely loves playing fetch, and brings the ball back and all. The speed of him is amazing, he gets there before the ball most times!
He is toilet trained, has the odd accident sometimes put always goes on the paper at least! He always wants to be by your side watching everything you do
His favourite toy is his activity snack toy, he’ll play with it for ages pushing it along with his nose to get all the treats out- they’re such a good idea for dogs! He sleeps on his back with his paws in the air it’s very funny! Hope he gets a home soon , as we are getting very attached to little sweetie
MemberJustin is so good, he’s a great role model for little Jock
He has not been chewing any of the furniture and he doesn’t bark at all which is unlike a puppy, but will give the odd one when he knows we are going out to play fetch! He had a bit of an upset tummy when he first arrived but he is back to normal today. He is full of energy and very quick to learn. When you start rubbing him, he immediately collapses to the floor to have his belly rubbed, its very cute
MemberJustin is now settling in at home with us and exploring all his new surroundings
He is so well behaved for a puppy and absolutely beautiful looking really cuddly. He has a very gentle nature, loves licking my hands no bitting at all. All he wants to do is watch what everyone else is doing, so curious! Not much sleeping out of him since he got here this morning with all the excitement so hopefully he’ll sleep all night now. Loves getting his belly rubbed
Will post photos later after he’s had his bath!
MemberThese little fellas have settled in very well here. They are the most playful pups we’ve ever met, they love playing with all their toys and running around the garden
We’ve renamed them Rambo (male)and Roxy (female)!! They are both really affectionate and their little tails never stop wagging. We took Rambo to the vet last night as he had small cut in his ear, he was very brave and had no fear of the vet! His ear infection is healing very fast and isn’t bothering him anymore
Roxy is going crazy for squeaky toys, I’ve never seen a dog get so excited over one! Here is a few pics of these guys in action