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  • in reply to: Re: Fred – 10mt old Lab x ref 211**HOMED** #109812

    Dropped this friendly boy off earlier and he is SO sweet! Completely relaxed in the car, didn’t make a sound, just wagged his tail at the people walking past on the street. Full of cuddles and kisses, he’s like a big fluffy teddy bear! :D

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #109039

    Thanks everyone! :D How could we give her up at this stage?! :? She’s had so much movement in her short life and she’s so happy here. The house would certainly be quiet without her, and even if he won’t admit it (and for ALL the sulking he did when she first came :lol: ), Denzel would be devastated if she left! She’s a true member of the family ;)

    I promise there will be lots of updates on Tia, you’ll all be sick of hearing about her! :lol: (Also Susan I promise there will be a proper update on Denzel soon, there’s just so much to say about him Im afraid I’ll exceed the word limit! ;) We have lots of pictures too, the camera is just full of Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel Denzel and more Denzel! :lol: )

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #108895

    Willow has had a fantastic weekend, loving the good weather!

    She’s been on her best behaviour this week, a true joy to be around. Her recall was great in the stables so she was able to run around the whole yard with Denzel and was very pleased with herself indeed! She’s being enjoying her training in the evenings and give has been added to her list :) Things seem to have really ‘clicked’ with her.

    Poor Willow tries so hard, her enthusiasm actually makes you laugh. Today she sat for her dinner like she always does, but happened to do so a little too far away from her bowl. She stared so hard at it trying to figure out how to get to it without walking over (not that we would have minded at all!!! We just wanted her to sit for a second and not to jump at the bowl while it was in our hands!) but she was determined not to get up, so she sat, shuffled, sat, shuffled shuffled, sat, sat, all the way across the kitchen, untill she deemed herself close enough to get up and eat!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    She’s such a kind hearted little girl who always puts a smile on your face. No matter how bad your day has been, Willow will make you laugh. ;) She has looks, intelligence, kindness and the most enthusiasm for life I have ever seen! Frankly I don’t know why there isnt a line a mile long of people with adoption forms banging down our door! :D

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #108807

    Inianna, I just told Willow that you love her and she gave me a kiss, so Im sure that was meant for you! :D

    (I also told her that it was ‘all about her’, but she said she already knew that… :roll: :lol: )


    Wow sorry for the late update on Willow! Is it just me or did February fly in for everyone? In shock that its the sixth of March! :lol:

    Indianna, Willow says she greatly appriciates your stalking. She needs, and will take, all the love she can get! :D

    Willow gets sweeter every day. She loves her snuggles and falls straight to sleep if you rub her belly, you can just hear little mumble-y snores! ;)

    Her training has come on in leaps and bounds, she knows sit, down, bed, roll over, leave it and look. She knows stay too which is so handy for walking in and out of doors in the house. The next on the list is give. Shes super cute when you give her her dinner too, if you say ‘What do you have to do for dinner?’ she sits! :D Like most pet dogs she wont be winning any Cruffs obedience classes, but she’d have to win a prize for dog who tries the hardest! She’s happy when you’re happy and sometimes I think she prefers to hear ‘good girl’ than a treat!
    Her recall is not great yet in new places, she doesn’t run away just sniffs a big circle around you but wont come right back to you. It is good in familiar places like the field in the stables. Considering recall was non existent when when we started fostering her, I think that’s really good and she will get there!

    She’s as good as ever meeting new people and dogs. She loves car trips and just happily stares out the window without making a peep. She’s even better than Denzel with his weird ‘motorbikes driving behind our car’ phobia! :lol:

    She can be a little shy in new situations but her tail never stops wagging anyway! She just looks up at you to tell her its okay and then shes happy! :D

    It was so funny during the week, all was quiet (which is always suspicious with two dogs in the house!) so we called ‘Willow!’ who quickly emerged from the utility room with a sock completely covering her face, nose to eyes! I could barely stop laughing to help the poor dog out! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    All is quiet at the moment, she’s cuddled up under the radiator with Denzel. Will update soon. (Promise :D )

    in reply to: Melanie – Spaniel X 18 mts old*HOMED* #108751

    Dropped this stunning girl up to Anne yesterday and knew straight away she was in for some serious TLC! :D
    A really sweet dog with lovely kind eyes ;)

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #108376

    I think you know your dog has had a good walk when they come home looking like this…. :roll: :lol:

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #108374

    More pictures of the diva…

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #108373

    Well for anyone concerned about Willows safety, she’s alive and well! Cinders knows she has to play ball if she wants to sleep cuddled up beside the dogs at night time ;) And Willow has done worse, one of her favourite games is ‘moving house’, when she brings her bed around with her, and if Cinders happens to be on the bed she wants to relocate, well Cinders gets relocated too! :lol: :lol: :lol: She adores the cat really though. She’s always on ‘Cinders watch’ and if the cats outside and wants to come in, she’ll run to find us and tell us and wont be happy until we let her in, it’s really cute :D

    Willow and Denzel are now as thick as thieves. She’s stopped chasing his heels when we throw a ball for them now which is a relief for everyone ;) She’s not all that interested in the ball, just likes to run along beside him by herself or with a different toy.
    Although sometimes she will run and catch it, just because she knows he wants it. She’ll tease him with it then and Denzel the poor obsessive fool he is stalks her for however long it takes for her to drop it. :roll: She of course takes full advantage of this doing circles, turns, going around the whole field, anything to annoy him! We do fall over laughing looking at them :lol: :lol:

    She’s an absolute sweetheart. You are always guaranteed a very warm and enthusiastic welcome from her, no matter what time of the day or night it is. She’s never grumpy and if you come into the room after leaving for five minutes, you get the same greeting as if you’ve been gone for five hours! She’s a very special little girl with a huge heart. :)

    Here’s some pictures of her out and about!

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #108092

    The on-going battle of will between Willow and Cinders!!! Willow has yet to learn about ‘cat aloofness’ and not take it personally!!! :lol:

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #108091

    Sorry for the major delay in the updates on Willow, my hard-drive had a bit of a melt down so I was without my laptop for a while!

    Willow is doing really really well. :) She’s come out of her shell a lot in the last little while and she’s proving to be absolutely hilarious! She’s so sweet and cheeky everyone she meets falls in love with her. She does have us in stitches sometimes when you tell her to do something – she always does it but gives you such a cheeky face as if to say ‘whatever, I was going to do that anyway!’ and trots off with this little self important swagger :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I think she’s the closest thing to the perfect little friendly dog you’ll find. Willow’s always prepared to say hello to anyone and has been extremely gentle with any children that she’s met out. She’s very cuddly and is happy just to snuggle into you and have a good pet. (That’s why she’s so hard to get a good picture of because when you kneel down to take one she snuggles straight into your lap!)

    Talking about her pictures, they really don’t do her justice! She has such a pretty little face and she’s always getting compliments when she’s out. It’s been bugging me for a while to try to figure out what her breeding might be and I think Ive cracked it with Whippet! She looks just like a miniature Whippet so I think she might be half Whippet and then maybe Collie X Terrier? I think it would explain a lot of her gentle cuddly temperment too. :)

    Her and Denzel are best of friends now and are always stuck together. Willow tends to boss him around the place and he really doesn’t care, he’s smitten! :lol: However we have recently seen some occasions where Denzel has put his foot down (new butcher bones were a good example!) and she’s backed off, so she’s not all that tough! :lol: :roll:

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #107301

    Thanks Indianna, Im positive Willow will be very pleased with your new years wish! :D

    Haha I laughed at the picture too! I couldnt get one were she wasnt wagging her tail furiously, so this one had to do :lol: But thats Willow, always happy!

    Youre right, she would be brilliant at agility. Its hilarious when her and Denzel are playing as shes half the size of him but can leap up into the air and right over his back! The poor dog doesnt know whats hit him :lol:

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #107828

    Well little Willow is doing fantastic and is improving every day! :D
    Her and Denzel got their Christmas Eve bath and brush after coming home from the yard and she seemed well used to both (which isn’t surprising as she came to us squeaky clean! ;)) She had a great Christmas day and was extremely well behaved with everything that was going on. Lots of people came in to say hello to her, men, women, children, babies and she was delighted to meet everyone and behaved impeccably! The two devoured their Christmas dinner and fell asleep full and happy :lol:

    They got a nice long walk in St. Catherines park on Stephens day as a reward for being so good. I think someone has definitely put work into making her sit for getting her harness on as shes very polite. Willow had a ball sniffing her way through the woods, meeting new dogs and people and even had a splash through the stream (almost taking me with her! :lol: )

    Shes getting more used to the stables too and loves coming over with us. Shes getting better with the horses although I dont think she trusts them and barks if they dare to move! Shes still suspicious of the big horses but shes quite happy to accept the cats, goats and smaller ponies. We’ve been working on recall with her in one of the more secure fields and she doing very well. We can now let her off to play with Denzel which is great for tiring them out ;) . Its not perfect yet, but considering the time we’ve had her I think its quite amazing! Her training is coming on very well too and she loves it. :)

    Willow and Denzel get on brilliantly, she adores her big foster brother! Theres just one thing that they disagree on – Denzels favourite game is chasing a ball, while Willows is chasing Denzels heels! So we brought a special toy today for Willow to have and this helped to occupy her!

    Shes very sweet and has a very cheeky little face. Shes extremely trusting of people too which is lovely :) Will update again soon on this little diva.

    in reply to: Re: Willow – 8 month old collie / terrier x – HOMED #106692

    This pretty little girl came to us on Wednesday night. (We were told that she responds to ‘Tia’ so thats the name we’ve been using with her) She was shy for about five or ten minutes but was soon playing and tumbling in the grass with Denzel! :D We cant believe how fast she has settled in and adapted to all the changes! She is super friendly and will say hello to anyone!

    She is very lively and loves to play tug and wrestling.
    Shes very gentle and loves cuddles and kisses. Shes very good in the house and hasnt tried to steal or chew a thing. She sleeps all night and doesnt make a sound! Tia is REALLY good with the cat too which is a massive bonus! :D She just cant understand why the cat doesnt want to play with her! :lol: :roll:

    Tia is very intelligent aswell, I was doing bits of training with her yesterday and she learns very fast. The main thing we are trying to teach her is not to jump when she wants something but to sit instead and she is doing extremely well. She just adores getting those treats and being told shes good! :)

    We took her to the stables with us today and yesterday and she travelled very well in the back of the jeep with Denzel. Shes very well behaved in the car. She met lots of dogs up there (many which are quite grumpy!) and got on perfectly with every single one of them. She loves meeting new dogs and dogs seem to love her too! :D She was quite scared of the horses and barked at them, but considering theyre so big and shes never seen one before she was very good! We took her for a walk up the lane yesterday and around the fields with Denzel today. I dont know if shes ever been in the country before but her little nose didnt leave the ground! We havent let her off her lead yet as we want to work on some recall with her at home first. She is quite strong when just on her collar but doesnt pull at all when in her harness and is very easy to walk. :)
    She is very bouncy and can be a little bossy madam with Denzel! He doesnt care at all but I think an older or timid dog might get tired of her.

    What she really needs is a forever home that she can properly settle into. She has so much love to give to the lucky family that gets her! :)

    in reply to: Denzel – 8 wk old terrier puppy #95163

    Well, we have Denzel only a few hours now and we are completely in love!!!
    As you can see from the photos he has settled in right away. He is so confident and fearless, (except for the cats litter box which he sneaks up on and barks at! :lol: )
    He has had lots of fun searching our house for things to chew and play with. His favourite toy of the moment is definately the sheep. (I guess thats the Collie in him! :lol: )
    We are so lucky to have him and would like to thank everyone at DID so so much, especially the Colgan family, who have given him such a fantastic start to life. We are so grateful.
    I think the day was all a bit too much for him though, he is currently passed out and dead to the world! :D

    Will update soon,
    Fiona, Angela and Denzel.

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