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  • in reply to: Alice – ref 140 – Pom – approx 3yrs *HOMED* #114986

    Yes, poor Alice is really finding it hard at the moment not to be a couch potato. I took her for a little walk today and she did perk up a little but when we got home she was straight back on the couch and hasn’t moved since. She is receiving a 5 star treatment at the moment and is enjoying every minute of it :D :D She eats and drinks on the couch, has yummy treats and a lap to lie on all day long. :D :D

    in reply to: Alice – ref 140 – Pom – approx 3yrs *HOMED* #114936

    Poor little Alice was at the vets today being neutered and has done nothing but sleep since she got home. She also seems quite depressed and refuses to eat. She wouldn’t even look at the cheddar cheese treat I offered her.:cry:

    Lets hope that she will be feeling a bit better soon. :D :D

    I think she might also be a little upset because she couldn’t go for a walk today. Alice is always a very quiet little girl but when I pick the leash up she gets so excited. For the past few weeks she has been just loving her daily outings. She reminds me of a puppy that is only beginning to explore the world and of course finding it very very interesting.

    Here’s a few pictures of the past few days

    in reply to: Alice – ref 140 – Pom – approx 3yrs *HOMED* #114815

    Here’s another few pics of Alice :D :D

    in reply to: Alice – ref 140 – Pom – approx 3yrs *HOMED* #114814

    Alice’s life is just getting better and better especially now that she can go for her walks off the leash. :D :D
    The difference this has made to her is just amazing, she enjoys herself so much now running around with Mitzi and Mozart (which is a lot) that she just collapses and sleeps as soon as we got home. :D To see Alice smile like she has done the past few days just shows how important it is to teach a dog a simple recall. Every so often Alice comes running back to me without being asked, just checks in and runs off to the others again which is absolutely adorable. :D :D
    Overall Alice is an absolute sweetheart and I’m a 100% sure she is going to make somebody very very happy.

    in reply to: Alice – ref 140 – Pom – approx 3yrs *HOMED* #114704

    Alice has settled really well now and is getting on great with both of my dogs. :D
    Alice is a very pretty, affectionate and quiet little girl…..just loves to cuddle up beside you at night time and go to sleep. The only time she gets excited is when she sees the collar and leash and just loves going on her daily walks. She travels really well in the car and is now jumping in all by herself. :D
    I’m quite sure Alice was in a home before she landed in the pound because she is very well behaved, not afraid of any strange sounds, doesn’t react when the door bell rings and seems quite comfortable in an indoor environment.
    She has plenty of confidence but you can tell that she has been neglected and has never had a true bond with a human. She has no interest in playing with toys and even got a little nervous of a squeaking ball. She never asks for anything and just does her own little thing which isn’t very much and is very sad to see. The only thing she showed any interest in up to now is a filled kong so I hope her interest will awaken soon and she will begin to play with other dogs and toys. :D :D

    in reply to: Alice – ref 140 – Pom – approx 3yrs *HOMED* #114560

    Alice arrived safely thanks to Gavin and is now beginning a new phase of her life :D
    She was very matted and dirty when she arrived so last night she had a lovely big bath which she seemed to enjoy a lot. After that it was a task of 3 – 4 hours brushing and cutting all the unwanted hair out. She was so good and seemed to enjoy being pampered. Now she smells and looks like a perfect pooch. :D :D
    She slept very well through her first night but it’s plain to see that she is a little unsure and worried.(she reminds me of a sad little lost soul that doesn’t know where she belongs at the moment) :(
    She’s not scared and seems to have plenty of confidence with humans and dogs but certainly needs training in some areas which we have already started.
    She is a very affectionate little girl and knows exactly how to get a belly rub. She throws herself on her back and looks at you so that you can’t resist rubbing her belly. :lol:

    in reply to: Freddie – 5 mt Collie x pup ref 53 *HOMED* #114536

    Freddie went to his forever home today :D :D He couldn’t have picked a nicer home :lol: I’m sure he is going to be spoilt rotten with his four new great parents and receive the respect he deserves.
    We all wish him and his new family many great years of Luck, happiness and joy.

    Fiona, Jenny and Chris with Mozart and Mitzi :D

    in reply to: Freddie – 5 mt Collie x pup ref 53 *HOMED* #114330

    Freddie loves the indoor life now and is not half as jumpy as he was when he first came :D :D
    It’s also so nice to see how he is getting on with my son now. Yesterday, he actually jumped up on the sofa beside him and gave him a kiss :D. This is such a happy sight and it just shows how dogs can forgive and can learn to trust again when they receive the respect they deserve. Freddie has exceptionally good manners in the house and is a pleasure to have around. His recall is great and the leash walking is also improving. In the car he is still a little nervous on long journeys but jumping in and out by himself when we do travel is no problem. :D
    I hope that someone will open their heart and give this guy what he deserves "A happy home with a great companion"

    in reply to: Freddie – 5 mt Collie x pup ref 53 *HOMED* #114141

    Freddie is just a joy to have around. He has an amazing gentle and quiet personality. :D
    He is now slowly beginning to trust men and people a lot more than he did. After just 3 weeks now my 19 year old son can touch him, stroke him and he has actually started wagging his tail when he comes in. He is a lot less stressed now, much calmer and a lot more relaxed no matter what sort of situation props up. :D :D :D.
    Training Freddie is also an enjoyable experience as he is very motivated to work for his living. :lol: He loves our little training sessions and is making exceptionally good progress. He is now fully toilet trained and runs to the door when he needs to go out. His favourite time of the day at the moment is walking in the park freely and doing all the things that dogs like to do. :D

    in reply to: Freddie – 5 mt Collie x pup ref 53 *HOMED* #114036

    Here’s another few pictures of Freddie enjoying himself. :D :D

    in reply to: Freddie – 5 mt Collie x pup ref 53 *HOMED* #114035

    Freddie’s been having a great time since I can walk him off lead. His social skills are just great and he never get’s cross even if other dogs are cross with him. He just walks away and forgets all about it. :D
    This little fella doesn’t ask for much and is so well behaved. He seems to understand things so quickly and is one of the most gentle little dogs I’ve ever known.
    He doesn’t seem to be nervous of anything except men which is also improving daily. He loves getting his harness on, loves swimming, doesn’t object going back on the lead when were walking, doesn’t bark much, doesn’t bother people. This guy will make somebody a really good companion. :D

    in reply to: Freddie – 5 mt Collie x pup ref 53 *HOMED* #113986

    Freddie is settling well with me now. He is a very quiet, gentle and affectionate little fella. :D
    He is a little nervous in certain situations and seems very cautious with men but only in enclosed areas. Outside he forgets everything and is quite a confident and happy little guy. He tends to pull a little on the lead which at the moment is more his desire to get to all the different doggy smells etc. :roll: His recall is improving and he had his first big walk off the lead which went extremely well. He didn’t wander too far and kept a close eye on us all the time. It was great to see him enjoying himself running around freely and playing with other dogs. :D
    He is very trainable and seems to catch on very quick. He is also a very observant little fella and is learning a lot at the moment this way especially in the doggy society. He jumps into the car by himself and is very quiet and well behaved but gets a little nervous on a longer journey. He should get used to this in no time if taken frequently on journeys to nice places. :)

    in reply to: Fraggle – new home #112495

    It definitely sounds like the same fellah if he is wiping himself on the carpet. :lol: Here is a picture. I really hope it’s him


    in reply to: Fraggle – new home #112328

    What’s basil been up to?

    This guy is fabulous. :D Basils walks have become the most important thing in his life since he is walking off lead and can do things that dogs love to do. As soon as I go to pick my boots up he is sitting at the front door. :lol: His greetings with other dogs get less and less tense and he is beginning to play and fool around with them. His recall is also super. :D :D when I compare the first time I let him off the lead to now "wow"what a difference. Apart from being fussy about what he eats he is also an absolute pet at home.

    Here’s a few pics

    in reply to: Fraggle – new home #112152

    Basil has been with me now just over a week and is well settled and happy :D

    He is such a handsome chap with lots of character and very very affectionate. He likes to climb onto your lap, flop and go to sleep. :lol: He is very good in the car and fab on lead. Since a few days he is experiencing life off the lead and the difference is just amazing. His recall is getting better everyday and he never objects when he has to go back on the lead. His social skills are also improving daily and with ongoing guidance will become a perfect companion. :D
    He really loves his obedience training lessons and is responding very positively now to all sorts of commands and signals. He loves a game of tug with us and his pals and is beginning now to play all by himself. He shakes the hell out of his teddys and then lets them fly all over the place which is halarious to watch.
    Overall Basil is a great fella and with those big beautiful ears, he is just irresistable. :D :D

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