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  • in reply to: Gypsy – ref 255 – 1y old ..Collie X – HOMED #116531

    I met Suzy yesterday with her auntie and all I can say is, she looks just fantastic. She looks like a different dog. She has so much more hair now and has filled out really nicely. It looks like she couldn’t have picked a better home. It was so nice to see how concerned all the family were and how they want to help her over her bad past history. :D :D :D :D
    Yippee…… Another Happy ending.


    I agree, all the dogs coats seem to be in terrible condition lately :roll: some of these poor dogs have never seen a brush in their lives before and are not used to being handled much by humans either so they find the brush and the handling absolutely terrifying. :o it’s not always easy to groom dogs that are fearful so you have to be extremely careful and patient.

    in reply to: Gypsy – ref 255 – 1y old ..Collie X – HOMED #115964

    This little girl got really lucky and found her new home on the same evening that she arrived to me. :D :D All she had to do was just look a little timid. :lol: I didn’t get a lot of time with her and she is still quite nervous of some things but I know eventually that this little sweetheart is going to make a wonderful companion for her new dad.
    Suzy is now already in her new home. :D I spoke to her new dad this evening and was really happy to hear that she is settling in well. :D :D
    I’m sure we will see them both soon in the future as they only live a short distance away. We wish suzy and her new dad a wonderful future together.

    Fiona, Jenny, chris with Mitzi, Mozart and Charlie

    in reply to: Gypsy – ref 255 – 1y old ..Collie X – HOMED #115774

    Just 1 day after suzy’s arrival to me she got the kennel cough Grrr….. but she is almost better now :D :D
    This poor girl must have had a terrible past life. She is so insecure, is lacking confidence and her coping abilities are very limited. She is afraid of everything and especially the collar and lead. When She see’s it she runs away. The car has also been a scary experience for her the last few days but she did make some progress today. :D :D
    Now for some good news! She is learning the recall and is doing exceptionally well. Today she was off leash in the park and instead of walking with her head down and tail tucked she began to charge around the place with Charlie. I wasn’t expecting this so soon but was really happy just to see a smile on her face and to see how she was really enjoying herself. :D :D She gets on really well with dogs but around humans, even me she is still a little unsure how to interact. (sometimes some of the things she does are very amusing) :D Overall Suzy is a quiet and very well behaved little girl and I’m sure she will be a fabulous companion for someone.

    in reply to: Gypsy – ref 255 – 1y old ..Collie X – HOMED #115740

    Thanks to Sarah for bringing (Gypsy) Suzy over to us last night. :D She was extremely nervous at the start but after a few hours began to feel more comfortable and actually played with Charlie for a while. :D :D
    She had quite a restless night wandering from one bed to another so hopefully tonight after a long walk today she will be able to settle better.
    She has a great appetite and seems to have put on some weight already thanks to Sarah. This poor girl has quite a way to go in building confidence around dogs, humans and new environments but I’m sure being a Collie she will make a fast recovery and catch up on everything she has lost out on in the past.

    Pictures to follow

    in reply to: Freddie – 5 mt Collie x pup ref 53 *HOMED* #115495

    Freddie is looking just great and it’s great to see him again after 2 months. :D :D Lovely pictures………

    Looks like he’s really settled well now. :D :D

    Give him a big hug and kiss from all of us.

    Fiona, Jenny and Chris with Mitzi Mozart and Charlie

    in reply to: Bruce – approx 2yrs – ref 224 *HOMED* #114912

    Well this guy just stole my heart :D :D :D
    He gets on so well with my other dogs that the duo has now become a trio :D :D He still has a lot to learn but we have lots of time. I’m really thrilled that i could adopt him into our family as he just fits in so perfectly.

    As you can see from the pictures it was very hard not to fall for this guy.
    :D :D :D :D :D

    in reply to: Jill – 3yr old Collie X – ref 178 *HOMED* #114931

    :D :D :D :D
    Am I happy for this girl. :D It couldn’t have worked out better for her.
    Just seeing Jill on the beach has made my day and going to a home with a dog that has the same amount of energy as Jill is just perfect.

    Jill is a fantastic dog and we all wish her and her new family many years of happiness.

    Fiona, Jenny and Chris with Mitzi Mozart and Charlie :D :D

    in reply to: Bruce – approx 2yrs – ref 224 *HOMED* #115333

    When Bruce arrived his coat was in an awful state. I just can’t understand how anybody could keep a dog in such a poor condition. :x
    His coat led me to believe he was kept outdoors. Anyway he’s had his bath, is groomed and is looking great again. :D :D (He looks like a giant teddy bear) Both bathing and grooming went extremely well and he seemed to be so thankful to be clean again.
    He seems very confident but is not used to having other dogs around him and doesn’t know how to play. :(
    We went for our first walk yesterday which I don’t think he has had in the past so does pull on the leash quite a bit. He finds it hard to settle down and relax at the moment most probably due to being indoors and with so many other dogs so hopefully in a week things will get better for him.

    Pictures will follow in a few days

    in reply to: Jill – 3yr old Collie X – ref 178 *HOMED* #115332

    From an outdoor life to an indoor life Jill definitely prefers the indoor life and hasn’t looked back since she got here. :D She has made even more progress this week and is just perfect in every way. :D :D
    She is off leash now and is just fantastic. Her recall is a 10 out of 10 and she never wanders too far. :D :D She gets on great with all dogs apart from the big bouncy ones that charge over to us. They seem to make her a little nervous but after a few minutes she is fine again. :D She plays just like a pup with other dogs and people have actually asked me if she is a pup :lol: She’s does still get a little nervous when strange people reach out to her or in new environments but with lots of positive experiences is getting slowly used to it now but will need to be continued. She is house trained now but does need to be let out regularly to avoid accidents. She is also eating larger amounts now and is slowly but surely putting on weight. :D :D

    Everybody that meets Jill just loves her :D :D She is absolutely adorable and one of the nicest natured dogs I have ever met.

    in reply to: Jill – 3yr old Collie X – ref 178 *HOMED* #115227

    It’s almost a week now since Jill is with us and she is just adorable :D :D
    She has settled very well now, is quiet, well behaved and seems to really enjoy all the company as well as the comforts of the indoor life. She is already used to all the different noises and goings on in the neighbourhood, goes up and down the stairs which I might mention was terrifying for her on the first trial like everything else. Jill is also so affectionate, friendly and just loves getting lots and lots of attention. :D
    Jill’s first walk was a very scary experience. She was afraid of just everything in sight including all the dogs and people we met on our way. Her tail was glued to her rear end all the way around the park but being a Collie, it didn’t take long for her to grasp the idea that the daily walks are pleasant and exciting experiences. She is now already much more relaxed and has gained quite a bit of confidence on the walks. :D (See pics)
    Jill travels really well in the car and since Wednesday can jump in and out all by herself. :D She is also almost house trained which is fab for an outdoor dog and in such a short time. :D :D
    Overall Jill has made remarkable progress in just a week and no doubt she will continue on this way. :D :D :D

    in reply to: Jill – 3yr old Collie X – ref 178 *HOMED* #115142

    some photos of Jill as promised!

    in reply to: Alice – ref 140 – Pom – approx 3yrs *HOMED* #115132

    Alice has gone to her forever home and we miss her a lot. :cry: :cry: She was such a pleasure to have around. She now has 2 great new mum’s and I’m pretty sure she’s going to be spoilt rotten which is great. :D :D
    We all wish you a happy happy new life and hope you get all the attention you deserve.

    Fiona, Jenny and Chris with Mozart and Mitzi :D :D

    in reply to: Jill – 3yr old Collie X – ref 178 *HOMED* #115081

    When I picked Jill up from the pound yesterday she was so scared. She was cowing down when we just looked at her and was trembling all over her body. She seemed to just keep excusing herself for being alive. It was a horrible experience to see such a beautiful smart collie so insecure and with absolutely no confidence. :cry: :cry:
    It wasn’t a nice experience to touch Jill either as she was so dirty, smelly, her coat was matted all over her body and her tail and rear end were covered in big heavy dreadlocks . We also discovered that underneath all this appalling coat she was very underweight and had fleas. :x
    After a bath which also went very well the hard work began in trying to sort her coat out. It took hours and unfortunately a lot of hair had to be removed from her rear end and tail but it will grow back. She loved every minute of the attention and its plain to see that she is really thankful that her skin can breath again.
    What a difference a day makes! Yesterday she was afraid of everything in the house environment including the television. She kept going outside to look for a place to sleep. It was heartbreaking to watch her, at times I had tears in my eyes. After a long time she finally realised that she was allowed to stay inside with us. She slept in the kitchen all night quietly and had only 1 accident which is amazing for an outdoor dog. :D Today she seems to be a lot more relaxed, a lot happier and already feeling more confident. :D :D

    Pics. to follow soon!

    in reply to: Goldie – 2yr old Pom *HOMED* #114999

    Poor little fella! :o
    It reminds me of Alice just a few weeks ago. Grooming poms without pain can be quite a task when there not used to being brushed. It took me over 3 hours to comfortably remove all the undercoat and dreadlocks from Alice but she did feel great afterwards. :D :D

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