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MemberWell my little baby met his new forever family last night and what a wonderful family he will be going to, I could not wish for better and he will be the only dog so will be spoiled rotten, they are collecting him on Friday and I have such a heavy heart at the moment got very little sleep last night. I know he will have a wonderful life, and hopefully it wont be last I see off him. The only thing that is keeping me going is wondering what dog I will be getting next. My Bichon is going to miss him terrible to they have become real buddies.
MemberErnie, he is such and sweet dog and getting on great, a real little character is starting to develop, loves kids and others dogs so will make someone a wonderful little pet, loves his cuddles in the evening time, when I bring him out in my arms he get admiring glances from all the passers buy and loves the attention he gets.
MemberWell Ernie had his first injection the other evening and was microchipped he was very brave indeed but was a bit sore on Friday and yesterday, met Kathy and she said that Ernie looks much bigger in the photos then he really is in real life.
MemberWell all going really well with Ernie, he is a smashing little fella, and will make who ever takes him on a wonderful pet, I have decided that I am not going to fall at the first hurdle and continue on with the fostering rather than taking a second dog full time, even though Ernie is like part of the family now!!! Toilet training is coming on great and has his number two’s down to a fine art, still one or two little accidents with the wee’s but I think this may be more out of excitment rather than anything else, I have had a number of friends will to take him on so have been e-mailing adoption forms at a great rate.
MemberHe is only my second foster dog!!!!!!! and I just feel I would love to continue with the fostering but think if I had two dogs of my own I would probably have to give it up, am I better to give one dog a home or be able to give many dogs a loving home when they need it most, I know that there will be no hassle finding this little fella a home as he is the cutest thing ever and I know when I start to bring him out for walks he will get loads of admirers.
MemberWell we have Ernie a few days now and he is going from strenght to strenght, a lot more lively now that he has been wormed, hopefully we will get his injections this weekend and we can then start bringing him out for little walks, toilet training coming on well dry cage every morning and goes straight away, in the garden have to concentrate more on later in the day now as he now good then but is getting there, would imagine he was allowed go anywhere he wanted in his last home. He got some new toys yesterday to help with his teething and they were a great success, loves his cuddles in the evening when he gets tired and nestles into you and sleeps soundly for hours, do I sound like a failing foster mother????
MemberWell collected Ernie yesterday evening what a beautiful little pup, with lovely markings, he settled in really well and spent all evening asleep in my arms, Dexter my Bichon is just mad about him and wont let him go outside by himself he has to go with him, slept in his cage all night without any mess this morning and was really snug thanks to blankets and toys donated by my neice, let him out of the cage this morning and opened the back door and he went straight outside to do his business, so things are looking good for the toilet training, wormed him this morning as I would say he has not seen sight nor sign of a worming tablet since he was born, and he is now sporting a nice new collar.
MemberWas sad to see this guy go on Saturday, but know he will be well looked after, it was a great experience for my first foster dog, and I am looking forward to who I get next, if he/she is as good as Dexter then I know I will be ok.
MemberPicked Dexter up from vets yesterday afternoon, and he was very sleepy all evening he cannot seem to get the hang of the cone on his head, he was back to his old self this morning and waiting patiently for his breakfast, put together as lovely big bed for him so he would be nice and cosy but he insisted in squeezing himself into my bichon frise’s bed, which made us laugh.
MemberWell done Carol what a great job you have done DID were lucky when you came on board as a volenteer, they are absolute beauties and I am sure there will be no problem finding forever homes them.
MemberPicked this guy up on Monday to foster him for a couple of days, he is an absolutely fabulous dog, very friendly, great with other dogs and people, will sit and give paw on demand. Had him in the park last night and braved letting him off the lead he was excellent running around but staying with us all the time, at the end of the walk told him to sit which he did perfectly and let me put the lead back on. He will make a wonderful pet to whoever takes him on and would be loyal to the last, I left him at the vets this morning to be neutered and even after two days with me was trying to follow me when I was leaving. I would love to keep him full time but unfortunately are garden would be to small for him.
MemberGreat news that she will be reunited with her brothers and sisters, she is definitely the fighter of the pack now. Glad to see things are going well.
MemberI have just sent in an application form for fostering so if you need an hand or would like me to take some of the pups for you I would be more than willing to give you a hand or even if you would like a break for a day or two I would be willing to do that to.
MemberHi I would be willing to give you hand and foster some of these puppies if it gets to much for you, I have been meaning to apply for fostering for some time, I already have one dog a 2.5 year old Bichon Frise, who is super with other dogs and children. So if you need any help let me know.