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  • in reply to: Fargo – terrier x puppy*HOMED* #103724

    So am I, I thought he would be gone in a flash will be a great little dog for someone, he is a cheeky chappie and as nosey as hell very little goes on the the road that he does not know about. Loves his walks every day and stays beside you without being on a lead and comes when calls, so he is progressing nicely haven’t started on the commands yet but he will sit when giving him a treat and knows the command down when told. He is still not very tall but loves his food, so he is quite stocky. Don’t delay in getting in contact if you are interested in this little charactor as he would be great to find him a forever home.

    in reply to: Fargo – terrier x puppy*HOMED* #103615

    As you can see Kathy posted some of my lastest pictures of Fargo above, he loves sitting on the ironing board when I am finished the ironing as you can see, and the last picture is his favorite sleeping position, he is a wonderful little dog with such a great personality, when he does misbehave and you give out to him he looks at you from under his big eyes and your heart just melts. He is going to be a small dog I think as he does not seem to be growing height wise like I thought he would, is now out walking every day and loving the snow.

    in reply to: Fargo – terrier x puppy*HOMED* #103461

    He has now had his last vacination and is ready to visit the big wild world can’t wait to bring him out at the weekend, put the christmas tree up during the week thought he might think it was his new toy but he has been very good and left it alone, made us all laugh as he ran and hid when the singing Santa came to life. Still only growing width wise rather than height wise, will try and post some up to date pictures at the weekend when I get the camera out. This dog is going to make someone a really great pet, he is so affectionate.
    Picture 043.jpg
    Picture 042.jpg
    Picture 039.jpg

    in reply to: Fargo – terrier x puppy*HOMED* #103286

    He has not really grown at all, had him with the vet the other day and he thinks he is a mixture between a jack russell and a calvier king charles spaniel, so I won’t say he will grow to much more, he now has his christmas stocking up on the fire place, telling santa that he has been a good dog and I would have to agree with him, he obviously thinks that santa will be visiting him in our house, otherwise we will have to pack it with his things if he finds his forever home between now and then, I am picturing him on Christmas day all curled up in front of the fire on his cushion which is favourite spot in the house.

    in reply to: Fargo – terrier x puppy*HOMED* #103204

    Has grown very little height wise but defo width wise he is a little puddin, he is really fantastic, we all love him to bits, and in no hurry to find his forever home the longer we have him the better he gets.

    in reply to: Fargo – terrier x puppy*HOMED* #103200

    Fargo is turning out to be a wonderfull little dog, more or less totally toilet trained, great temperment, gets on great with other dogs, children, adults, loves his cuddles, loves getting out for a run and loves his new trick of dragging his bed to the front of the fire, and stretching out, he definitely loves his heat. We spend most of our time laughing at him as he tries so hard to snuggle in close to our bichon he is like a leech will try and post some photos later.

    in reply to: Casper – Bichon Frise – HOMED #83012

    I have a 2.5 year old bichon, don’t worry to much about the eating I think bichon maybe just slow eaters, I have to leave my fella bowl down all the time as he doesn’t and never has gulped is food in one sitting he is more inclined to eat at night time, I said it to the vet and he told me that some breeds of dogs are not fussed about food, he told me to try to leave the bowl down for 10 mins in the morning and 10 mins in the evening to teach him that this is the time to eat but it never worked with my dog, as he was eating nothing, so as I said I just leave the bowl down all day and he eats when he wants which seems to be little and often, this is good in away because I have noticed that because food is not a big thing with him, there is no food agression with other dogs, I am fostering Fargo at the moment a little pup and the two of them are happy to eat out of the one bowl. So really what I am saying his eating may not be a behavoural problem it may just be his breed.

    in reply to: Ernie – jrt – 10wks old *HOMED* #103060

    Wow he is gone so big and handsome, still hold a little tourch in my heart for him, it is great to get a picture to see what a lovely dog he is turning into.

    in reply to: Fargo – terrier x puppy*HOMED* #102856

    Fargo will definitely do better in a home that has another dog as he does not like being left I his own. Toilet training is going well only the very odd accident when it is lashing rain but who can blame him for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Fargo – terrier x puppy*HOMED* #102665

    This little fella is doing great, a real little character, and very clean around the house, likes to do his business outside and is even standing at the door waiting for you to open it for him to go out, loves the company of other dogs and gets very yappy if left alone, so might suit a house where they have another dog. He has the cutest face and loves lying in your arms on his back for you to rub his tummy while he sleeps. Think my dog thinks that he really has to mind him as he has moved his bed to beside the cage and keeps putting his cuddly toys in beside Fargo as if he knows he needs to comforted.

    in reply to: Fargo – terrier x puppy*HOMED* #102335

    Well picked this little guy up yesterday, and he is just the cutest little fella I have ever seen with a really pretty face, he is a timid little thing but very cuddly, would not say he has been handled to much as likes to go off and sleep on his own, but after a few hours last night he was comfortably sleeping on my knee, I think because I have Dexter there it calmed him down there wasn’t a peep out of him all evening, I put him in his cage last night thinking i would be in for a night of crying and again not a peep out of him till I let him out at 7.00am this morning brought him straight out and he did his business and then had a hearty breakfast.

    in reply to: Fargo – terrier x puppy*HOMED* #102412

    Well did not have to suffer empty nest syndrome for to long, picking this little mite up this afternoon, and hopefully it won’t be long before he finds his forever home like Ernie.

    in reply to: Ernie – jrt – 10wks old *HOMED* #102389

    This is truely a happy ending to my first foster dog, you are right he has definitely landed on his four paws.

    in reply to: Ernie – jrt – 10wks old *HOMED* #102282

    Well said goodbye to my little man this morning before I left for work and then cried to whole way in, I think he must off sensed something because he chased me all the way out to the front door as if he knew. It will be very strange when I go home and he is not there.

    in reply to: Ernie – jrt – 10wks old *HOMED* #102179

    Thanks for the kind words, not looking forward to tomorrow, thankfully I am working and my husband will be there when he is going as I don’t think I would be able to watch him go out the door, and I told him to have all his bits put away by the time I get home, have not selpt for the past two nights, and last night he was all curled up on my knee so safe and secure, my only saving grace is that he could not be going to a nicer family so I know that he is going to have a really happy life, and they have told me that they will stay in touch with me to let me know how he is getting on.

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