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Memberoh wow still has handsome as ever he was my very first foster puppy and I just knew he would turn out to be such a lovely dog obviously he is being well looked after and very happy but I had no doubt he would they were a fabulous family
MemberI have a tear in my eye looking at these pictures we miss him so much, he is a great dog and I am so glad he has found a really good new forever family.
MemberWell Jet (now Max) went to his new home on Saturday morning, was really sad to see him going as he had settled in with us really well, however he is going to a fabalous new home with a little brother Charlie also a Bichon to keep him company, and wonderful new owners who I know will spoil him rotton.
MemberAnyone who gets to adopt Jet will be getting a great dog, everyday he is just getting more and more settled and confident in himself, he is a clever fella and I have being giving him some basic command training so he will not sit when asked. Also the last few nights he is happy to lie in a chair by himself where as up to now he had to be right beside you all the time, last thing at night he does need some coaxing to go outside to do his business as I think somewhere in the back of his head he thinks he will be left out there in the dark, I am trying to build up his confidence by standing at the back door with the door open while he is out so that he knows he can come back in.
MemberJet is coming on really well, got over his neutering but I would say he will be glad to get rid of his cone on saturday when he is back to the vets to have his stitches out, he is a typical bichon and has the most gentlest nature, for a dog that spend most of his time alone in the garden with no attention he has been very fogiving to us humans and is now just craving our attention, himself and Dexter my other bichon like nothing more than sitting on the back of the chair in front of the window just watching the world go by, normally I am sitting down in the evening with one at the back of my neck and one on my knee so needless to say I am not lonely at nighttime.
MemberWell Jet is coming on famously and really settling in, he was neutered on Wednesday and was not to impressed with his cone of shame but is getting to grips with it now, nighttime is going really well was in the crate for three nights and not a peep, last night he was all curled up asleep on the chair when we were going to bed so I decided I would try him out of the cage last night and he was grand not a peep so the seperation anxiouty seems to have died down completely. Was at the vets this morning for a check up and he was grand and healing well. Is great at travelling in the car, great with other dogs and loves people so whoever gets him as a pet will be getting a great little fella.
MemberHad another good night last night, still had to go down twice and tell him to stop barking but did it quicker last night and not a peep again until I went down this morning he did look sheepishly at me this morning as if I was going to give out again which made me feel a bit guilty but he gave me loads of cuddles and kisses once I let him out
I then let him into the sitting room and opened the curtains and he was sitting looking at me leave for work, I thought he would go mad again when I left as there was signs that he had been scratching the door yesterday but my husband who was still in bed said there was not a peep out of him after I left until he got up about 9.00am so hopefully he is starting to trust that the affection he is getting now is not short lived and he will always have it.
He seems to enjoy sitting on the back to the chair with Dexter looking out the window when we are not there. He is being neutered tomorrow so that should keep in quiet for a few days and maybe break the scratching the door habit.
MemberWell a better night with Jet last night, tucked him up nicely in his crate with a hot water bottle and blankets and a flessy jumper, he barked for about 5 minutes and my husband went down and told him to be quiet he stayed quiet for about ten minutes then the barking started again so it was my turn to go down, so I went down a sternly told him to be quiet and go asleep and he looked at me with his big black eyes and new I was not up for any messing, did not hear another peep out of him till 6.45am, so that was not to bad hopefully we have another good night tonight.
MemberThe picture above is Jet with his cousin Charlie they all get on famously, not such a great night last night, a lot of barking and scratching the door for most of the night, I think the poor fella was so starved of any affection now that he is getting it he does not want to let us go, was tempted to bring him up to bed with us but really don’t want to start a trend, hence me and hubby are like zombies going around the place today, any advise from anyone on how to resolve this would be great was going to try him in the cage tonight with a hot water bottle to see if that resolves the situation as he might feel more secure in there and warmer after all his fur is gone.
MemberJet had a great night not a bother on him and he gave us a great welcome this morning when we came down, he is at the groomers at the moment so I am really looking forward to seeing the different when I pick him up will try and post some pictures later if I can find the camera, went out and bought him a new coat and collar and name tag this morning as I would say he will be feeling the cold with all that hair gone. He has a great temperment just like Dexter so I am delighted.
MemberWell collected this little fella this afternoon, what a lovely dog and great temperment sat beside me in the front of the car and not a bother on him, Dexter and Jet hit it off straight away, he is off to the groomers in the morning and this is badly needed as he is a bit wiffy and his coat is so thick and matted, we have a big fire lighting this afternoon and he was bet with the heat as he is used to been outside the whole time, has been busy marking his territory in the house today but that is only to be expected, don’t know whether he is neutered or not too much hair there at the moment. He is not really keen on going out to the garden this evening but I think that is because he is afraid he wont be let in again, so this will take some time. However, there has been no accidents in the house apart from the marking business. Will post some pictures tomorrow after his grooming.
MemberWell my poor little man was collected this morning and the house seems already very quite without him, normally when I am on the computer he is sitting on my knee, Dexter is wandering around wondering where he is gone. I know he has a new great home but it is still hard to let them go.
MemberHe wont know himself then lying in front of the fire tomorrow night, I have provisionally booked him into The Dog Salon for Saturday morning if he seems ok tomorrow, if not I will let him settle in for a few days and then bring him, but I would say he will feel much better without that big heavy coat. Hopefully he will get on well with Dexter and he can start enjoying his life.
MemberLooking forward to getting this little guy tomorrow, and hopefully he will get on well with my 3yr old bichon, who will be in desperate need of company seen as Fargo is going to his forever home tomorrow need something to take my mind of him going otherwise I would be a blubbering heap all day.
MemberMyself, John and Dexter have heavy hearts this week at the thoughts of letting our little man go, the only consultation is that I know he will be very happy in his new home and has the most beautiful big sister to show him the ropes and teach him a thing or two. Dexter is going to miss him terribly as they have really become so close, but I know it won’t be too long before he gets another play mate to keep him company.