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MemberJust had an update from Jess new forever family which says
"Jess plays ball by herself!! It’s the cutest funniest thing I’ve ever seen! She throws the tennis ball up in the air and tries to catch it or sometimes she throws it as far as she can and chases it, she also started jumps up on the couch, throwing the ball off it and running after it. She’s getting on great with Button too, Button just had her operation and Jess hasn’t left her side and is all worried about her. She still loves her cuddles and is best friends with the whole family already!
MemberThanks for that once I know there is light at the end of the tunnell, last night I gave her a really soft plastic pig and she chewed on it nearly all night, I think she may be teething again, I will say one thing for her we are a much tidier house since she came on the seen nothing is left on the floor.
MemberThe picture above is of Jess just back from the groomers having a relax with Bonnie before she headed off to her new forever family, it was with a heavy heart we said goodbye to her and made even harder because Bonnie kept hopping in to the back of the car and sitting beside her. She has settled in really well with her new family and they are delighted with her they rang me last night to say thank you for such a wonderful dog. Here is a picture of her with her new family and her new little brother Button.
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MemberHi all, just to let you know that Jess has found a fabulous forever home where she will be spoiled rotten, will become a big sister and great mentor, I hate seeing her go as she has settled in so well with us but I know she is going to a great home. She was neutered last week so her stitches are coming out on Saturday morning then she is off to the groomers all ready for her new wonderful life. Oh I just love happy endings.
MemberLittle Jess is going from strength to strength she is a really fab little lady, she gets on extremely well with are two dogs, she would do really well in a home with older children and other dogs. We have had her now for a week and you would not even know that we had a new dog in the house. Bonnie my 9 month old scottie has taken the role of mentor (not sure if that is a good thing). When the three were out for a walk the other day my husband dropped Jess’s lead with that Bonnie picked up the lead in her mouth and walked her the whole way round the park and back home and in the front door, I always said she thinks she is human but that was taking it a step to far, she has done this everyday since much to the delight of other walkers.
MemberI have the little girl since Friday night and she is a lovely little thing has settled in well with my two other dogs, she was nervous of my husband and son on the first night and kept running into the garden when they went near her, so we took the tactic of them just ignoring her and little by little she started to come closer to them, I think having the other dogs helped her as by day two she would not leave my sons side and spent all last night sitting on his knee, we had people over for dinner last night and she was great was not a bit nervous of either men or women and I think she loved all the attention she was getting, we have had no toilet accidents so I assume she is house trained. Still have not heard her bark even with all the madness in our house, she was on two walks yesterday stayed with us all the time but does not seem to like getting her lead on, so I will work on that over the next few days. She will make someone a wonderful pet either on her own or a family with other dogs and she is great with kids too!!!! all in all a great little dog.
MemberGreat to see cookie and I believe they go to the same groomers, Bonnie is terrific, she has finially got to grips with the toilet training, she was also neutered two weeks ago and he fitting fit again, agree with the chewing all shoes have now been moved to the bedroom and now the garden plants are getting a hammering, got her an assortment of new rubber chews the other day and they seem to be doing the trick. We are delighted with her and she is fantasic with our other dog they are even sleeping in the one bed now. She loves water and went proper swimming in the sea down in bittas bay much to the delight of passers by. She is a great addition to our family. It would be really lovely if we could organise a meeting with all five of them to see how they are getting on.
MemberHere are some latest photos of Bonnie, she is getting on great and we can’t remember what the house was like without her, she is doing her puppy training with Emmaline and is coming on nicely apart from being the smallest dog in the group.
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MemberWill try and put some up, she go a nice new hair cut on Friday so will try and load some photos today.
MemberHi Anjo, justing looking at your post about Hamish (Gio) and I know you, its a small world will PM you now.
MemberHow are you getting on with Missy, Bonnie getting on fine, the toilet training has been slow still has the odd wee accident but fine otherwise, she started puppy training on Monday night and really enjoyed it she is clever little thing and learns quickly so that not to bad, her coat is changing colour and there is a light brown colour coming through.
MemberI find with Bonnie if I hold her and Dexters lead in the one hand and have them side by side she walks better, its a big improvement from the first few days when she used to lie on her back when I put the lead on her.
MemberWhat lovely photos he is turned in to a lovely dog, and we still talk about him foundly here, he was my longest foster dog so he will always have a special place in my heart.
MemberShe is going from strength to strength I am sitting her watching the two of them running around the garden, she is such a quiet little thing reminds me so much to Dexter when he was a pup, she is getting on really well with the toilet training, in crate at night time and no accidents at all, and during the day if we do miss the signs she goes on the paper in the kitchen so life is good.
Memberam watching with interest these are the cutest dogs I have ever seen and a mixture of two of my favourite breeds. We have two scotties living next door to us they are the most beautiful dogs ever