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MemberDelighted to see that Bilbo (Toby) is settled in well I knew he would as he has loads of love to give, we still miss him he had a big impact on us in such a short time.
MemberWell I am a sad little bunny today as I had to say goodbye to Bilbo this morning as he is heading off to his new family at lunchtime today and I had to go to work, we will really miss him around the place as he is such a lively little fella with bundles of personality. Last night himself and bonnie were wrapped up in one another when they slept so I would say she is going to miss him terrible when he goes today.
. I know he will be really happy in his new home and he is going to a lovely family but it is still hard to say goodbye.
MemberJust to let everyone know that Bilbo met is new forever family yesterday and they all got on famously, he will have a lovely older sister called Tara who funnily enough is the exact same colour as him, who is sure to put him in his place and teach him some manners. We will be sad to see him go and Bonnie is going to miss him as they have become so close but I am sure it wont be long until we get our next recruit.
MemberOh Kathy he is fab, and for anyone reading this who is looking for a dog to adopt I cannot recommend Bichons enough they are the most placid dogs you will meet they don’t shed hair and are not yappy. They make the perfect pet.
MemberWell Bilbo was vaxed and chipped last night and not a flinch out of him we could not believe it he just sat there as placid as anything, Kathy couldn’t believe how small he is compared to what he looks in the photos brought Bonnie and Dexter with me for the ride and the three of them were as happy as larry coming home thanks to Kathy and her bag of treats.
MemberWell just a little update on Bilbo, he is recovering well from his op and we discovered at the weekend he loves children and people, we had my all my family for dinner on Sunday and he was just fantastic he loved the kids and behaved himself very well he was a little overcome with excitment when he saw everybody arriving but only in respect of jumping up to greet everybody as they came in, once he got over the excitment he was great and played really gently with all the children. After the weekend I would have no hesitation in recommending him to a family with children.
MemberWell Bilbo had his little op yesterday and is recovering well, so he will be sporting his cone of shame for the next 10 days. He is still a pleasure to foster and has settled in really well, he really deserves a lovely home is his great with other dogs and children and totally house trained so he will make someone a wonderful pet, hopefully he will not be waiting to long for his forever home.
MemberWell Bilbo has been with me for a few days now, and what a lovely little fella he is full of personality, and has settled in very well, sleeps really well at night time and a happy little fella during the day, and always looks very happy to see you. He is definitely house trained as he has had no accidents in the house at all, he will make someone a really lovely pet with very little effort. He is going to have his little op next Wednesday and then hopefully it won’t be long before he find his forever home and has no more disruption in his life, he is certainly a dog that will give back loads to you in bucket fulls.
MemberWell I collected Bilbo yesterday from Barbara, he is a lovely little fella and there was great antics yesterday especially with Bonnie who is loving having someone to rough and tumble with, we went for a walk yesterday afternoon and I chanced letting him off the lead to have a good run with our two, and he was fine, did make a dash for it every now and again but alway came back. He slept all night not a peep out of him which is great seen as he was in a strange environment, he will really make someone a super pet, will take some pictures of him tonight.
December 23, 2011 at 9:39 am in reply to: Rocky – 1 year old Miniature Yorkshire Terrier*HOMED* #107516Dowlingca
MemberWell Rocky (now Barney) left us on Wednesday, and he went off not a bother on him to his wonderful new home, got a text from Ann and Joe yesterday to say that he has settled in well and that her grandchildern had been down to visit him and they all got on well. My poor Bonnie never moved from the window all day waiting for him to come back, but my sisters dog is arriving for Christmas so that should soon take her mind of him.
December 19, 2011 at 11:32 am in reply to: Rocky – 1 year old Miniature Yorkshire Terrier*HOMED* #107670Dowlingca
MemberDelighted to report that Rocky met is new forever family on Saturday and it was love at first sight on both accounts, they bonded very well and he did not let the side down with all his cute little mannerisms, hopefully he will be heading off on Wednesday to his new home in Kildare, where in will be just in time to put his stocking up for christmas.
December 9, 2011 at 5:47 pm in reply to: Rocky – 1 year old Miniature Yorkshire Terrier*HOMED* #107540Dowlingca
MemberWell here is Rocky after his grooming who knew what a handsome boy was under all that hair he is just the cutest little thing ever
Picture 621.jpg
Picture 620.jpg
December 9, 2011 at 10:14 am in reply to: Rocky – 1 year old Miniature Yorkshire Terrier*HOMED* #107537Dowlingca
MemberWell Rocky is off to the groomers this afternoon, so can’t wait to see him this evening, I did give him a bath last night and he did not seem to mind at all, but his hair is nearly touching the floor at the moment. He really is a super little man and will make a great pet.
December 8, 2011 at 10:11 am in reply to: Rocky – 1 year old Miniature Yorkshire Terrier*HOMED* #107499Dowlingca
MemberWell Rocky has been with us for a couple of days now and has really settled in well, he is definitely house trained and has not had any accidents at all, he is the quietest little thing ever, and we discovered last night he loves his cuddles, I am going to attempt to give him a nice bath this evening so we will see how he gets on. I could not recommend him highly enough to any potential forever family, as he loves people, and loves other dogs, he has not experienced young children yet but I will bring my neices and nephews down at the weekend and see how he gets on.
MemberThese poor sisters seem to be in the wars this week, our Bonnie was attacked by a neighbours dog last Friday, the dog which is a very large dog bit her back and flipped her in the air, she was very shook all weekend and very sore but thankfully by Sunday evening she was getting back to her usual self. Hope Cookie makes a speedy recovery and that there will be no longterm damage.