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MemberI am so delighted for Chester but was sad to get a text while I was away to say he was gone to his new home and that I would not get one last cuddle. He is a small dog with a big personaility and I know he will get on great in his new forever home.
MemberI am off on holidays tomorrow so Chester in going into foster care with Fiona while I am away as I could not ask my sister to mind three dogs as she has two of her own. I am going to miss him now while he is gone and hope that he will settle in well while I am away. Selfishly I hope he is still here when I get back and not found his forever home but unselfishly I hope is finds a wonderful new forever home while I am away.
MemberHi just a little update on Chester, well he is coming on a treat and coming more out of his shell daily, we have a park at the end of our road, so I don’t put him on the lead at all and he runs along with my other two and then they take off in the park playing chasing and tiring one another out, when its time to go I just give them a shout and they all toddle back up the road again, he has fitted into our routine and comes in a sits in the kitchen waiting for his treat for being a good boy on his walk and coming in when told.
He now jumps up to greet my husband when he comes in which is a huge change from last week when he used to run into the garden if he came in the door. You get so much satisfaction when you see you are changing a dogs attitude to things. Here are some pictures of me and him having a snuggle after this bath.
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MemberWow what a lovely dog from the matted little fella I transported to the vets, I was in the vets on Saturday with Chester and the nurse was telling me how fab he looked when he was leaving so it was great to see the pictures, such a happy little fella
MemberChester is delighted to have his cone off and has great fun with Bonnie all weekend, he is so well behaved and everyday is gaining confidence with us, he has gone from not going near my husband to sitting on his knee and snuggling up to him, he is a really great dog, it would be great if he could get a forever home so that he can put down his roots permanently.
MemberWell this little fella is coming on really well, he is gaining confidence by the day is very nervous of men but this is definitely improving daily and will sit on my husbands knee now which is a great improvement.
He has the most wonderful temperment really placid and I still do not think I have heard him bark, going to bring him for a little walk this evening as he was not able to go walking following his little op.
He really is adorable and we do not even realise we have a 3rd dog in the house which is unusual. I am posting a picture of him sporting his cone of shame!!! can’t wait for him to have his stitches out on Saturday and I will give him a nice bath and a freshen up.
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MemberCalled down to see Wiggles last weekend and he is doing great, and Dexter and Bonnie were delighted to see him again, they spent the whole afternoon running in the garden, his new family are delighted with him and we will all be going on holidays on the Shannon in July so he is getting his life jacket ready for the trip, 6 people and three dogs on one boat should be fun!!!!!!!
MemberPicked up this little fella from the vets on Saturday, after his little op, he was a timid and shy little fella, but walked out to the car on the lead and travelled well in the car.
He was very shy when he arrived home and I think Dexter and Bonnie sensed his nervous disposition and gave him a wide berth as he settled in. We just left him to his own devices as he did not like you approaching him, no aggression or anything just shying away from you. After awhile he came over and sat at my feet I just ignored him to let him gain a little confidence, eventually he jumped up beside me on the couch and let me give him a little cuddle.
Yesterday morning when I came down stairs he was like a different dog I got a great welcome and he was jumping up to greet me I could not believe the difference, he has such a happy little face even though he is sporting his cone of shame at the moment.
He seems to be totally house trained as we have had no accidents in the house, shows no food aggression what so ever, even though I don’t think he has lived with another dog, and is getting on great with Dexter and Bonnie, I had my neices and nephews down at the weekend and there was no problem with the kids at all actually he was very gentle with them all, and seemed to come to them quicker than the adults.
Its seems once again I have been very lucky with fostering this little fella and I know he will be snapped up because he will definitely make someone a wonderful pet, whether he is the only dog or with other dogs.
MemberPicked up this little mite this morning to drop him to the vets and I will say I have never seen a dog in such a bad state, yet he is such a happy little fella, walked great on the lead to the car and travelled without a peep in the car. Even though I had my head out the window
. I would say once he has all his hair cut today he will be like a new dog and hopefully we will see his full potential as a happy little dog, I am sorry I could not take him into foster myself, but can’t at the moment. Can’t wait to see pictures of him with his hair cut, he thanked me nicely this morning by peeing all over my shoe!!!!!!!!
Hopefully he will find his forever home soon as he really seems to be a happy, friendly little fella.
MemberGlad and sad to report that Wiggles is not missing me one little bit as he is being totally ruined in his new home, they are all delighted with him and he has fitted in great, going down to see him at the weekend and can’t wait to see my little man again.
MemberDelighted to report that Wiggles is going off to his forever home in the morning, and what’s even better they are friends of mine so we will not loose touch with him, I was so tempted to be a failed fosterer and keep him myself so I was delighted when they came to visit us and fell in love with him, he is going to a lovely new home with a huge garden so he will be a very happy chappy.
MemberAngie, I cannot believe you have become a failed fosterer once again, we have Wiggles a the moment and we are sorely tempted to keep him, however friends of our have been looking for a dog and are in the process of having a home check done so they can adopt him so we are off the hook.
I don’t have a cat so I honestly can’t say what he would be like, he does bark at the window if he sees a cat but that may be no reflection on how he would get on with a cat if they were together.
MemberJust an update on wiggles he’s a wonderful dog and I am madly in love with him, he will make a very easy pet for someone looking for a most loyal pet. Loves his walks and stays with you when off the lead loves playing fetch with a ball. I am sure he is going to be snatched up and it will be a very lucky family who gets him. Can not recommend him enough for a loving family.
MemberThis little guy came to me last night as this foster family are now taking daisy and what a treat was in store for us he has settled in already and Bonnie and dexter are delighted with him. I have not a negative thing to say about him slept quietly all night has been on two walks on the second one I let him off the lead and he was fine and came back when called he will make a wonderful pet for somebody and he is fully house trained