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MemberThe lovely Jasmin has found a lovely home and is going there tomoro…. She is a very special girl and very out going but what a sweetheart…
Memberwell thisw little girl is brilliant she is great fun and gets on well with every kids and dogs.. she love my Jessie (gsd) and loves playing with the puppies.. She is slepping through the night now with out a peep and waits till i let them out to do her business.. Clever girls here are some pic’s of her..
For some reason she always seems to be ontop of someone just loves everyone……dogluvers
MemberI would just like to start by saying thank you to everyone for your lovely comments..
Cleo was a pleasure to have stay with us i was just amazed she was with us for so long.. I loved Cleo very much she was different to any other foster dog we have had and was like one of my own.. It was heartbraking when she left. Some of you might say well then why didnt i keep her?? The reason i didn’t keep her was because i felt like i limited myself to how many fosters i took and didnt wanna take to many so we never stressed her out…
But in saying that me have loads of brilliant memories of cleo and funny moments like when i was playing up on the dunes on the beach with her and she ran staight down the dune upending Tom straight up in the air and left him lying on the ground… While she took of back up to me ( as i lay on the dunes in a heap laughing)..Cleo’s family are lovely they adore her and as Tom said they love her for who she is and that her condition didn’t matter and the med’s didn’t matter, they just wanted to give her a happy life.. They have 2 young kids just 2 and 5 years and they just adore her… Cleo has also met the extended family cousins ect and everyone just loves her(who wouldn’t) and cloe just takes it all in her stride..
I believe everything happens for a reason and i think the reason Cleo stayed with us so long cos was cos her new family just hadn’t found her yet. I get daily updates and she has settled well and seems to be happy. They bhave taken her off on her favorite walks which is the beach and everyone had a ball.
I have also lost my mascot for doing my DID awareness days. So i don’t know what i’ll do with out her i miss her so much she was like a best friend to me there is no one to meet me at the door anymore and i feel like im forgetting something all the time cos im not giving anyone meds…
The best of luck my special darling i hope you live a very long and happy life i loved having you here and i cant wait to come and see you in a few weeks wehen your all settled in and you can show me your new bed….. Miss you always Cleo your a very sepcial girl and i hink you are a very lucky girl to have landed in the hands of DID.
I would also like to thank Maire for never giving up on her when she had to stay in the vets to try and get her sytable on her meds and a special thank you to the admin team for never giving up on looking for the home she deserved.. If it had of been any other pound in Dublin Cleo had of arrived in she would never of had the chance she deserved…Best of luck my special on you always have a space in my heart
Lots of love
Foster mammy
MemberSome pic’s of my little treasure… A lovely family came to see her today so hopefully they offer her a loving home…..
MemberWell this little darling is brilliant she is having great fun playing with DD all day and Sparkles, she is very gentle with the puppys to and they are all having great fun running a muck around the kitchen but when it time to snooze Jessie my GSD is her best buddy she loves her and they both clicked the minute i let them free together…. She hasn’t had an accident yet.
here are some pic’s of her with some of the gang…No Gwen you cant have her she is toooo pretty to be in your house ive seen what frankie does to his women!!!!!!
MemberI have name this little one Perdy cos last summer we had a little one the spit of her and his name was pongo, Poor pongo had eaten a toy or something like Gwens Poppy ,but it got stuck in his system somewhere and couldnt be removed despite everything Syd’s did and Marie never gave up on him and they tried everything poor pongo couldnt be saved..
Again everyone please be careful of the toys you get your dogs specially staffs they eat the litrally.. Pongo and Poppy are proof….
Anyway this little one arrived here today i really dont know how this keeps happening……….
but she is about 16 weeks and is an absolute stunner what a pretty staffie she is… Will update with how she gets on with everone latter with some pic’s..
MemberThe lovely bud went off to his new home last night… Best of luck little man.. I got an update this morning and he is settling in well….
MemberOk so the secret is out…. the lovely Cleo has found a place of her own at last.
We were keeping it under wraps for a few days just to be sure she settled.
Cleo went last saturday to the most genuine family we have ever had the pleasure of homing one of our fosters to. They fell in love with cleo the moment they laid eyes on her and took everything on board as regards her epilepsy and none of it phased them. We know that they will give Cleo alot of love and happiness for the rest of thier lives.
We just wanna say thank you to them for showing such an open heart and mind. They bring meaning to the old saying
" NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER "Best of luck in your new home Cleo you have left an empty slot on the kitchen floor ( which Catherine is rapidly trying to fill with as many puppies as possible)
Daddy Tom XxXxXxXdogluvers
MemberThe beautiful Jasmin is just the cutes very clever and very out going.. She is 95% toilet trained too and does all her business out side.. She has the best personality of them all and loves to play and play fetch with the toys….
Here is some pic’s of her too.Cheeky girl with her back to the camera.
MemberRose in another stunner and has a great character. She is clean all night same as the other 2 and they do 95% of there business out side which is brilliant there very clever pups and once you put them out after they eat and when they walk up you have no accidents from them..
here is a pic of pretty rose..
MemberWell the pretty bud is going to his new home tomoro i knew he wouldnt last long till he was whipped.. He is such a sweet heart with his stumpy legs and he lovely markings he is just the business. here is some pic’s of him..
MemberWell DD is the best pup i have ever fostered she is so laid back and is a joy to have…. She is spoilt rotten and is still being brought to bed at night by Tom.
She is brilliant around the kids and the baby. She wont rush past them or jump and knock them over. I think DD will suit any home as she is so easy goingShe is also 99% house trained and does almost everything outside…. Here are some pic’s of the little princess…
MemberI met the lovely Prince this morning in the shop. I have met him a few time now in Marie’s, he is a dote. I had Cleo with me and he was trying to get her to play with him but poor cleo was more interested in the lovely treats Marie and Liz have sitting around the shop so he was well blown out for the food………
Food crazy..
MemberThanks a million Louisa for taking her. I felt so guilty that i couldnt help her… She just doesnt know what the on earth babies are.. Go1eqd love her. I hope she settles well and thanks once again for talking her…
MemberOh thats just great thanks Suzi now you just said the GSD word…
A dog hasnt slept up stairs in a long time probably not since Cleo first arrived and i could watch her but low and be hold the special DD renamed slightly by Tom for (Definatly Different) was brought to bed last night by TOM may i ad… He has falling in love with this one as she has a super personality and is very laid back and really affectionate.. She never bugged off the bed all night i didnt even feel her move around.. She got up this morning and went straight out the back and done her business..
(clever girl) Tom got up this morning and told me not to post pics on her thread that way she can stay longer
, but i told him she will be a typical collie x lab looking dog when fully grown. He hmmm’d and haww’d and KINDA agreed till he turned on DID and saw Suzi had mentioned the word GSD………….
Will have to talk to Tom now Suzi you put your foot in this one and might not get her back…