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MemberWell i meet my beautiful Cleo in Cara vets last night when i was collecting Benson……. She looks brilliant very happy in her self and looks a million dollars..
She was in the vets getting her booster and unfortunatly she has had fits on monday and tuesday night so is now back on a mild dose of her Pheno’s just for 3 weeks to let her settle and then she’s coming back off them.. But apart from that she is great….
It was brilliant seeing her as i was just dying to go and see her but was terrified i would upset her so i was delighted when i bumped into her… She was full of kisses and cuddles for me… I had butterflies and all when i saw her…
MemberWell benson is happily with Catherine i collected him from syd’s and he was very happy to see people and travel well in the car. While myself and Catherine talked he just went off for a nap in the back. Im sure Catherine will update as soon as she can…
MemberSome pic’s of Cookie now Daisy in her new home…..
MemberWow look at him Kathy thanks a million for the update…. He looks brilliant..
MemberWilma is a little dote she is smaller than Betty and has a loving personality. She loves be held getting cuddles and loves giving kisses.
Betty has a lovely home waiting to give her a loving home after she’s been vaxed and chipped.
She is eating and drinking well and gets on great with the other dogs….
Wilma loves her baths so i would say she will love a swim in the sea when she is a little older…
Will put up some pic’s later on..dogluvers
MemberBetty is a great little puppy she is 95% house trained provided your on the ball out first thing in the morning, after she eats and when she wakes up if your not quick enough to let her out she will go on the newspaper at the door … She is full of fun and gets on great with the bigger dogs here. She is the boss with her sister but Wilma just doesnt let her away with it.. they sleep all night and there is never a peep outta them till they hear me running down the stairs to let them out… They are eating and drinking well. And are due to be vaxed and chipped on wednesday so will be available to go to loving homes a few days later…
Betty is a little bigger than Wilma, they will be med size to large dogs and will love loads of exercise…
Will update with some pic’s later on..dogluvers
MemberThis fella has settled very well he gets on very well with my mini springer and loves the puppies who is is very gentle with.. He is very good around the kids and sits for rubs and a bit of attention..
Dexter is going in to be neutered on Thursday so will then be available to go to a wonderful new home.
He loves his food and would eat for Ireland he eats a bowl of food in seconds……
He is also 100% house trained. will update with some more photos soon…..dogluvers
MemberWell the lovely Dee dee went to her home last night… And is missed loads from here the house is so quite. Ive been promised updates and pic’s so hopefully wont have to wait to long…
Be happy little one XXdogluvers
MemberWell this beautiful boy is here with me and what a well be haved dog. he comes when he is called and sits by you feet. He is brilliant with the 2 pup’s, he is really patient with them… He is very gentle around the kids and just sits by the feet waiting for a rub i would say he will be to long about getting a wonderful forever home…
Here are some pic’s!!
MemberThe lovely Rose as just left and is gone to her forever home.. Be happy little girl and good luck in you new home where i think you will be spoilt..
MemberThis beautiful lad is in foster with me. I collected him today.. Very well behave good with the other dogs and very gentle around the kids.. Im in love, he’s a brilliant pup..
MemberWell the lovely Cleo is settling really well. She sits watching out the window when her new family go out and is delighted to see them when they get back.. She messes the odd time when she is taking her meds and spit’s one out but its just so she can get an extra slice of cheese…
She loves all her walks along the seaside and gets lovely long daily walks
She got into trouble for the first time this morning for stealing the little ones breakfast off the table(hence why i have a breakfast bar) cheeky madam..
When she first arrived she got the odd treat and decided she would try and eat there food instead of her own food and turned her nose up to it but when the treats stopped coming she soon decided back to the dog food….Cleo is to sleep between the kitchen and the hall but because she can open doors has decided the sofa is much better so when everyone goes to bed she opens the sitting room door and snuggles up on the couch for the night…
The little girls in her new home bosses her around and she sits happily and takes it all but soon abandones the little one when daddy arrives home as they have become best friends, As he is just mad about Cleo..
Im delighted Cleo has settled in and loves her new family she hasnt had any fits so will continue to keep my fingers crossed for her…
Some photo’s to follow really soon ive been promise…dogluvers
MemberJust an update on this little guy which i just recieved….
After a bit of a scare cos bud ate there sweeping brush and felt a little unwell he is grand now and settling well…. He is a very lovable social dog and very playfull. He loves to curl up on the siofa with us in the evenings and has made himself very much at home.. He has settled down at night with no crying or barking at all and his toilet training is getting very good hardly any accidents at all, he goes out the back most of the time or on the paper at the door. He is already understanding a few things like sit and give paw.. He really is the best dog every.. I will send more updates and pic’s as he gets bigger..dogluvers
MemberWell the lovely Jasmin has gone to her new home…. The best of luck pretty one wish you a very long and happy life….
MemberThis little girl is much quiter than Jasmin but a real lap dog. She love affection and also loves my GSD i thought she would have been first one gone but im sure it wont be long as she is so adorable…
Comfiest bed in the house…