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Memberoh thats brilliant Emma…
CONGRATULATIONS on you new addition.. That day we say her i the pound how could you not fall in love.. You were totally smitten’d with her im delighted..
Lucky Keiya the best of luck you will have a long happy life now missis and never be in that matted state again..XXXdogluvers
MemberOh wow another one of my babies..(even though it was short) What a brilliant update and wonderful pic’s thanks a million
MemberOh what a wonderfull update on my lovely Noelle..
Thanks a million Karen im delighted she settled in well she looks brilliant and looks totally spoilt…dogluvers
Memberwell i met this adorable little fella on friday down at the school.. He is delighted with his new family and loves his big brother (gsd) they get on well.. The kids love him and are so happy im gonna arrange to get some pic’s of him one of the days..
Well done little guy have a happy long life with your lovely family..dogluvers
MemberI meet this lovely loveable roug last night.. What a beautifull fella he is.. He is a completely different dog to the Garrett that i meet in the pound… he seems to have settled in very well in deirdre’s and is spoilt rotten he wont wanna leave..
But he will make someone very happy and really will deserve a special forever home..
Good look Garrett hope your not waiting to long..dogluvers
MemberYou need to upload your pic’s to and paste the URL code to you post..
MemberHere are some more updates i recieved of my last babbies i had here who are all really happy..
This is Elsie she was called Snuggles when i had her didn’t even make the trip to the uk as she was rehomed in letrim by a vet that gave them all them once over before they left…
This one is Zak.
And the lovely Lacey AKA Skie
MemberBrilliant up date Hailey delighted to here you have your mammy wrapped… you must be soooo special as i know there are probably many doggies that would have loved the chance to be her little angel.. Fair play Kim your a gem all the hard work you do to keep all the doggies happy..
Love the pic’s keep them coming , Hailey make sure your mammy lets you get on line more often (when ever she’s not on doing all the good work she does…)dogluvers
MemberThe lovely piper went to his forever home yesterday he was probably one of one of the best foster i ever had as he was soo well behaved..
The best of luck little man wish you loads of happyness in your new homeXXX be gooddogluvers
MemberHi Emily
Can you please fill in an adoption form if your interested in Piper and hilight that your interest in him and send it to .
MemberThis little fella is wonderful and a pleasure to have around the house.. He is a gentleman when all the doggies are drinking outta the bowl of water he waits till everone is finished before he looks for some and with 6 doggies here the bowl is normally empty by the time poor piper gets to it…
He need a home where he can potter round the house and be the King or a buddy to another dog.He potters out the back to go the toilet and straight back in.. Piper would love a home with kiddies to play and fuss over him and even other doggies to play with as he spends all day every day playing with one of the other doggies even my GSD has started playing with him.. I think he would suit a home with someone thats there all day or at least 90% of it unless he has doggie company as he would get lonely.. (he loves attention) He is so sociable and gets on with all doggies even ones that dont wanna know him he just ignores them(their loss not his)
and has brilliant recall.. He is totally bonkers about squeeky toys and balls, he will play fetch all day long – you throw it he’ll fetch it and drop it right back at your feet waiting for you to throw it again and again and again…… He couldn’t live in a home with a cat or rabbits or ducks anything along those lines as he might love them just a little to much
He is totally house trained and is very obediant he walks well on the lead but does love to run around…
If you think you can give this little fella a happy long life he deserves or you’re looking for a soul mate this is him. He looks for nothing only some food, water and some loving..
Piper is 3 years old neutared vax’d and microchipped so is just waiting for the right loving home. Please contact Sarah (Curly) and fill in an adoption form for him he’s just waiting on a happy ending….. XXXXXdogluvers
Memberoh such a lovely happy ending for the little fellow he really did deserve it, fair play to you Kim for working your magic with him!!!
MemberMy lovely Noelle went to her forever home today and just wasn’t to sure about leaving me… (the poor sweetheart after all she’s been through) but im sure she is settling well….
I wish you a wonderful happy life baby girl and hope you are happy.. Best of luck to her new family and hope you all have many years of happyness together!!!dogluvers
MemberThank you if i had the room i would never of parted with her but then again i wouldn’t be able to help the next one the comes along… Love the name thanks so much for the wonderfull update i just cant get her outta my head and have been wondering how she’s doing im delighted she has settled and you all love her she is a darling and how could you not…. We are so please and thanks again for the update all we need now is some pic’s please……..
give her a big hug from us here..XXXXX
Catherine foster mammy…… -