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MemberHi to all at DID. It’s almost a year since Trixie ( Ezme) came to our home and we can’t remember life without her, adopting her was the best decision we’ve ever made.
She’s always in great form, always happy and loves her cuddles and walks. As you can see she’s thriving and loves to relax!
Thanks again to Sandra and her family for minding her before we adopted her.Trixie.jpg
MemberHappy Christmas to all in DID from all of us in Trixie’s home. She’s in great form and a huge part of our family. As you can see she’s the queen of all she surveys!!All the best in 2011
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MemberJust thought I’d share this lovely photo taken in the snow.
Thanks for your advice it all makes total sense when you look at it from the dogs point of view!We’ve been letting Trixie off her lead in fields in the estate and not only is she brillient at coming back to me and waiting patiently for me to put her lead on she has been making new doggie friends!! So it’s been great fun in the snow. Also she has no idea if shes walking on manhole covers!!
Thanks to the lovely Trixie we’ve all been having fun in the snow and taking walks at night in it, unheard of before she found us!
Loving every minute with her!
MemberWe can’t believe it’s only 1 week since Trixie ( Ezme) joined us and she has settled in really well. She’s very well behaved and great fun. The funniest thing she does is jump in and out of her bed when she passes it, so when you throw her toy she cannot pass her bed without jumping into it!!
She had her stitches out yesterday and has healed really well. She loves her cuddles and her comfort and barks like mad when the postman drops in the bills!!
Our main concern at the moment is that she really dosen’t like other dogs and avoids them ( and manhole covers!!) on walks. She was very cross when my sisters excited dog came to say hello! Any tips on helping with this will be gratefully accepted!!
Here’s some photos of her with her favourite pose and toy!!
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MemberSorry!! I should also mention Sandra’s husband who’s display of Trixies tricks definitely won over our slightly reluctant son! Thanks for all the tips!!
MemberJust to let you know Trixie aka Ezme has already settled in amazingly well, she was very nervous and quiet at first but is strutting around the house as if she’s always been here! She’s very sharp and picks up on commands very quickly so hopefully it won’t be very long before she’s very comfortable here.
Hopefully her first night will go well.
Thanks again to you Sandra for doing a great job with her, I predict very happy times ahead!