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MemberAwwww look at her! Great to see her. We all missed her loads when we handed her over to her forever family… and what a great one at that. She’s a lucky little baby. ‘Look forward to seeing many more updates!
They’re all getting so big now, although still tiny. Almost 14 weeks! Where does the time go? We’ve succumbed to her ‘butter wouldn’t melt eyes’, her charm and her wonderful & funny personality have decided to adopt Taylor’s sister Poppy. Declan just couldn’t let her go…. Another fail on the fostering front on our part!
MemberWe received this photo from Millie’s Mammy yesterday, along with which she sent:
"I think the caption for this photo is- Honest I wasn’t gonna steal the bones off the work surface!!!!"Just had to share!
MemberWe’re so delighted for Rocky that he went to his forever home yesterday.
We’ve already had word from the family that he is settling in very well already, so that’s great. He apparently loves his bed and got treated to a hot water bottle and covered up in a blanket last night! We have the feeling that he is going to be one spoilt little pooch!Poor Poppy is really missing her siblings though and spent the night crying
MemberHere are the three this morning, aged almost 10 weeks, greeting their ‘Foster Dad’
MemberHere are the three this morning, aged almost 10 weeks, greeting their ‘Foster Dad’
MemberHere are the three this morning, aged almost 10 weeks, greeting their ‘Foster Dad’’re delighted that Taylor will be going to her forever home tomorrow. What an exceptionally lovely family that is adopting her – they all came for a visit yesterday evening. She’s going to have a wonderful life! We couldn’t be happier for her (and them!)
MemberThe pups are over 9 weeks old now and are ALL biz.
Poppy is the smallest of the three, but that doesn’t stop her from being in midst of everything! She’s very feisty and loves play-fighting with the other two and makes funny little play growly noises while doing so (she’s the only one of three that makes those noises).
If one of us giving attention to one of the other pups, she flies right over and practically clambers over them to get to us. Definitely likes to be the centre of attention! She is adorable and I (Catherine) have to admit that I have a very soft spot for herCatherineAndDeclan
MemberThe pups are now over 9 weeks old and are ALL biz!
Taylor is definitely the biggest of the three. She’s very funny. Lets out little barks/yelps and does that jumpy jumpy bouncy thing up and down on her front paws, looking for the other two to play with her.
Toilet training is slowly coming along. A bit hit and miss. She has also taken to grabbing the training mat in her mouth and dragging it along to the other side of the house! Nutcase
She loves toys and particularly loves it when Milo isn’t looking and she grabs one of his toys and legs it (and boy can she move for the size of her), with him hotfooting it after her – she thinks it’s a great game altogether!CatherineAndDeclan
MemberThe pups are over 9 weeks old now and are ALL biz!
Rocky loves nothing better than to be picked up and held and cuddled in your arms when you’re standing up. He’s such a little character. Since yesterday he’s started standing at our feet wagging his tail and letting out his little (but loud for the size of him) bark, as if to say "will you ever pick me up"!! Hard to resist, so Declan picked him up and he was as happy as Larry. But we don’t want to be doing that all the time – giving him a bad habit that whenever he barks he gets what he wants!We’ve got you sussed Rocky!!
MemberLook out for Taylor, doing her bit for MND!
, that should have been "with her new BROTHER Indie!"
MemberMillie (name kept by new owners) travelled on the boat to her forever home in England on 22 May 2014.
Her Mammy, Julie, has been in touch a lot since then and gives us the run down on how she’s doing and updating us on her mischief! It’s very clear that she settled in extremely well and is spoilt rotten! They all love her (can’t really blame them to be honest, she’s such a darling…. I was in tears after handing her over to the man who transported her to England….)
This is one of the updates Julie sent to us. It’s a video taken the day after she arrived, of her playing away with her new sister Indie.
MemberThese little guys are growing so fast and they have big personalities for such little creatures.
Rocky is the quietest of the three. He tends to get jumped on from all angles by his two sisters and likes to spend some escape/relax time in the bed by himself, but not for long as he soon goes looking for them to enact his revenge by jumping on them in turn when they least expect it! He a very funny little character. Very sweet and absolutely loves human attention and cuddles.
Here he is sharing a lap with Milo……
MemberThese guys are growing so fast! We can already see a big difference in the 10 days that we have them. They may still be small but they have big personalities already shining through. Such little characters. A laugh a minute in this house!
Here’s the biggest, Taylor, getting cuddles from our Milo…….
2014.08.28 – Taylor & Milo.jpg
MemberTrixie is doing great in her forever home. She is getting so big. She’s probably nearly doubled in size since the time that she arrived to us to foster in March. She was adopted in April just before Easter by a family member so it’s great that we get to see her from time to time! She was up for a visit yesterday and had great fun getting acquainted with the three Jack Russell X pups, Taylor, Rocky and Poppy, that we’re currently fostering for DID. Here she is pictured with Rocky….
2014.08.24 – Rocky and Trixie.jpg