I emailed Irish Reriever Rescue about Brett (email is info@irishsetterrescue.org.uk) They replied saying the following which I think is positive! perhaps Dogs in Distress could follow up.
Thank you for your email. regarding Brett the Irish Setter (looks like he has lots of white- most unusual markings). Our Rescue in the U.K. would be very willing to help Brett by finding a home for him in the U.K. We pay all travelling expenses to the U.K. However, we would need to know a little about him e.g. temperament, age, whether neutered or entire, health state etc. As I am sure Dogs in Distress is aware we cannot re-home a dog who is known to bite or attack a human adult or child.
Maureen HUrll (Rescue Secretary)
For The Irish Setter Rescue Group Charitable Trust.