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  • in reply to: DOGS IN DISTRESS FUN DAY 2010 #99809

    Really sorry we can’t come to this this year, but Tails ‘n’ Trails have our AGM that weekend, the first meet of the season.

    I hope you have a great time, and raise lots of money. :D

    in reply to: Nugget-Llewellin setter x – Homed #98777

    I had the pleasure of meeting Oscar (Nugget) at Pet Expo, and what a stunner he is. He was the subject of much debate about what breed he is, when we saw him, and I was delighted when I went over to ask and discovered that it was Nugget. A gorgeous dog, and obviously much loved by his family, he seemed to be very settled with them, even surrounded by crowds and other dogs. Lovely happy ending :D

    in reply to: Nala – Collie pup #97988

    Awwww great news, when I saw she was in Happy Endings I thought someone had finally come and taken her away.

    Well done guys :D

    in reply to: doggie bad breath #94274

    I’ve read on another forum that apple cider vinegar can help with bad breath problems,(and other things) a teaspoonful in the water once a day.

    in reply to: MY BABY BUSTER #93612

    Awww, he’s grown ever so slightly :lol:

    Great pics, and its fantastic to see him helping with the fostering. :D

    in reply to: Shura – Husky x #91761

    Awwww, she looks so cute – not impressed – but cute :D I often think about her, and wonder if she was related to the tiny little husky looking girl that I had that came from Ashton.

    Great to see her in such a fab home.

    in reply to: Cassie – Akita in very bad condition #91261

    Oh no. I had hoped against hope that when I logged on today it would be good news. Poor, poor girl.

    Martina and Jimmy, you did everything and more for her, and at least she learnt that there are some decent human beings in the world, her last few weeks were full of happiness and love, and didn’t she thrive on it. Unfortunately her poor body had obviously been through too much with her previous ‘beloved owners’.

    I am so sorry for your loss, I know how much these Akitas mean to you both.

    Run free at the bridge girl, no more pain.

    in reply to: Cassie – Akita in very bad condition #91245

    Martina and Jimmy, I’m so sorry to hear this. But this girl has proved that she is a fighter, and I pray that she’ll come through tonight.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Try and get some sleep tonight, a hard thing to do I know, but if she makes it, she’ll need lots of hugs and cuddles from you tomorrow.

    in reply to: Lucy Bichon Frise at Rainbow Bridge #91092

    Laura I’m so very sorry for your loss. Like everyone else, I’ve been watching Lucy’s story on here and really praying that she’d make it.

    She was a lucky girl in so far as she had you to make sure that she knew lots of love in the last part of her too short life.

    Run free at the bridge little one.

    Again, really sorry Laura.

    in reply to: Cassie – Akita in very bad condition #90953

    She just looks amazing. Not just her coat, but her whole demeanour. What a happy, secure dog she looks. Well done you two yet again, you really do have a magic touch with these poor dogs.

    in reply to: Joey – Golden Lab x Puppy #90919

    When I told you about this little fella needing fostering, I didn’t mean for you to become failed fosterers at your first attempt :lol:

    He really couldn’t wish for a better home, I’m delighted for him, and can’t wait to meet him.

    And as you seem to be so bad at adding photos, here it is :D

    in reply to: Cleo GSD X *RESERVED* #90256

    Oh wow, I missed this until now.

    Thats fantastic news. So hard to say goodbye to such a special dog, and one thats been part of your family for so long. But well done for being so unselfish and letting her go.

    Best of luck Cleo.

    in reply to: Kuma – Akita #89776

    Its so hard to say goodbye to them. But you guys should be so proud of yourselves, all of your hard work has really paid off, and she’s off to a new life of happiness and love.

    Well done to you both.

    Room for another one now :D

    in reply to: Herbie – Labrador cross Husky pup *HOMED* #89592

    awwwww, he’s gorgeous. Definitely think theres some husky in there somewhere :lol:

    in reply to: Henry….. The Great. #88509

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I never met Henry, but he sounds like an amazing dog. And he obviously had a great life with you, some consolation I hope, especially when you get to see all the dogs that haven’t been so fortunate. You know that you gave him a very special gift, and I’m sure that he repaid it many, many times over. We all unfortunately have to say goodbye to this special creatures that we share our lives with. There are a lot of people who know how you are feeling Kim and totally understand.

    Run free at the bridge Henry.

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