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Membersome pictures of the lovely Kenny.
Poor Kenny, he is such a sweatheart. He is still very nervous, but im sure after his stay here he will be alot more confident.
MemberThe lovely kenny has come to stay wit me until he finds his forever home which i know wont b long cos he is lovely, thanks mark 4 dropping him down. He is so gentle and soft. He has had a nice bowl of chicken and rice and seems to b settling in. Wil update wit photos 2moro
Memberim sure he will be a good little doggie for me. The amount of male doggie hunks lilly has being snuggling up to lately, she is having a great time
Memberim goin to take kenny into foster at some stage during the week. he looks like a really nice dog. lets hope he doesnt bend the bars in the crate
MemberLilly has really settled in. These are her most favorite places were she likes to sleep. You hardly know she is even there as she is that quiet and easy going.
MemberBarney is getting on great. He is the sweetest dog and ever so gentle, even when you give him food by hand he is so gentle and never jumps up and will sit there patiently waiting. He loves to play and really enjoys his walks. he does pull a little bit at first but that is just down to excitement and then he settles down and walks by your side. Hes loving the snow and loves to eat it aswell
he had a great time today being chased around the back getting snowballs thrown at him, just as well he cant throw them back
is practically housetrained, loves his food and cuddles. he will make someone very very happy. he is such an obedient dog and always wants to please.
Memberyep, Barney is in his element now with his little buddy. Doogle is great. He loves his food, always leaves a clean bowl
. this is my 3rd day with Doogle and so far he is coming on good with the toilet training, no accidents today at all which is really good
. he is really great with my children and just loves to play.He did cry a little bit the first night but it wasnt for long and he is definitely getting better at being left downstairs at night time.I leave him in his crate at night time and he has no accidents in his crate during the night and will wait till he is let out to do his business out the back. Barney has taken a real liken to him and never leaves him alone god bless him, their always playing and at night time barney lies by Doogles crate. ( im convinced that their secretly discussing how to escape
). Their partners in crime
MemberOn behalf of myself, doogle, barney and lilly, we would like to wish every1 involved with dogs in distress a very happy and safe new year. Woof woof
MemberDoogle isnt here long but since he has being here he has me in stitches laughing at him. he has taken a real liken to my daughter and just loves the cuddles. little gem.
Memberthis lovely little fella is staying with me. we have decided to call him doogle. will post photos later when i can get him to sit still for 5 mins.
Membercan do this no probs. let me know
. who in their right mind would leave a little pup tied up all night in this weather.
MemberThe lovely Barney. He has the most adorable face and so so soft. He loves lying down and getting a good brush, he would lie there all day and let you. he is no problem what so ever. And is tail never stops wagging.