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MemberI was minding Inca for a few hrs on thursday and i have to say this she is beautiful. so so loving. It was nice to meet you and your family too. her coat is so soft and she has a really lovely curl effect going on. so cute.
Memberpicked this fella up today and OMG he is tiny tiny tiny. he is the same size of an 8 week old pup but fully grown. great personality. when i give him a bath i will take photos and post them up later on today.
Memberi could hold onto this baby overnight tonight so she wont have to spend the night in the pound and hold onto her till tomorrow if someone could offer her foster from them. she doesnt deserve to be in the pound
MemberThe lovely Alfie went to his forever home tonight and i am really gonna miss this fella. Im sad he is gone but i am so glad that he has found the perfect home. I wish himself and Simon the very best of luck. Hope your really happy Alfie xxx
MemberThe 3 musketeers
I am so glad i have had the pleasure of having both Alfie and Buddy in my home. They get on great together, and yes they have had a few little arguments but then again no relationship is perfect. I really do hope this pair find loving familys as they both really really really do deserve it.
MemberAll i can say about Alfie is….WOW. This guy is gona make someone really really happy. If i won the lotto and got a bigger house, Alfie would be staying with me. I dont know wat life he had before and why he was surrended because this guy is a gent. He has great manners and is very obedient. He is the perfect dog, thats all i can say. whoever adopts Alfie is gona get a lifelong companion.
MemberJust a little update on Lilly. Well poor Lilly had a bad week last thursday. Myself and lilly and Alfie were on our walk to the school like we always do mon to fri. Out of no were another female dog ran over to us and decided to attack Lilly. The dog was a little bit bigger then Lilly and because i had lilly on her leash the other went straight for her side. the owner of the other dog quickly got his dog under control but poor lilly was quite shaken by the whole ordeal. when i got her home, i checked her over and noticed she had a bad puncture wound on her side. within a few hrs it had got very badly infected even after i had cleaned it every so often, she was totally out of sorts. she wouldnt eat, drink or even move, she just wanted to be left alone. it was awful to see, but thanks to Paul Kelly he came down ASAP the next day and gave her all the medication that she needed and now she is back to her lovely self. I was shocked at how quickly the infection set in and at how it affected her, if she had of being a stray dog wandering around she probably would not have survived. I had heard stories of dogs being attacked by other dogs and that it really affects them, but thankfully Lilly still doesnt fear dogs as she lets my 2 fosters Alfie and Buddy still know who is boss. Lilly had such a hard life and i was was so upset that this happened but she knows shes loved beause we helped her get better. Paul came down 3 times to visit Lilly and to make sure she was ok so just want to say a big thank you to him, only problem now is Lilly doesnt like him anymore
but im sure she will forget about it soon enough.
Memberit doesnt take that long, as we are all volunteers that do this, most of the people that do the home visits have their normal jobs to go to every day so they will definitely get out to see you when they can. It shouldnt take that long.
MemberYes alfie is stil available for adoption. U wil have to fil out an adoption form on the site and then wait for a home visit. And if all goes well we can arrange for u to meet alfie.
Memberlove the pictures Louisa, she looks great. oh and defo love the name
MemberThis is one of Alfies sleeping places under the kitchen table
MemberWell the lovely Alfie has settled in really well. There does’nt be a peep from him now at night time, he just snuggles into his bed and goes asleep. He is a real pet. He loves his walks, doesnt pull on the lead and is very friendly to every person and doggie we meet on our travels. He has kennel cough
at the moment but im given him stuff for that so should be fine in a few days. He is a very quiet dog in the house and when i but him out the back to do his business he never barks to come back in, he will sit a the door very patiently until i open it. So basically this dog will be a PERFECT companion for someone and will be there best friend. great with children and other dogs. if you have a treat for him he will sit and give the paw without me even asking him to. So so obedient and just wants to please. i will defo miss this guy when he leaves.
MemberBond whose real name is Alfie and he responds to it is a dote. I love him to bits already. In my personal opinion, i cant understand why this fella was surrendered by his owners, because he has caused me no trouble what so ever. He is another Lilly, you dont even know he is in the house he is so quiet and sleeps all day. He is very good on the lead. I let him off today in the park and he had a great time sniffing everything with Lilly and he came back when i called him. He is very very gentle and is very obedient. He went up to Liz yesterday and had a lovely wash cut and blowdry
thanks a mill Liz
What a transformation. Pictures do not do him any justice, he is 100 times better in real life. Everyday i spend with Alfie i am falling more and more in love with him
I just cant help it. there is not 1 bad bone in this dog. Will update photos of his new look later on as he is very camera shy.
MemberBond ( Alfie ) is really starting to settle in. The first day or 2 he was out of sorts but i think he is liken being here now. He does still find it a little hard a night to be left on his own but im sure a few more days and it wont bother him at all. When this dog looks up at you he has the cutest face ever and the saddest eyes, it would break your heart. He loves all the attention he is getting, and is also very friendly towards any dog we have come across out on our walks. He met my friends chihuahua today and was absolutely smitten with her. He is a teddy bear that would love to just cosy up with you at night time and lick you to death, and you would have great conversations with him
. He loves his grubb and when he smells the chicken coming out the oven will sit there waiting and waiting until u give him some, so cute
He is not a greedy dog, he will never go over to try and eat lillys until she gives him the nod that she is finished and he can finish hers off. He also loves his sleep and will do so for most of the day. Bond is one of the most friendly, gentle, and cutest dog i have ever come across and he has brilliant manners. this dog is going to make someone very very happy. -