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MemberYes, Kenny really is a winner. He’s great fun, I think he’s closer to 7months than a year as he’s full of energy and playfulness. He’s so affectionate and is just happy to potter around after me, alert little face always ready to anticipate movement. He’s discovered his bark and makes a great fuss when anyone comes into the house. He loves meeting other dogs when we’re out, I leave him off-lead in the park or on the beach each morning and even though he runs to greet dogs he races after me. He has incredible energy when in the park, for his little size he’s got some stamina. He and Holly have become great pals and have great toy-wrestling matches together.
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MemberKenny was neutered, vaccinated and chipped and lost his zest for life for a couple of days
. He’s back to his normal chirpy self again, absolutely loving his walks and buzzing around the house after me. I’m afraid I’ve done it again …. spoiling him rotten! He was so miserable at the weekend that I took him upstairs with me and he now thinks upstairs rocks! He’s also joined the fussy eating brigade in this house, definitely prefers his Royal Canin mixed with freshly cooked chicken. Hope he finds his new family soon or I’ll have him totally ruined
Funny, he looks very big in photos, but is actually a tiny guy, with a big personality of course!
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MemberKenny has settled in so well it’s as though he’s always been here. He’s definitely the easiest foster dog we’ve ever had. He’s such a good, happy boy, he makes us all laugh and want to hug him
Balls are his very favourite, he even tried to join a men’s soccer match in the park the other weekend
He gets very excited when he sees the lead, but has learned to sit while I attach it and he’s well-behaved when out walking. No leg cocks in the house for several days, no hopping up on kitchen table, he tries to be the best dog ever …. and succeeds! Tears will be shed when he leaves us
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MemberYea! Successful conclusion to the peace process … for today anyhow!
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MemberTwo new experiences for Kenny today, the car – bit scarey at first -and the beach – soooo wonderful though he looked bit shocked as he raced into the water and found it wet and cold
He’s a real smoochy-pie, just loves being picked up for a cuddle or stretching out beside me on the couch, almost purrs with pleasure. He’s always ready for a play but if no-one’s available he’ll play happily with his toys, or just watch what’s going on. He won’t go upstairs which I think is great as asthmatic homes like mine need to keep pets out of bedrooms. He’s sensitive to tone and hates being given out to – had a couple of leg-cocking incidents, but not in the kitchen where he spends most of the time.
Whoever adopts Kenny will get a wonderful pet – loyal, playful, affectionate, great guard and just so easy to have around. The Queen of Mean is still taking swipes at him but he’s so perky he acts like she’s his best friend and her resistance is being overcome
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MemberPat Kenny as we’ve taken to calling him (he’s klever, kwick and cute, just like PK) is terrific. He just loves EVERYTHING, but especially going for walks and fetching a ball – he’ll do that for ages, enthusiasm never wanes. He runs all the time, as though rushing to the next adventure. He loves being off-lead and races around the park, so much of it has now been claimed by him as he pauses to mark it out
. Despite his size he’s feisty and will make a great watch dog as long as propsective thieves don’t spot his little pint-size. He’s really handsome, his coat is jet black and shiney and his face and paws are foxy and cute. The underside of his tail is rusty coloured and he’s even cute from behind! Doesn’t appear to shed. He’s a smasher.
MemberKute Kenny!
MemberKenny came to stay on Sunday and he’s a terrific little fellow. He’s probably less than a year old and seems to have been well looked after as he’s trusting, confident and house-trained. He’s a completely happy chappy and is so well behaved. He has no bad habits that we’ve discovered (except for having a penchant for stretching out on the kitchen table when left alone in the kitchen, but he and I have discussed this and he’s really trying to resist the temptation), doesn’t jump up or scratch at our legs, he’s just great.
His tail is always wagging, even when the Queen of Mean Holly goes for him, he runs off with tail swinging. Not used to the collar or to going for walks I think, he’s uneasy when big buses or even people pass, but recovers immediately and tail starts swinging again. Very good on lead and I’ve been letting him off on football pitches in park, he stays close, bounding round non-stop, trying to get the Queen of Mean to play.
For a little guy (he’s smaller than he looks in pic) he has great stamina and then collapses on his bed when we get home. One of these days the Queen will deign to play with him and his little doggy heart will burst with happiness.
MemberOh I can see why Jane would have kept this angel – she’s such a pet, totally angelic temperament. Puppy heaven for Vanessa is sitting in my lap, even if a leg dangles, she snuggles down in utter contentment. Was learning to fetch the ball, but Vernon’s antics most distracting! Even Horror Holly has accepted her, well, most of the time.
MemberFunny Vernon has learned to sit and now thinks it’s the key to all his interaction with me! So it’s ‘when in doubt, sit’. He’s so affectionate, following me all around, but also is very happy to potter about in the garden. Very, very good in the house, accepted that he’s confined to the kitchen, he’s a no-trouble-pup.
MemberMy smoochy man Vernon is just adorable. He’s cute and funny, interested in everything and always has to be first into anything new. He’s also a remarkably gentle puppy, doesn’t bite, scratch or chew anything in the house. Had been calling him ‘Vernon Dog Piddle’ but lately he’s decided to follow Vanessa and do all his business outside. Smart, gorgeous pup, lucky people who’ll get him.
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MemberIf anyone is looking for a gentle, sweet-natured, loyal pup, they couldn’t do better than Vanessa. She’s super-sweet, and while she’s playful, is always gentle and eager to please. She would make an absolutely wonderful companion for someone, easy to have around and absolutely no trouble. She has a beautiful head, photos don’t do her justice. An all-round fabulous dog.
MemberSuper smoochy Vernon has settled right in with us. He’s a real cutie-pie, soaks up every scrap of cuddle that’s a-going. Along with Vanessa, he’s a particularly gentle, sweet pup. He’s a little more daring, will venture the odd bark and run down the garden after Holly but she just turns around and he scampers back to safety. Going really well on the toilet training, thanks to ex-foster mum Jane. They’re both a credit to you Jane, well done.
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MemberVanessa and Vernon arrived yesterday and settled in right away. They really really want to be lapdogs and smooch the day away in my lap. Sadly they just don’t fit! They’re very easy pups, gentle, sweet and happy to potter about if no attention’s coming their way. Vanessa just wants to be friends with my aggressive Holly and persists her friendly overtures despite constant rebuffs. Thankfully her early mauling hasn’t put her off other dogs.
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MemberOh Liz and Che I’m heartbroken for you. I know how totally committed you were to Milie (my Hortense, if I’d had any doubts you weren’t getting her!) and how you’d quickly become a family unit. What a terrible time for you. My warmest wishes to you for your wedding, hoping you can put your upset aside for this special occasion. Barbara