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MemberJust wondering how the gorgeous Duke is getting on and how big he has gotten?
MemberGod, she’s really grown up! Delighted she found her forever home, she really is a wonderful dog. The photos are great.
MemberThat’s wonderful news, she’s such a gorgeous pup.
MemberHow is Timara getting on? Wonderful little puppy so I hope she finds a good home
MemberJust to give you an update on how Timara is getting on in her foster home. Timara is the most outgoing, energetic out of the three pups (Toto and Turbo). She is very playful and tries to encourage her brothers to play for a little longer when they give up for a snooze. She’s a lady who is very confident and affectionate. She’s curious and found my other dogs real interesting. She really enjoys the company of other dogs/pups. She would make a family a wonderful pet, whether she was the centre of attention, but even more if she had the company of another dog(s).
MemberJust giving an update on how Turbo got on in his new foster home over the weekend. Turbo has really felt at home over the weekend, being very playful with his sister Timara and brother Toto. Timara and Turbo will either be found playing, or asleep from exhaustion after all their playing. Turbo is very affectionate, so when he’s not playing he loves being cuddled or sleeping on your lap. Like all the pups he’s teething at the moment so he loves sitting on your lap while chewing on his teething bone, or running around with it in his mouth as his brother and sister chase after him. He is very confident, playful and affectionate, so would make an ideal family pet.
MemberJust an update on how Toto is doing in his foster home. Toto has become a more confident over the weekend after getting plenty of attention and cuddles. He would still be the quieter of the three, but when all three pups are playing you wouldn’t think he was any bit shy. He also goes for more snoozes than the other Timara or Turbo do. He’s so adorable and would make a great family pet especially families who love to give their dogs plenty of kisses and cuddles as he thrives on this attention.
MemberReally appreciate that lab lady. I’ll check them out. Think I’ll book them in for one night sometime and see how they get on.
MemberHi guys. Giving a long awaited update on Toby. Toby has been with us for over a year and a half now. We absolutely adore him. He’s very affectionate. He used to be a bit funny with men when we first got him but he just loves everyone now.
As you know he had issues with cars. It took 8 months of absolute patience knowing when to take each step with him, but as a result Toby now loves nothing more than going into the car. In fact, apart from cuddling into me its his most favourite thing. If we pass by the boot of my car he sits at it sniffing at it trying to get in. On another day when we were down the country my brother opened up his very full boot and Toby tried to get in without success due the lack of space in it, hehe! Its so lovely to see how something that was so negative for him ended up being such a positive thing in his life.
We often go down the country with the dogs and I have to say, they are definitely country dogs at heart. They have an acre securely fenced off around the house and though they love being inside the house in Dublin, they just want to stay outside all day in the country.
The dogs get on really well together which is great. I think though Toby is generally a very happy relaxed dog, but on the very odd occasion if he is in a small confined space with an unfamiliar person he seems nervous and anxious so I haven’t ever left him in a kennel. Also he’s not necessarily great with other dogs. Its hit or miss unless they are puppies. That’s my next big step so we have an extra option other than our usual dogsitter who stays with them while were away. I got engaged there last Christmas and we would love to feel comfortable with leaving him in a kennel for 2 nights when we get married as our usual doggysitters will be attending the wedding. But all in good time.
So Toby is well settled, and I really think he’s so happy to be part of our little family, as we are to have him as part of ours. He needs to lose a little weight but he really loves running around the perimeter of the park so we’ll knock that weight off him in no time, and he’s on very healthy dry food so it shouldn’t take long.020.JPG
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MemberWell guys, update again.
We have been continuing to work with Toby. He hasn’t always got into the car. Infact on 2 occasions we had to give up coz we knew he just wouldn’t get in for us. In the last 2 weeks he’s gone to Kilboggot Park, Cabinteely park, Killiney Hill, some Park in Enniskerry and were stretching the length of the drives a bit before we go for walk. Every drive includes a walk. I continued to put the seats down in the estate, and coax him in. Previous to tonight, he would be very nervous about getting into the car, but now he loves being in the car when its driving, sticking his head out the window and everything. The biggest problem was just getting him into the car to go on the drive. Guys, this is so completely different to the past where he would whimper, shake and salivate excessively with nerves when the car was moving.
So tonight was the first night he just legged it into the boot with out me being in it. It was a total surprise. I was gearing up to get into the boot myself first and he just jumped straight in before me, and sat down waiting for me to come in after him. Both myself and Liam were just amazed. So guys, keep your fingers crossed this is the start of a new era for him where he is just dying to get into the car.
So we’ll see how he gets on for the next week or 2 and give you an update then, just incase it was just a coincidence, hehe!
Thanks guys for your encouragement!Banaltra
MemberThanks Kay, and thanks for giving us such a great dog. As the loreal advert says, its coz he’s worth it!
MemberHey Twist, we tried using ham, cheese and even at one point a bit of lasagne (they normally are on top end dry food).
Anyway, 6 months of trying to get him into the car and I placed this smelly blanket into the boot that smelled of both the dogs and me. I was lying down in the boot calling him up and he went straight in, and cuddled right into me. My neighbour spotted me from her bedroom window and came into us, sat in the car in absolute amazement knowing how difficult it was for us, and started rubbing and praising him. It was just so amazing. 6 months of using every type of treat while sitting in my boot trying to encourage him to get in.
So we decided to take our time with the training to make sure we get him really comfortable with the car. So we got him into the boot every evening, and at the end of the week we turned on the car. Then the at the start of the next week we closed the boot and gave him treats, rubs and praise. We also gave him total freedom to get in and out of the car when ever he wanted. By the end of the week we drove him in and out of our driveway. I sat in the boot with him giving him lots of rubs and treats. Then this week I sat in the back seat with one seat down so he could stay in the boot or walk up to me, and we drove down to the park, went for a walk and drove back home (the park is only 2 mins drive away), and we’ve done that twice this week, so absolute success. Its amazing!!!!! So, in 3 weeks we have him travelling happily in the car. Other people may have had him progress faster but we wanted to be patient with him since it took 6 months for him to get into the boot.
So fingers crossed we’ll continue to progress well with him and possibly get to go down the country with him by the end of the summer if not before that.
It just goes to show how important it is to be patient with these rescue dogs. Toby is the most affectionate, lovable, obedient dogs you could meet, but his only flaw was he couldn’t go near a car without panicking and showing how terrified he was. I don’t know if he was ever abused as he was found on the streets, but my theory is he associated the car with being abandoned. Anyway, it doesn’t matter once he is happy now.
Go on Toby!!!!!!!!!dogs in a car.jpg
MemberAnd my final pics
He loves sleeping upside down. He’s so funnyIMG_5006.JPG
MemberHere are more pics
MemberJust wanted to give you guys an update on Tanner, now called Toby.
Well Toby has settled in with us so well and is really part of the family. Himself and Duchess are getting on like a house on fire and are well used to each other at this stage.
Toby is one of the most affectionate dogs I’ve ever had or met. He loves nothing more than a cuddle with us, or snuggle up in his bed. He used to nearly try and pull us across the road when on walks but after training he is walking by our side happily and confidently.
He loves nothing more than to hide a bone down the end of the garden, and then tries to steal Duchesses bone off of her after so we know who is the dominating one out of the 2 of them
He still has big issues with getting into a car. We got a "Dog Listener" to see him, who told us that we had to keep doing what we were always doing but to remain patient and take our time with each step. So were sitting in the back of my car (an estate) with the seats down trying to lure him in with tasty treats, and he now will happily stand with his 2 front paws on the boot, but he hasn’t ventured in any further. So fingers crossed he’ll eventually get in. We only reintroduced him to the training a few weeks ago so keep your fingers crossed he will eventually happily travel with us in the car. If he only know how good he would have it if he got in, but hopefully he’ll discover that soon.
Other than that he is a very happy guy, and he has made us very happy too. We just love him to bits.
Heres some photos of him since my last post:IMG_0038.JPG