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MemberBrona and Bonnie 1 year 1 month old and continuing to keep everyone on their toes!
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MemberBrona and Bonnie 1 year 1 month old and continuing to keep their Happy Ever After family busy!!
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MemberThis little girl is the boss! She manages to keep all her pack in order and is happiest when she is on someone, human or canine it does not matter. When she was first with us I used to take her out every night at 9pm and you can still set your watch by her. Every evening she ‘asks’ at nine pm to be let out. If it is raining or windy you have to go out with her otherwise she will sit by the door and do nothing. For such a small little thing she has no fear and gets very cross with the big dogs if they are not sitting where she feels they should be!
MemberAs you can see from the above Mac has at last accepted Mo is now ‘family’. They get on very well when no one is about but Mac still feels the need to compete for attention when Mo is around. We are gradually getting him to chill out, I think if Mo had come as a puppy Mac would not have felt quite so overwhelmed by his size and they would be the best of buddies by now. Still we are getting there. Mac continues to be the baby of the family but also the best guard dog. He is maturing and getting less needy and his happiest times are when we are all around and he is involved.
MemberQuick photo update although in this wet it is difficult to get a nice one! Despite it all Mo is perfectly happy in the current rain and wind. He sleeps on the step with the wind blowing back his hair (like a shampoo ad) and rain despite the fact his nice warm, dry bed is only about five metres away inside. He is a big puppy who doesn’t have a clue of his size or impact. His manners are getting better although sometimes it feels like one step forward and two back. However as Sinead reminded me this time last year he had not even been rescued by DID so has come a long way in less than a year.
He is so much better on the road walks now and no longer has a melt down when traffic, tractors or trucks pass us. Weekends are always longer walks and with more time off lead when he can explore with the others. His recall is really good compared to what it was (helped by a treat on come back) but he always brings half the under growth back with him knotted into his coat. We sometimes walk in woodland and I am sure there are other walkers who go home convinced that there are brown bears in Ireland!
The others have now decided he is here to stay and they all end up sleeping in a heap, this has only come in during the last month or so and is really rewarding to see, they have either decided he is one of the family or that he is warm, either way it works.DID2.jpg
MemberJamie and Pixie look wonderful together! Jamie is so similar to Mac in build and expression. Lovely to see siblings and follow them. Hope all is well.
MemberIt’s not the sea but the river will do!
MemberAmongst seaweed is my natural home
MemberSo this is what swimming is about
MemberMo is becoming more relaxed by the day and his character is really shining through. He loved West Cork and the sea, a little unsure at first but soon got the idea. He is excellent about coming to his name now which is a big relief. Farm machinery and jeeps still seem to push every sub conscience button and where as he is now happy to let them pass when he is in the house or garden he still gets uptight on the road and desperately wants to follow them. We passed a parked one the other day that had passed us and once he got to sniff around it he happily came back to heel and continued on the walk – obviously it was not the one he was looking for. He is very rambunctious and that has its draw backs given his size but is responding well to the ‘Easy Mo’ command, and will back off when playing if you give the ‘Enough Mo’. Fingers crossed we are getting there!
MemberSummer is a happy time
MemberThe snow was great fun!
MemberThis little girl continues to keep all her family in line. She is now two and has everyone exactly where she wants them even if she does get sat on now and then both literally and metaphorically! She adjusted to the additional of Mo to her family very quickly and has pretty much got him where she wants him. It is the winter where he will come into his own with her as he will be her very own duvet/centrally heated blanket/rug!
MemberOK so Mo has got the idea!
MemberTeaching Mo what the water is all about