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MemberWhat happened to Carley? I fostered her a few years ago & was so sad to see her being adopted as I would have loved to keep her. As she was my first foster dog I thought I’d get attatched to all of the dogs I fostered. However, it was just because Carley was so special. I’d love to know how she’s getting on…..
MemberTilly on the pier feeling very proud and keeping an eye on those pesky birds.
MemberTilly is full of energy but it is easy to tire her out with a few secret tips. Because she responds so well to her name and instruction you can let her off her lead and pretend to start running, she races off for a few meters then races back to you again. She loves chasing birds and swimming too. She will happily meet other dogs, but again is not so distracted that she will ignore you, or even dawdle if you call her back. I already feel very comfortable and confidant in Tilly’s abilities.
MemberTilly discovered how much she enjoys swimming and chasing birds yesterday at the seafront. On our way down she pulled considerably on the lead but showed progress on the way back home. She can be let off the lead and controlled remarkably well as she responds to her name, the tone of your voice, or a whistle, consistently. She adapted extremely quickly to the instructions coming from me and didn’t stray very far at any point. I am sure that within a few days I will be able to take her out without a lead at all because she responds so well to instruction. Our only obstacle will be road safety. I like dogs to stick to my heels when crossing a busy road and she is smart enough to pick this up quickly. Tilly is toilet trained, never attempts to jump on the couch or go upstairs. She is content lying around the house or sunbathing out the back but needs to be walked every day as she is full of enthusiasm.
MemberSam trying to upgrade to Carleys bed
MemberSams bedtime.
MemberSams favorite passtime
MemberThis little man will be wormed, microchipped, neutered and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed
Sam was rescued and taken in by a brave young man and his family after a group of youths were mistreating him. Sam likes to jump up for a rub and stretch his short little legs. When fully extended he only reaches the height of your knees. He is a little frightened of adults when cornered for example if you are telling him to go down the stairs you must not stand in his way as he is frightened to pass another human. He is not ignoring you or being obstinate, you just have to walk behind him and give the same instruction. Sams favorite pass time is chewing plaque busters. He especially enjoys the swiss roll types that he can unravel. Sam doesn’t know how to sit yet but probably thinks it unnecessary due to his small stature. All the kids think he is adorable due to his small size and chihuahua similarities.
MemberCongratulations Jen. Carley is a little dream dog. I’ve only had her a week and have fallen in love with her. She is so easy to train and even knows what time to get up in the morning. She stays in her bed all night and trots into my room at 8am every morning. She knows how to sit, stay and will get off the couch or down the stairs if you say down. You can tell her to go inside and outside but you have to point as well, follow the same instructions for bed. Her very favorite thing to do is play fetch. She will bring her toy to you and sit to get you to throw it for her. I never take it from her mouth because she then thinks its a tug of war game. I have been discouraging tug of war because she is still a puppy and try’s to play it with children when they are trying to play fetch. I also have been discouraging her jumping up on people for the same reason, again you just have to say down. Overall she is very good with children and everyone that sees her loves her.
MemberCarley initially pulled on her lead but she is adapting quickly to her lead training. After an hour of lead training she was released to run around and be free for an hour, she can be summoned by her name and/or a whistle. Her lead was put back on for the hour walk home and she showed great progress, no longer pulling. She is also learning to stop on command before crossing the road.
MemberCarley was at the seafront yesterday in the sunshine and had what I think must have been her first swim. She was intrigued by the waves splashing her feet and eventually jumped in to cool off. Although she was only in about a foot of water she really tired herself out learning to swim.
MemberCarley is so adorable that all the kids in the neighborhood love to play fetch with her. Carley has played with most of the other dogs on the street as well. My front fence is not high (2/3 feet) but it is sufficient to keep Carley in because she doesn’t even attempt to jump it.
MemberCarley arrived in her new foster home yesterday and has adapted very quickly. She is 10mths now and very well behaved. She is toilet trained and took the change of scenery in her stride. She loves saying hello to other dogs and people and is especially good with children. She is full of energy during play and walk time but can sit and doze during the day if she is not being engaged. She is learning to respond to commands like sit, walk, up and down. She also enjoys playing with her toys very much .