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MemberGreat to see Goldie settling in, it was my pleasure to be able to give something back to DID for everything they do and for bringing Ben to me. Goldie really is a quiet little chap and seems to have a nice temperament. Hopefully he finds a great forever home.
MemberGreat photo’s Mary of our little chap, he was miserable last night, I reckon he was missing Abby! Thanks a million for minding him so well, it’s great to know he’s in safe hands when we’re not here.
Ben has been with us a year now (yesterday) and it has absolutely flown by, he’s not the most obedient of dogs (he just does his own thing and ignores you if your request doesn’t fit in with his plans
), he’s spoilt rotten and has the run of the house but he is so much fun and such a pleasure to have around that we just couldn’t imagine the house without him now. his eyes still require constant attention but he’s so used to it now that’s it’s not even a chore anymore. He was meant for us and us for him. Rock on Ben!
MemberHi all, it’s christmas week and it’s snowing again, poor little man seems to have the sniffles so he’s wrapped up in his Brats blanket and sitting on the couch beside Ellen. Happy christmas to you all. … 1907372150andrew
MemberA question on Ben’s age. We decided on Sunday that Benny was 18ish months old when rescued back in March which makes him approx 2 yrs old now in October 2010. However, reading back to the start of Elijah’s thread would make him 2yrs old in May 2011. My vet has not helped matters by saying he’s (Benny, not the vet!) between 18 and 24 mths old. We’ve agreed its important to give Ben a "birth date" but I suspect the 2 females in my house will actually give him a birthday, cake and all. Any ideas??
MemberHi all, brought Ben to the groomers on Saturday, a new one, not because I didn’t like the old one but this one is closer and allows me stay with Ben while she works her magic, it was a real pleasure being there watching (and reassuring your pal while she clipped his nails etc) what was going on instead of sitting at home wondering if your dog is ok! most of her time was taken up with Benny’s paws which get matted very quickly but she was also very thorough with his ears, glands etc. I don’t know the rules here about naming groomers but if anyone wants a recommendation for one they can email me on Benny will be going back to this girl in December for a christmas clip.
MemberHi all, I know its been a while but we’re all just busy staying alive etc, plus my internet connection is very slow for uploading vids etc.
Back to Benny! he’s fine, bold as ever and goes absolutely mental at the postman or anyone else walking up the driveway that he doesn’t recognise (which is practically everyone because of his eyesight!).
He’s off to the groomers tomorrow for a trim of his face and feet and a bit of a tidy up.
Here’s a little vid of him ragging his blanket after it’s been washed and dried.[url:59dh370j][/url:59dh370j]andrew
MemberHe looks like a wonderful little chap and I’m so glad he has found a loving home, it’s incredible how quickly they bounce back after a little TLC. You’ve gotta love them!
MemberHi all, just a quickie before I go back out to work! Benny is just lying on the kitchen floor soaking up the last of the sun before it disappears around the side of the house. Everybody here has said "how lucky" Benny is to have been adopted by us, I would just like to say that Benny has given back 100 times the love that we’ve given him and it’s US who are the lucky ones! He brightens up all our lives.
MemberHi all, thanks for your kind words, yep, Benny still has his blanket and woe betide anybody who tries to take it away from him
When he’s in a playful mood he’ll pull the blanket out of his bed and give it a good thrashing.
I came in from work at 4 this morning and found little puddles on the floor, he hasn’t done this in a long time so hopefully he was just caught short.Andrew
MemberHi all, I had Benny back to the specialist a couple of weeks ago for his follow up.
His right eye has gone from a 1 to a 7 and his left eye from a 5 to a 7-8
so huge improvement in his eyesight and overall comfort.
He has gone from severe dryeye to merely moderate.
His eyesight has improved immensely and he’ll now run after a thrown object because he can see it! and more importantly he can see where he’s going. No more bumping into doors and furniture for this guy.
MemberWhat can I say? cheeky little monkey! I thought I’d left the door open a couple of times when I came home and found him sitting on the armchair.
MemberThis is the latest pic I have of the wee man, he would melt a snowmans heart when he looks at you like that.
MemberHi all, just a quick update on Benny, I took him to the eye specialist out in Dun Laoire last week to try and resolve the eye issue.
Benny has severe dry eye and some permanent damage (which we all knew anyway),he tested benny’s tear production and his right eye only managed a 1 on the chart and his left eye a 5, it should be between 15-20. but its manageable now that we have Ben accepting that the ointment has got to go in his eyes. First few days were murder with Benny wriggling and snapping and giving it the full monty (he should be on the stage!) The specialist explained in great detail what was going on and what options are available, my own vet said "he has dry eye, put this cream in his eyes" but didn’t really explain anything so it was the right thing to take Ben to the specialist. Shih Tzu’s have a poor blink rate and their eylids don’t always meet when closed so the eyes get dust and dirt in quite easily. One option is to operate and re-route a saliva gland up to his eyes but I don’t really want to put him tru that. But he’s in great form and I’ve to take him back to the specialist next week for another check up. -