Toto – Collie x – HOMED

Toto – Collie x – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Toto – Collie x – HOMED

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    Meet the gorgeous Toto! He is a young boy, neutered, vaccinated, wormed and microchipped. He gets on great with other dogs, loves kids and playing ball! He is a sweet fella who loves company and thrives on it. He is excellent with cats!


    My nieces getting some love from Toto after spending the evening running around with him and playing fetch:


    This guy is just so full of hugs and cuddles, I’d so love to see him get a new forever family, especially at this time of year. He really is a great dog, friendly with all he meets and just loves to play. He would be fantastic at agility as he is quite a good jumper! I will try and get better pictures of him over the next day or two, I’m useless when it comes to taking pics!


    always loved toto, followed his story from way back, seems to be the ideal dog. especially that he gets on with cats. thanx be that he is doing so well and in a fab foster home. good luck toto


    Some pics of Toto out for his morning run in the fields today and playing with his toys.


    The wonderful Toto left me yesterday for his new home. It is the most wonderful home and I am so delighted for him! I wish them all many happy years together.


    My husband & I have adopted Toto. He’s great!! Seems to be settling in well. He has taken a liking to the couch, especially where I normally sit! :) Loves tug-of-war :D

    Don’t know how to put up photos here but once I do I will.


    To upload pictures, you need to upload them into photobucket first, then copy the direct link and paste it in between the brackets that appear when you hit the Img button above your post.

    Can’t wait for pictures of this baby; I’m so glad he finally found his forever home!! Good luck Toto! xx


    I am so happy for Toto ! I did the homecheck for this lovely couple and its so satisfying to see how happy dog and new family are.
    Thanks so much for the update I cant wait for the photos.


    I am just over the moon that the lovely Toto has finally found his wonderful forever home. He has been on here for so long and tugged a lot of heart strings I know. Thank you foster mummy for taking care of him when he needed a lifeline from the pound and thank you to new mummy. Cant wait to see some pics!!


    I don’t know why but he has been taking the t-towels, j-cloths off the counter/sink and bringing them to his bed with him. Anyone know why? I’ve had to hide them :D

    Anyway…photos to follow, problems uploading them. Muireann said she’d put them up for me…just a few to be honest and I’m rubbish at taking photos!

    Thanks Muireann!!



    I got my husband to post them for me :D


    OMG, he looks so happy and content!! Thanks for the pics, it’s so great to see him all relaxed and happy!


    Just to let you all know that Toto, who we call Totes is doing great. He was a bit unwell in February but has made a full recovery. He has his own spot on the couch. He’s getting better on the lead. He doesn’t jump up on people or bicycles going by him on his walks. He doesn’t whine/bark at all when we go out. We let him have run of half of the house when we’re out and he’s contented as long as he can look out of the window. He gets on great with the family dog, who is at my Mum & Dad’s house. And he gets on great with my friends two dogs and they go out for walks together. We couldn’t imagine the house without him now :D

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