Tigra (6wk old gsd x terrier)

Tigra (6wk old gsd x terrier)

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Tigra (6wk old gsd x terrier)

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    This is little Tigra. So called because she looks a bit like a cat , with her stripes :) Just look at her.






    She’s really cuddly. She greets me every morning with a wagging tail and runs towards me. She loves being petted on her belly when she tries to go to sleep.
    Both of them deserve a great home where they will be loved and spoiled rotten :lol:


    Having some fun woth ‘cousin’ Decota today in the garden
    Wondering ‘how to get up?’

    And just a few videos for you to see our adorable two in action :)


    What can i say about Tigra? This little dote stole my heart. She’s a lovely little girl. She loves to cuddle, lay on your lap and being petted. Likes to play with her brother Ollie and Decota, although she has a better chance playing tug of war with Ollie ;) Tigra likes running around the garden or chilling out under the garden chair. She really is no trouble at all. Her face expression when she looks at you – just priceless.
    We’re still working on house training. Most of the times she goes on the newspapers.


    Just few new photos. Still can’t belive that no one wants to adopt this little girl. If my Decota is Queen of my heart, Tigra is my heart’s princess :D






    Fostering this little beauty over the next few days
    Cos her current foster Mammy is goin away!
    Can’t wait she looks a real cutie :)
    The Colgan Family :) ;) 8-) :P


    Indeed she is :) Her brother is going to his forever family tomorrow and I’m wondering how she will react.
    Her ears are a bit funny, when she came to us they were standing up and one day they just drooped :D
    It will be hard saying goodbye to her :(
    Thanks Colgan Family for offering her another foster home.


    Well she will have PLENTY of company here with our puppy !
    Play, Play , Play!
    I am sure You will miss her terribly,
    but rest assured she will have a great time here – plenty of fun and cuddles ! Don’t you worry!
    Looking forward to meeting the little madam :)
    the Colgans ! :)


    Collected the lovely Tigra today !
    Fell in love as soon as we saw her!
    Post pic’s etc. Soon :) :P


    Tigra has settled in very well . She loves her big brother sam, they even sleep in the same bed . Toilet training is coming on – slowly! :) photos on the way if we can get her to stay still for long enough :P :lol: .
    The Colgan Family :D Xx


    I’m so happy that she settled in so well. House seems so quiet without two of them. Hope that she will find a loving forever family soon.


    Well it looks we may provide her with her 4ever home :P we just need 2 set it up officially with dogs in distress


    ha ha, thats why id be afraid to foster. id be another failed fosterer and want to keep every dog :lol: :lol:
    cant wait to see more photos of the very IRRISISTABLE tigra ;)


    ;) No you c , its 4 our little puppies sake :lol: . Well thats what we are saying anyway ! He wud miss her far too much – so wud we all :D we Luv her to bits (: . So looks like she will enjoy the company of our other little fella :D . They get on Soooo well ! X


    Well She Is Defo Reserved 4 Us! :)


    How’s Tigra doing? Would love to see how she looks now.

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