Tess – Terrier x *HOMED*

Tess – Terrier x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Tess – Terrier x *HOMED*

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    Tiny Tess is approx. 1 year old and a little dote. She loves other dogs but would be best suited to a family with older children. She will be wormed, microchipped,neutered and have at least her 1st vaccination before being rehomed.
    Picture 011.jpg
    Picture 010.jpg


    :o I have said it before and I say it again. Why do so many cracking little dogs end up in the pound? ? millions of terriers running around Dublin? I am stunned, really stunned. Tess is gorgeous, Pax and Parker, gorgeous, little puppy dogs, Sylvia, stunning. All the other vibrant dogs. Oscar, he would cost a pretty penny in the UK. I honestly cannot believe the dogs I see, thrown away, unwanted. Its madness. Maybe I have just led a very sheltered life? The DID team and all the fosterers and home-checkers you all deserve world recognition, you really do. What very special people you are, I am full of admiration for each and every one of you.


    What a dinky little dote ….will look forward to hearing how her characher comes out in the days to come ….


    me too…. she looks adorable….x


    Tonight will be our 3rd night with Tess and she’s an absolute pleasure to have! One minute she’s full of cuddles, the next she’s bouncing around with her toys! There’s never a dull moment! Whether it’s chasing bubbles or playing tug-of-war she’s always up for a game! the only problem is trying not to step on her…..
    She’s great on the lead. She cries a little at night, but then after about 5 minutes, not a peep ’til morning!
    My son calls her Killer, because it’s such an ironic name for her! :mrgreen:
    She’s already bossing around Oscar and Lily and thinks she’s top dog, but she’s learning… she’s not used to having competition for cuddles!
    She’s already learned to sit and give the paw, and is learning not to snap when taking treats!
    Whoever ends up with this little pet will be very lucky, and we hope she finds the loving home she deserves! :D

    Carol, Morris, Ellen, Oscar, Lily and Tess!


    Thats great to hear….


    when you say Tess is best suited to a home with older children ….. how old do you mean…. i have a nine yr old daughter and we are looking hard for our forever dog…..xxx


    I don’t really know the answer to that. It was said to me by the person who surrendered Tess. I would imagine, and took it at the time, to mean toddlers and small children who might pull her about a bit. If your nine year old would be more gentle then rough, then I guess that it wouldn’t be a problem. She loves being held and stroked and cuddling up on your lap for a sleep. She loves to be the centre of attention…. and to be honest I think she has only realised that she is a dog and not a person since she came in to this house with my other two! :lol:


    got the fright of my life last night….I WOKE UP WITH SOMETHING MOVING UNDER THE COVERS IN THE BED WITH ME! you guessed it, Tess sneaked up the stairs, passed my other two body guards (Thanks lads, you were both useless) jumped up on the bed ( I didnt think she could reach) and tunnelled her way down under the duvet until she made herself comfortable at the back of my knees and fell fast asleep. I felt something moving where it shouldn’t and lept out of the bed, tore back the covers and she just looked at me with a sleepy face as much as to say ‘ whats wrong with you woman!’. I have a funny feeling that this the shape of things to come! …… :lol:


    :D Well done Tess, behaving exactly as a small black terrier should. Like a little canine imp, moving silently in the night, sneaking passed your canine companions and scaring the living daylights out of your foster person, well done :P That little adventure made me smile. You have helped me a little in missing Pax and Bubs. I will be following you and Bosco to your forever homes and if I could . . . well, I can’t, so will say no more on the adoption subject (for the moment!!!!!!!!!) :cry:


    Tess had her first experience of the lakes yesterday evening. I took the three of them down and my two just did their usual thing and took off as soon as the boot of the car was opened. Tess was on the lead and was very disgruntled at not being able to run with the other two so I decided to take and chance and let her go! She would run ahead for a bit, but stop and look back to make sure I was coming. When we got to the water Oscar and Lily were already in, swimming away, and waiting for the usual game of stick fetching- Tess went nuts! She had obviously never seen that amount of water, let alone dogs swimming in it! She barked at the other two and kept running in to the water but was very afraid to get out of her depth. I felt sorry for her cos she really really wanted to fetch the sticks too, but was just too scared. Lily loves the water so much that she wont actually get out to give you the stick back and always drops it near the edge. Next thing I looked and Tess had found a job she could do! She was dragging in the sticks that Lily abandoned at the waters edge for us to throw again. It was just the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!! :D She really is a great little dog ;). More photos soon, I promise!

    DID Rescue

    Great update on Tess, she really does look like a little pixie.
    I thought the bedtime routine was the best. I can just imagine the fright you got and her wondering what all the fuss was about.
    The two guard dogs obviously decided she was not to be considered as an intruder :lol:


    :D Yet another smart little dog. What a good girl, fetching the sticks from the edge of the water, brave as well as smart. I am sure she will have a sparkling future.


    poor little Tess (Rudi) got neutered on Wednesday. After a very poorly time on Wednesday night and Thursday morning she has perked up! Apart from the damn collar (which she is really finding hard to negotiate) she is as right as rain :D .Her new bestest friend Lily (another DID rescue who came to be part of our family last December) unfortunately wont have anything to do with her whilst she is wearing ‘the cone of shame’!! but as soon as we take it off to give her a bit of a break, Lily and herself just charge around jumping on each other and rolling around as normal- however, because of the stitches I have to keep interrupting their game with the much hated collar! :cry:

    A couple of recent pics, before and after the neutering…..


    The cone of shame!!


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