Teddy – GSD Puppy

Teddy – GSD Puppy

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Teddy – GSD Puppy

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    Teddy came to stay with me today and he is simply adorable! He has the softest fluff coat and is so eager to please! He is a typical German Shepherd.

    He was bought by an elderly lady in Ballyfermot, who decided she could not handle him when he grew bigger. He spent most of his little life in the back garden and yet he is so undemanding; just wants to curl up by your feet.

    He is doing great on the house training, just doesn’t last all night yet. He is 5 and a half months old now and great with everyone he meets. He is excellent on and off the lead and sits on command. This boy will be snapped up quickly so send your application form in now if you would like to give him a loving home!


    Would anybody be able to take this fluffy baby for 2 nights over the weekend? I would drop him over tomorrow morning and pick him up Monday afternoon. It’s just that I’m going away for the weekend and originally I was not supposed to get him till Monday..

    He is a very easy puppy, just wants to stay beside you.

    If anyone can help, please reply or text me on 086 868 2617.


    Sorted thanks to Zoe and Michael :-)

    Thanks guys!!


    have you found a place to stay for this little guy this weekend?


    Teddy is now reserved and will meet his new family on Thursday. Fingers crossed it will all work out. I also checked his vax cert and it turns out he is only 4 months old!! He will be a massive dog! :-)


    Little Teddy went to his new home yesterday and I already got an update to say he is doing great and settling in very well. He really hit the jackpot my little darling; he moved in with a lovely family with two cats and a horse and lots and lots of space. The perfect home and I’m so happy and very confident that this is the best place he could have ever found. Thanks to Suzi doing all the background-work, Teddy and his new family found each other within a week of him coming into our care! Thanks Suzi! And thanks to Bernd, Kerstin and Patrick for taking time of from work and driving 8 hours to collect their new addition to the family and bring him home with them. And of course for giving him the great life he deserves!


    "I got Teddy yesterday – we are sooooooooo happy now!
    Teddy is doing great; he is very reliable with the ‘sit’ command, that´s very lovely.
    He is extremely affectionate and eager to please:)
    We are so happy!!!!!
    Thank you for all!" – From his new owners


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