Star – 10Wk Golden Retriever xTerrier *HOMED*

Star – 10Wk Golden Retriever xTerrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Star – 10Wk Golden Retriever xTerrier *HOMED*

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    Star arrived today with her other 5 siblings…..she is the smallest of the pack by a long shot only weighing in at 1.5kg

    She loves a snuggle especially from her brother….

    Foster Babies 031.JPG
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    Even though I am a little girl

    … is certainly my colour

    Star is just besotted with my own dogs and follows them everywhere……would like to see her go to a home with another dog as she thrives on doggie contact. She exhausted herself on her puppy play dates…….zzzzzzzz

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    Star was a huge hit this morning don’t know if it was her soulful eyes or her freckled paws that made Skylar’s forever family decide that they wanted her to come live with them too.

    Delighted for my little darlings who have a very happy home waiting for them……. they will be heading off in the near future.


    Collected this little girl from Audrey yesterday , she was fine with effy who kept following her around :D , George had to cut the grass as it was like a jungle after being away on hols, Star loved being in the grass so funny to see her and her brother jumping around the garden ;) . She slept all night not a peep out off them.


    Star thought she was still dreaming

    when she read on her form that she too was RESERVED …..

    Star was jumping for joy and decided to go and tell Skylar the great news but he was asleep

    Star was sent packing by Skylar but she was happy to start packing for her new happy endings home.

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    This little girl is sooo cute she loves her sleep and sometimes sneaks off to have a snooze on her own ;) , still loves the garden follows the kids everywhere . So happy that she is going with her brother they are very content and happy together :D .


    Star now known as ( Callie) went off with her brother to their new home they were sooo happy to see their new mam and dad and the feeling was mutual ,, ;) . Have fun little girl and look after your brother ,,,


    Star now known as ( Callie) [/quote:307keoq4]

    I love the name! ;) I wonder why :lol:

    She’s a beautiful little dote and the best of luck and love with her!


    So happy for these guys!!! Have fun :)


    Callie is such a clever little girl and is a calming influence on her big bro Riley. He’s constantly trying to rob her toys and chews but finds one little nip or a paw to his head sorts him out! She was very shy when we first brought her home but now loves getting her kisses and cuddles. Her first try on the lead today didn’t start very well, she was terrified, but Riley showed her how it was done! On the second try she bounced around with no fear. They’re both curled up in bed now after their adventurous day! Will update again next week.
    Callie & Riley 1st Aug 2011 (7).JPG
    Callie & Riley 1st Aug 2011 (23).JPG


    Aw lovely pictures , knew she would look after her brother they have settled in soo well . Thanks for the update


    What a cutie this little girl is. Callie is such a gentle soul but well able to stand up to her brother when he tries to use that big chest of his to nudge her out of the way! Callie hates getting her paws wet and sometimes sits stubbornly on the back step when you’re trying to get her into the garden! She has grown so much and looks so healthy. She also loves her sleep and will sneak away from Riley to get a little snooze in! Callie and Riley are full of fun and mischief……so much fun with these two!!


    Oh my god you have grown so much little Miss Callie and my Tess is probably to blame for the "I don’t do wet paws" stance on the back step….. Delighted to see your update and that you are thriving with your forever mum and dad.

    Keep them coming!


    We should have called Callie ‘Braveheart’ as nothing seems to bother this little girl! From big dogs to horses, she takes it all in her stride and shows her big brother how it’s done. She’s getting more and more playful and loves getting one over on Riley! She loves the sun and likes relaxing on her cushion by the window in the sitting room, which is where she is right now relaxing after a fun filled morning.
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    Well Callie you are growing up so quickly and happy getting into everything by the sounds of it….Brave girl. Glad you are there to show your brother how things are done….Sure you will be in swimming in no time look forward to those pictures.

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